Wednesday, October 03, 2007

  • Wednesday, October 03, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an (Arabic) reports that a Hamas terrorist was killed when the tunnel he was helping to build collapsed.

The tunnel was in Beit Hanoun, by the Gaza border with Israel.

There have been other terror tunnels built in the area - in 2004, PalArab terrorists killed an Israeli after digging a tunnel under the Erez industrial zone.

So far, no English-language news source has reported this.

The 2007 PalArab self-death count is now at 532.

UPDATE: A "work accident" in Rafah as an RPG accidentally gets fired and kills a 20-year old Hamas terrorist. 533.
  • Wednesday, October 03, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From reading the statements given by a senior member of Mahmoud Abbas' government, you can see how much the "moderate" Palestinian Arabs are just itching for peace:
A failure in the upcoming US-sponsored Middle East peace conference would have more dangerous repercussions than the botched Camp David summit in 2000, Fatah officials warned on Tuesday.

This was the first time senior Fatah officials hinted at a possible wave of violence if the conference - expected to be held in Annapolis, Maryland, next month - did not meet the Palestinians' demands.

"If we don't prepare well for the conference so that it will result in something positive, the repercussions will be more dangerous than what happened after the failure of Camp David," said Azzam al-Ahmed, head of the Fatah parliamentary list. He is closely associated with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Another top Fatah official warned against raising expectations on the eve of the conference. He pointed out that the second intifada erupted a few months after the Camp David summit.

"People then had high expectations," the official told The Jerusalem Post. "But then they realized that Israel was not serious about achieving peace with the Palestinians. The failure of next month's conference could bring another catastrophe upon us."

Hafez Barghouti, editor of the Fatah-controlled Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda daily, said pent-up frustration among the Palestinians could be vented if the US-sponsored event failed.

"Those who want the conference to succeed know the conditions for success," he said. "But those who want this fall's conference to be followed by a fall of wrath know the size of the accumulated anger [among Palestinians]."
Once again, it is time for the old mind game: How would the world react if Israeli officials said "Palestinian Arabs must accept our demands or we will wage war against their civilians"? This is what the moderate, Abbas-oriented Fatah says explicitly, and their desire for peace is nonexistent unless they dictate 100% of the terms on Israel.

Israel does not help its cause by being wishy-washy on its own red lines, which seem to move wildly every week. The Palestinian Arab "bargaining" position has not changed one bit since Camp David, which means that they still regard the intifada as a great victory for themselves and they feel that they are in the driver's seat. Meanwhile, Israel already gave up some of its best bargaining chips (Gaza and some settlements) unilaterally - and now we see how that "goodwill" is being repaid.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

  • Tuesday, October 02, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I've mentioned, the late Ayatollah Khomeini had declared the last Friday of Ramadan to be "Qods Day" where he urges Muslims to celebrate Jerusalem. This is because for the vast majority of the years that Islam has been in existence, Jerusalem did not even show up on Islamic radar.

Today's online celebration centers around ancient coins. Here are all of the Islamic coins I could find from before the 20th century that mention Jerusalem:

That's right - none. The only sort-of exceptions were the coins issued by Christians when the Crusaders controlled Jerusalem, written in Arabic but with Christian themes.

Now, here are the earliest known Jewish coins to depict Jerusalem:

From the Bar Kochba revolt, roughly 135 CE:

A depiction of the Temple and the Ark. And on the other side:

The words, written in the old Hebrew script, says "For the freedom of Jerusalem" with a lulav and etrog (appropriate for Ramadan/Tishrei this year.)

The Jewish attachment to Jerusalem, as can be seen by these coins, predates Islam itself by centuries. As we have seen so far, (and any Muslim readers are free to correct me if I am wrong), there were no Islamic references to Jerusalem in Islamic coins, Islamic art or Islamic poetry before the rise of the Zionist movement.

We still have some other avenues to explore in comparing Islamic and Jewish interest in Jerusalem, as "Qods Day" approaches.
  • Tuesday, October 02, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is eerie how peaceful things are now among Palestinian Arabs. Here are a few of the more peaceful events of the last few days.

- 3 Hamas "police officers" were killed by a car explosion at Hamas headquarters in Gaza City, in what appears to be infighting. Hamas originally blamed Israel but has since backed off of that particular lie.

- One of the prisoners released by Israel saw his home attacked by Hamas.

- A Gaza clan clash injured "several."

- Seven injured in Khan Younis as Hamas attempted to arrest some Fatah members.

- The PFLP claims that one of its members was abducted and tortured.

- A 13-year old boy was kidnapped for ransom in a financial dispute between families in Nablus. He has now been released with some bruises.

- A riot erupted after a basketball game in Gaza with people hitting each other with chairs and sticks. 4 injured.

They are so peaceful with each other we can be certain that they will be fantastic partners for peace with Israel.

The 2007 Palestinian Arab self-death count is now up to 530.

A fourth has died. 531.

A Bethlehem shop owner was stabbed and customers in his shop attacked by a gang of eight more peaceful men.
  • Tuesday, October 02, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The mindset of the Palestinian Arabs becomes even more apparent in an Arabic editorial written for Ma'an, which includes this (autotranslated):
And I say to you Siimann what business and the results of the investigation? اWhat business if the child Durra cited Israeli soldier shot or a stray Palestinian bullet? Is that prevents him crime was on the air immediately shook the conscience of the world and notified leaders and generals occupation shame?
He is directing his words towards Israel's Government Press Office Director Daniel Seamann, who just finally publicly said (sevenyears too late) that Israel has determined that the death was staged.

It appears that the Palestinian Arab position is that even if it was staged, or even if al-Dura was murdered by Palestinian Arabs, it doesn't matter - it's Israel's fault anyway! And the dozens of terror attacks that followed, fueled by this lie, are all justified anyway!

The legendary Palestinian Arab disregard for truth shines brightly again.

Monday, October 01, 2007

  • Monday, October 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last year I celebrated Qods Day with a series of posts showing that the Muslim attachment to Jerusalem was essentially nonexistent before Zionism. (The third post, contrasting Jewish art depicting Jerusalem with the nonexistence of Islamic art concerning the "third holiest city in Islam," has lost most of its links to the pictures. I will try to reproduce it this year.)

Well, it's that time again, so continuing the theme:

Here is every Islamic poem I could find about Jerusalem before the 20th century:

Not a single one.

And here is one from a Jewish source, written in the 12th century:
In Remembrance of Jerusalem

A poem by Yehudah ha-Levi

Beautiful land,
Delight of the world,
City of Kings,
My heart longs for you from the far-off west.
I am very sad when I remember how you were.
Now your glory is gone, your homes destroyed.
If I could fly to you on the wings of eagles,
I would soak your soil with my tears.

Remember, the word "Qods" itself is a variant of the Hebrew "Qodesh" which means "holy." Another popular Muslim name for Jerusalem, "Beit ul-Moqaddas," comes from the Hebrew "Beit ha-Miqdash" which means "Holy Temple" that predates Islam by centuries. In other words, any holiness that Islam claims for Jerusalem is derivative of Judaism's claims. See this posting from 2005 for more details.

So, have a happy Qods Day! Because it is impossible to celebrate Jerusalem honestly without coming to the conclusion that its primary significance is to Jews, and it has been that way for millennia.
  • Monday, October 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Macomb Daily (h/t Eye on the World)
Police said anti-Jewish and anti-Christian fliers were found on cars parked in a lot on the northwest corner of 15 Mile and Ryan roads.

Sterling Heights police Detective Sgt. Paul Jesperson said three separate complaints were filed by residents Tuesday who found the fliers on their windshields.

He said the flier said: "Kill Jews and Christians if they don't believe in Allah and Mohammad."

It further advises people to "Fight those who do not believe."

"I really don't know what it means other than suggesting violence to Jews and Christians," Jesperson said. ...
Sam Richardson, who was shopping at the Kroger store on Tuesday, saw the flier on his windshield while walking to his car and asked his 11-year-old daughter to remove it.

He said she walked toward him while she was reading the flier and then she started crying.

"She asked me what the flier was all about," said Richardson, an electrician at General Motors. "I tried to explain to her what it meant and I then had to explain it to my 7-year-old son."

Isn't it striking that these incidents seem to happen in the places that are most hospitable to Muslims? I mean, from listening to how self-hating American liberals think, one would venture to say that Muslim hate would be proportional to the hatred they feel, rather than inversely proportional, right? If they are in a community that is well established, like Detroit, one would expect that they would be the most loyal of Americans to have had the opportunity to live as they wish in freedom.

Unless, of course, there is something about how Islam is practiced nowadays that encourages violence. If that were the case, then one would expect hate crimes by Muslims to be higher in areas where there are more Muslims living.

And for what it's worth, less than a mile from where this occurred there is a store called "The New Arabic Town."

One other interesting fact about this story: it simply does not exist anywhere else in the news media besides this one tiny newspaper. A hate crime that was clearly done by Muslims against Christians and Jews is not considered newsworthy at all.
  • Monday, October 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Those scary smart Iranians have uncovered yet another Zionist conspiracy. Their extra diligence is paying off!
Iran's pro-government Fardanews has described as a "Zionist" Luciano Benetton, main stakeholder in Italian clothing conglomerate Benetton as a "Zionist who is about to open a chain of stores in the Islamic Republic."

“Benetton is not liked by the world's Muslims, either for his publicity campaigns, for his links with international zionism."
That happened three days ago, so the Iranian MPs had to jump on a new anti-Zionist bandwagon. AFP adds:
A group of prominent MPs have warned over the presence of Italian clothing retailer Benetton in Iran, saying its fashions are a bad influence on female consumers, newspapers said Monday.

The protest comes amid a crackdown by Iranian police on dress deemed to be un-Islamic, which has already seen warnings handed out to over-100,000 women.

"The MPs Sunday made a warning about preventing the influence of the Benetton investor in fashion and women's clothing design," the newspaper said.

It added that parliament speaker Gholam Ali Hadad-Adel received their protest by himself, protesting that Benetton was not using Farsi language or script on its shop signs in the Islamic republic.

"The two shops that I have seen did not use Farsi inscriptions, and all signs were in English, this must be prevented in line with the law," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Over the past year, several Benetton stores have been opened in Iran, mainly selling its casual line of products for men, women, and children - not the outer garments women have to wear on the streets in Iran.

According to the retailer's Web site, it now has four stores in the capital, two in Iran's second city of Mashhad, and one in the central town of Yazd.

In 2006 Iran's parliament passed a bill to promote Iranian-and-Islamic fashion to combat the "cultural invasion" of the West, and has encouraged fashion shows and exhibitions to show the right trends.

After the Islamic revolution ousted the pro-US shah, it was made obligatory for all women, including non-Muslims, to cover their heads and all bodily contours in public.

Police have also shut down stores selling skimpy clothing, and arrested men whose hairstyles were seen as too Western or clothing judged to be promoting satanism.
These people are so obsessed with women's contours and Satanism that it is amazing that they can run a country.
  • Monday, October 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I mentioned yesterday, Egypt transfered 85 terrorists, many senior Hamas terrorists, through the Rafah crossing. More details emerged today:
Hamas transferred a fugitive al Qaida member to Egypt on Sunday, in return for Egypt's opening the Rafah Crossing to dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, Israel Radio quoted Palestinian news agency Ma'an as reporting on Monday.

On Sunday, Israel was taken by surprise when Egypt abruptly allowed 85 Palestinians, most of them Hamas members, who had been stranded in Egypt since the Islamist group seized control of the Gaza Strip in mid-June to return home.

The unexpected move contradicted agreements Israel had with Egypt regarding the Rafah Crossing.

Sources in the defense establishment estimated that many of the group had undergone training in Iran and Syria.

The EU observer mission that oversees crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip was not alerted to the Rafah Crossing's opening and none of the observers were in position when the Palestinians returned to Gaza.

There was still no information on whether the returning Palestinians smuggled any arms or money into the Gaza Strip.
The EUBAM Rafah website has not mentioned this gross violation of existing agreements, even as it pretends to still be responsible for the Rafah crossing.

Once again, an agreement hammered out between Israel and Palestinian Arabs has been shattered by the PalArabs and abetted by the EU. And Israeli security is jeopardized because the world allows the Arabs to do what they want while they criticize Israel for attempting to protect her citizens.

If the EU does not assert their control over Rafah immediately, Israel has every right to take over the Philadelphi corridor to stop the consistent smuggling of weapons and terrorists through Rafah. Every hour that the EU refuses to address this issue shows that the EU is less and less relevant in trying to involve itself in the Middle East.

UPDATE: Both Hamas and Egypt deny the report. Which doesn't affect its believability one iota.
  • Monday, October 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Omar Helmi Ghoul, in an editorial in Al Hayat al-Jadida in Arabic, mourns the death of Gamal Abdul Nasser as perhaps the most important September anniversary for Palestinian Arabs, more than Black September and more than the beginning of the current war against Israel. As he lovingly describes it:
The departure of President Gamal Nasser also immortal 1970, who passed away a result of the tremendous efforts made to address the Jordanian-Palestinian clashes, then, what happened to his heart delicate and sensitive breach, which led to myocardial infraction, and the absence of one of the greatest symbols of the nation in modern history.
...The value is in alerting the Palestinians in particular and Arabs in general that the sword of history is not merciful, even if assumed rights, to turn the pages of history without interruption, yes, is the turn spin in successive simple arithmetic, but it leaves an impact in the lives of peoples and nations.

The departure of President Arabi was coming back and collapse that struck the Arab nation in the wake of the defeat of June 1967, and lost dies compass, and lost the national standards and national, has been the stage of disintegration and fragmentation, and falling values.

When the late leader, in spite of all the flaws, which accompanied the stage and its political, but it was the most important Arab leader in the life of the Egyptian Arab people and the peoples of the Arab nation, and best able to represent the interests of the nation and to express them.

The Arab nation needs to be a real awakening at the current stage, to defend the interests of their peoples, and such seemingly awakening in fact difficult or can not foreseeable in the foreseeable future, with the great events in the life of nations has touched history doors without warning, as they now also Peoples a sudden earthquake. ...
(We need) to defend the image and standing regulations Arab peoples and interests in the markets seek foreign invasions, especially the Israeli-American, which seeks diligently to crush any shred of dignity Arab atoms, and dispel Arab interests, and payment of the Arab region to the laboratories sectarian division, sectarian and security, to establish the Middle East the new leadership or large Jewish state and, unfortunately, what can these scenarios move forward one step forward if halt Arab rulers, and stopped one man in the face of the American-Israeli bulldozer.
By any reasonable standard, Nasser was a disastrous leader, leading the Arab world into their most spectacular military defeat in history. It is instructive that this writer feels that the best Arab leader is not one who pursued peace with Israel but one who pursued war.

The reason is simple - to Arabs, pride is more important than anything else, and Nasser instilled a huge amount of pan-Arab pride. His failure is not important because in the end the Arabs care more about honor and dignity (see his perception of the US and Israeli role in Arab history as to "to crush any shred of dignity" in the Arab world) than any real, concrete accomplishments. And by extension, dignity in Arab thought is closely affiliated with warfare, not peace.

It would be impossible to imagine an Arab eulogy for Mubarak in thirty years praising him as a man of peace for his role in Camp David. Peace is not the goal in the Arab world - it is domination and the honor that accompanies it.

Here is an educated columnist in what would be considered a moderate Arab newspaper and he is bemoaning the death of a failed warmonger. To him, the pride that Nasser instilled trumps all of his failures to the Arab people. He, and most Arabs like him, do not think the way we do.

This point cannot be overemphasized - as long as the West treats Arabs as if they think the way we do, we are doomed to fail.
The Western desire for peace will be the recipe for losing the inevitable war.
  • Monday, October 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I recently showed that Mahmoud Abbas' current political positions are not
"moderate" in the least. Well, it turns out that his Islamic religious positions are on par with that of Hamas and the Saudis as well:
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A new squad of morality police has begun detaining Palestinians who eat or drink in public during Ramadan in the West Bank, where the Islamic month of daytime fasting was always widely observed but never imposed.

The 12-member squad appears to be an attempt by President Mahmoud Abbas' West Bank government to challenge the monopoly on religious righteousness claimed by the militant group Hamas, the rival ruler of Gaza.

The sudden deployment of Ramadan police was unexpected in Ramallah, the seat of Abbas' government and the most cosmopolitan and well-to-do of the Palestinian cities. Ramadan squads have not been set up in other West Bank towns.

Watching observers arrive at one of the town's main mosques one recent afternoon, vice squad Lt. Murad Qendah got a radio call telling him a suspect has been spotted in the street imbibing "karoub" — a local soft drink made from carob pods. He ordered his six-man squad to seize the man's papers pending investigation. Police say violators are usually held for 24 hours.

"If anybody violates respect for Ramadan in the street, we take their identity papers and hold them for investigation," said Qendah, 27, whose officers wear red shoulder badges reading "morality police."

Police spokesman Adnan al-Damari said police have arrested at least 50 alleged public morality offenders in Ramallah since the start of Ramadan, but would not be going after people who break the fast in their own homes.

"The duty of the morality police is to preserve public manners in public places, and to preserve the feelings of the people who are fasting," he said. "Violating the holiness of Ramadan is a violation of people's freedom. "

Islamic custom demands that believers fast and refrain from self-indulgence between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan, which began Sept. 13 in the West Bank this year. The fast is largely observed across the Muslim world; voluntarily in some countries and under strict enforcement in others such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Writer Hassan Dandees, 58, said the government was right to seek to uphold religious standards.

"This is not a violation of anybody's freedom," he said. "Ramadan has a holiness every person should respect."

But Ruba el-Mimi, 21, said she opposes the police action.

"It interferes with the privacy of the individual. People are free to fast or not," she said. "If somebody is not fasting, he's not doing harm."

In addition to booking smokers, snackers and carob juice drinkers, Qendah is also on the alert for young men whistling at girls or drivers playing their car stereos too loud.
CTV adds:
One man went so far as to snitch on someone that he saw eating potato chips.

"I am proud," he told CTV News, "that these police manage to keep the month modest and holy."
And McClatchy Newspapers throws in:
The scrawny teenage detainee squirmed uncertainly in his seat as Palestinian police interrogators peppered him with questions.

“Are you Muslim or not?” one officer asked the sullen waiter, who had been picked up for smoking in public during the daily fast for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. “When I see you eating or smoking, it is shameful.”

“Tell your boss that tomorrow, the first thing we are going to do is close down his restaurant,” warned the second interrogator, who was wearing an armband that read “Morality Police.”...

“We need this for our country so we can walk freely in the streets without guys disturbing us,” said Nora, a 20-year-old Christian university student who expressed no fears that the unit would try to force her to wear modest clothes or a head scarf. She asked that she be identified only by her first name.

Penalties are relatively lenient. Although the police tell people that they’ll be jailed until the end of Ramadan for eating, drinking or smoking in public, Qundah said that most people have been freed within a day or two.

Last week, Qundah led his squad across town to where a second unit had corralled the confused teenage boy accused of smoking in public. A member of the Morality Police squad firmly linked arms with the boy and quietly chastised him as they walked to the nearby police station for questioning.

In a sparse, dimly lit office, Qundah and a second unidentified officer castigated the teenager, who was freed after he agreed to sign a statement vowing not to smoke or eat during the Ramadan fast.

“If we allow everyone to break the fast, there would be no Ramadan,” the second interrogator lectured the boy. “You are not fasting to satisfy the Morality Police. You are fasting to satisfy God.”

And how do these extremist Muslim religious police get their salaries?

From the EU, US and Israel, of course, anxious to "prop up" the extremist PA president Abbas!

Notice also how thoroughly dhimmified the Christians of the PA are. You will never, ever find a Christian in the territories willing to stand up and call this what it is - religious coercion and a blatant violation of religious freedom - because of abject fear.

And this religious coercion is considered perfectly normal by Muslims who scream and shout about supposed Western discrimination against them. The hypocrisy is as staggering as the silence from Muslim "human rights" organizations is deafening.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

  • Sunday, September 30, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
An ancient Jewish joke:

Abe is sitting on a bench in a park reading an anti-Semitic newspaper. His friend Solomon walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock.

“What are you doing reading that disgusting paper?” Solomon asks.

Abe replies, "I like to read about good news. This anti-Semitic paper says the Jews have all the money … the Jews control the banks … the Jews control the press … the Jews control Hollywood. Better to read nothing but good news!”

With that as an introduction, check out this great news courtesy of the Kuwait News Agency:
The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "ISESCO" on Saturday strongly condemned the opening of a temple by Jewish extremists in the western part of the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement, ISESCO described such act as "an aggression against the entire Islamic World" and is a violation of the international law.

It also condemned the Zionist practices against emotions of the Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.

The ISESCO called on all institutions and organizations to protest this aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and halt it, saying that the Jewish extremists have always sought to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The statement pointed out that the opening of the temple in the western part of the mosque was the beginning to a more serious action.
It's about time that Jews took control of their holiest site! Too bad that only Arab newspapers are reporting this....


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