With that as an introduction, check out this great news courtesy of the Kuwait News Agency:Abe is sitting on a bench in a park reading an anti-Semitic newspaper. His friend Solomon walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock.
“What are you doing reading that disgusting paper?” Solomon asks.
Abe replies, "I like to read about good news. This anti-Semitic paper says the Jews have all the money … the Jews control the banks … the Jews control the press … the Jews control Hollywood. Better to read nothing but good news!”
The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "ISESCO" on Saturday strongly condemned the opening of a temple by Jewish extremists in the western part of the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque.It's about time that Jews took control of their holiest site! Too bad that only Arab newspapers are reporting this....
In a statement, ISESCO described such act as "an aggression against the entire Islamic World" and is a violation of the international law.
It also condemned the Zionist practices against emotions of the Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.
The ISESCO called on all institutions and organizations to protest this aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and halt it, saying that the Jewish extremists have always sought to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
The statement pointed out that the opening of the temple in the western part of the mosque was the beginning to a more serious action.