Friday, October 06, 2006

  • Friday, October 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
At least one Fatah terrorist was killed when a bomb prematurely exploded in an arms smuggling tunnel.

Another Fatah terrorist was shot and killed (and two Hamas terrorists critically injured) in PalArab infighting.

A young man shot and killed near Al-Masri (from a PalArab Arabic newspaper.)

Our PalArab self-death count is now at 103.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that I will know if the Hamas terrorists die, so as always I am erring on the side of confirmed dead PalArabs.
Chol HaMoed update:
On Friday, 6 October 2006, 3 masked gunmen opened fire at Mohammed ‘Adnan ‘Atiya, 26, near his house in al-Tannour neighborhood in the east of Rafah. ‘Atiya was wounded by several live bullets to the abdomen and the legs. He was evacuated to the hospital, but he died soon. No more information has been available concerning the reasons of this crime.

At approximately 11:45 on Thursday, 5 October 2006, a number of gunmen traveling in a civilian car (a white Peugeot 504) opened fire into the air for no apparent reason in al-Hawaja Streets in the center of Jabalya refugee camp, and then escaped. As a result, two children were wounded:

1. ‘Essam Musleh al-Maqadma, 6, wounded by a live bullet to the buttock; and

2. Ahmed Nabeel ‘Ali, 12, wounded by a live bullet to the right foot.

And here's a case where the PalArabs will undoubtedly consider the victim to be a martyr - but he fits our definition of a PalArab self-death:
A Palestinian man was shot and killed near the West Bank city of Nablus Sunday afternoon on his way to break the Ramadan fast with family, relatives said.

Relatives said Ahmed Yousef Tirawi, 25, was walking with his wife on a path off limits to Palestinians when soldiers fired a single bullet to his head, killing him.

The Israel Defense Forces said it was unaware of any shooting incident in the area and its forces had not opened fire.
So we are at 105.

UPDATE 2: 106.
Also on Thursday, medical sources at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City declared that Ussama Ahmed al-Shiekh ‘Eid, 24, a member of the Executive Force, died from an injury he had sustained on Monday, 2 October 2006. Al-Sheikh ‘Eid was injured by a live bullet to the abdomen during clashes between the Executive Force and members of Fatah movement, which left dead two civilians and injured 25 others.
  • Friday, October 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the fascinating parts of looking through old newspapers is seeing how Jews were described in the American press in the 1800s and early 1900s. Invariably, they are looked upon as being quaint "others" but not as a part of real America.

The descriptions of Sukkot are a good case in point:

Other articles are somewhat more accurate:

And sometimes you see something a little more interesting:

חג שמח

Thursday, October 05, 2006

  • Thursday, October 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
I once came up with a short list of bizarre things that Muslims have rioted over in the past.

Here are a few more:
Source: Associated Press
Moslems angered by a short story they consider insulting to the Prophet Mohammed rioted for a third day today in Karnataka state, and police said they shot and killed one rioter. Police gunfire has killed at least 16 people since Sunday during protests over a fictional story in the largest English- language newspaper in the southern state.

Published on December 9, 1986, Page 6C, San Jose Mercury News (CA)

The Washington Post, Times Herald (1959-1973) - Washington, D.C.
Date: May 19, 1962

The American Consulate at Peshawar, Pakistan, was damaged yesterday by a mob demonstrating against reported plans of a U.S.-Italian movie firm to make a film of the life of Mohammed, the State Department reported.

Jerusalem Post
KUALA LUMPUR - Police detained about 250 anti-Israeli protesters on Friday after demonstrating against the presence of an Israeli cricket team in predominantly Moslem Malaysia.

Riot police used tear gas, water cannon and batons against 500 demonstrators when they refused to disperse after shouting anti-Israeli slogans for an hour at Malaya University, where a match between Israel and Argentina was to take place.

The demonstrators from the opposition Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) hurled stones and wood when police fired tear gas canisters and sprayed the crowd ...

The Washington Post
Date: Nov 17, 1936
Beirut, Syria, Nov. 16 (AP). -- At least three persons were killed and more than a score reported injured today in a series of clashes between Moslems and Christians over the new treaty between France and Lebanon.

Moslems Riot On Bombay's First Dry Day
55 Persons Injured
Hindus Stoned
10 P.M. Curfew Ordered
The Washington Post
Date: Aug 2, 1939

Bombay, India, Aug. 1. -- The Bombay government tonight imposed a 10 p.m. curfew for 14 days in an effort to prevent further violence following today's riots in which 55 persons were injured in fighting over the new prohibition law.
  • Thursday, October 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
In an incoherent article from Syria's "news" agency, celebrating their "victory" in the Yom Kippur War (you know, the victory where Israel went past the purple line and took Syrian territory, shelling Damascus), we are told:
DAMASCUS, (SANA) - Captives of the occupied Arab Syrian Golan sent on Thursday a cable of congratulation to President Bashar al-Assad on October war for liberation in which they depicted it as "the greatest world war."
Life must be rough in those Zionist gulags where prisoners can write and publish any propaganda they feel like.
  • Thursday, October 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
We revisit the case of the South African Minister of Intelligence [sic] , Ronnie Kasrils:
RONNIE KASRILS says young Jewish people should not just listen to their parents’ stories about Israel.

The Minister of Intelligence, who said he was proud of his Jewish origin but considers himself an atheist, said young Jews should learn the history and facts about what really happened in the Jewish state.

He said the wall built recently by Israel to cut off the Gaza strip was worse than the Berlin Wall because it was three times as high and it was longer (160km).
I agree wholeheartedly that young Jewish people should learn the facts about Israel. For example, the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip is only 51 km long.

  • Thursday, October 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I've mentioned before, I have always suspected that my English sources at PCHR and other places were not telling us about all the deaths in the PalArab territories due to infighting and plain stupidity.

Thanks to Google Arabic translation now in beta, I can start to glean a little more about the many Palestinian Arabs who are killed by their own. Most Palestinian Arab newspapers in Arabic seem to ignore the self-deaths as well, but I found one that seems to report on them, Fasl Al-Maqal.

So far today I saw a story about a Christian woman who entered a car which then exploded last Sunday.
Widow of large crowds of Almgar and nearby villages on Sunday, the body of the murdered women, Ms. Aida Abu Shakarh (44 years old). , which killed as a result of an explosion of an explosive device placed under the car driven by her brother Milad Abu Shakarh.
And a man stabbed to death:
Young has reached the age of twenty-eight years, from the village of Allekaya in the Negev, was killed on the night of the day before yesterday, after it was attacked and stabbed with a knife.

The young man, the victim arrived at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba by his family but the crew medical examination could not save his life, and announced his death.
This, police sources did not disclose the name of the deceased young man, as it did not point out what believes the cause of this crime, note that the young man had no criminal record holders.
Combine this with the story of a Hamas man killed by four masked "militants" and we now have documented 100 Palestinian Arabs killed by their own people since Operation Summer Rains began in late June.

Human rights organizations of course ignore these cases because they do not consider Palestinian Arabs to be human - unless they are killed by Israelis. (The only exception is PCHR, and as we've seen they miss quite a few cases themselves.)
  • Thursday, October 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've talked about this before - how alternative energy sources are not only an ecological issue but a national defense issue. This article from Arutz-7/Israel21c mentions this explicitly, which is a good thing.

Personally, I think that similar research should be funded in the US by the massive defense budget, where a billion dollars can easily be found.
Israel is taking the lead in the effort to attain energy alternatives to oil. A new research initiative was launched at Israel’s Weizmann Institute and new cooperation with the US is in the works.

At Rehovot’s Weizmann Institute of Science, a new multidisciplinary research initiative into alternative, sustainable energy resources was recently launched. The goal is to significantly advance the search for solutions to the world's most pressing energy problems.

"Developing alternative means of producing energy is a necessary step for dealing with the continuing energy crisis," Institute President Prof. Ilan Chet told Israel21c. "Creating fresh, sustainable methods of producing energy in the required amounts will only be possible if we can gain the knowledge to invent completely new technologies.”

Finding true sustainable and affordable alternatives to oil would strip powerful Arab oil states of their ability to use oil as a tool of diplomatic pressure. “We believe we can help shape the planet's future," Chen said.

Institute scientists have already come up with several original approaches to producing alternative energy, such as the production of methanol, which is now extracted from fossil fuels, from the sun’s energy instead. If that method proves successful, it could provide a relatively clean, renewable, and environmentally friendly fuel, researchers say.

Physics and chemistry research groups are focusing on energy conversion, storage, and conservation. One research team, in the Institute’s life sciences department, plans to investigate ways of utilizing plants and biomass as energy sources.

A new bill, called the United States-Israel Energy Cooperation Act, was submitted to the U.S. Congress in July. The bill was sponsored by 100 congressmen, both Democrats and Republicans.

The bill passed in the House of Representatives and has moved to the Senate for ratification.

"There is nothing we can do that is more important than weaning the United States and the world off its dependence of petroleum,” Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) told Israel21c. “And the first step is research, and an important part of that research is cooperative research with other countries similarly dedicated to finding alternative energy. There is perhaps no better partner than Israel."

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

  • Wednesday, October 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
An AWACS plane has been circling over New York City today.
  • Wednesday, October 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
About 15 years ago, one day at work I had a lot of frustrations with my work and my boss, and an idea hit me - just get into my car and drive east until I hit the ocean.

On the way I stopped off to buy a beach chair, sunglasses, a trashy novel and some shorts, and within two hours I was situated in a pretty empty beach with nothing but sun and sand. I still treasure that day - a true mental health day.

As I came to work today, I realized that today was a perfect day to do the same thing. But I can't - between all the yomim tovim and covering for someone at work who is on maternity leave, I cannot take advantage of the last 80-degree day this year.

So I am asking my loyal readership:

Please take today off , especially if you are in the Northeastern US. Go to the beach, spend the entire day doing nothing, and let me know about it.

Have a great day.
  • Wednesday, October 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, Dry Bones blog linked to an older article of mine where I reminded everyone that Mahmoud Abbas is hardly the moderate, peace-seeking person that the world makes him out to be.

Today, we have more proof, thanks to the incomparable Aaron Klein of WND, who seems to be the only reporter on the planet to actually interview terrorist leaders and print what they say in English:
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' stated recognition of Israel's right to exist is part of a "political calculation" aimed at ultimately destroying the Jewish state, a terror group leader and member of Abbas' Fatah party told WND in an interview.

The leader said the Fatah party does not recognize Israel and that any final accord that doesn't include flooding the Jewish state with millions of Palestinians will not be supported by the Fatah party and will lead to Palestinian civil war.

"The base of our Fatah movement keeps dreaming of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jaffa and Acco," said Abu Ahmed, Fatah member and leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip. "There is no change in our position. Abbas recognizes Israel because of pressure that the Zionists and the Americans are exercising on him. We understand this is part of his obligations and political calculations."

The Brigades is the declared "military wing" of Abbas' Fatah party. Together with the Islamic Jihad terror group, the Brigades has taken responsibility for every suicide bombing inside Israel the past two years, including an attack in Tel Aviv this past April that killed an American teenager and nine Israelis. The Brigades also has carried out scores of deadly shooting and rocket attacks against Israeli civilians in recent months.

Brigades leaders are members of Fatah. The terror group's founder, Marwan Barghouti, is an elected Fatah official and is largely considered one of the most popular Fatah figures. Several top Brigades members serve in Abbas' Force 17 personal security detail.

The U.S. and Europe label Hamas a terror group, while Fatah largely is considered "moderate," in part for its purported willingness to accept Israel. The U.S. has given large sums of financial aid and weapons to Fatah since late Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Peace Accords with the Jewish state in 1993.

Abu Ahmed explained Fatah itself has never officially recognized Israel.

"It is the PLO, which is a separate entity, that recognized Israel,and this was a step, a tactical step that had as its goal to bring the resistance and the revolution closer to the lands of Palestine," Abu Ahmed said.

The PLO was the official governing body of the Palestinians until the PA was formed following the Oslo Accords. Subsequent Israeli-Palestinian agreements were signed officially by the Fatah-led PA but not by Fatah as a party.

Still, Fatah leaders, including Abbas, have made scores of statements recognizing the Jewish state.

But Abu Ahmed commented, "There is an opportunistic class at the head of the Fatah leadership that for personal and political interests says it accepts the existence of Israel. There is no change in our official position. Fatah as a movement never recognized Israel. It is the PLO who did so for the reasons I mentioned."

The U.S. State Department considers the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades a terror organization.

A State Department spokesman yesterday told WND the Brigades is "separate" from Abbas' Fatah party. But Abu Ahmed explained his Brigades group is "one and the same" with the Fatah party.

"We are members of Fatah, and there are normal organic relations between us and the Fatah. We are in the Al Aqsa Brigades because we are Fatah members. We participate in all political decisions making of the Fatah movement."

Abu Ahmed said Brigades members consider Abbas their legitimate leader and answer ultimately to the PA president.

"Of course we are loyal to Abbas. He is our elected leader. We would of course prefer if his policy toward Israel was different, but we understand his obligations and calculations, and we do not consider ourselves limited by these calculations," the terror leader said.

Abu Ahmed explained the difference between Hamas and Fatah is that the Fatah party "is ready to discuss a political arrangement for the Jews."

But he said any arrangement must include the "right of return" of millions of Palestinians to Israel.

"We demand [any agreement with Israel] be based upon the principles that the great majority of our people support and first of all the right of return to the refugees, which mean that there cannot be any recognition of the Zionist entity.

"If any Palestinian government will dare sign a deal without this it means that this government has decided to throw away the fate and destiny of more than four million Palestinian refugees, and we cannot accept this."

The "right of return" is widely seen by Israelis as a ploy to flood Israel with millions of Palestinians, thus threatening the country's Jewish character.
As we have seen before, the Fatah "constitution" indeed never recognized Israel. It's major goal, still on its website today, is "Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence."

So what Abu Ahmed is saying is entirely consistent with known facts about Abbas, Fatah, the PLO and the Al Aqsa Brigades. The evidence that Abbas does not truly seek a lasting peace with Israel is overwhelming. But as the State Department quote above proves, the Western world would rather keep the fiction of a peaceful Abbas alive than abandon the failed, destructive "peace process."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

  • Tuesday, October 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The new, improved AbbaGav site is where you will find HH88, the finest of the JBlogosphere. Lots of thoughts about the yomim tovim but even a couple of links to my own strange postings.

Check it out! And update your blogroll with his new, easy to remember URL!

(I actually do own, but I don't publicize it because I can't see good statistics on people who link to there when I obsessively watch my Statcounter. So please don't use it, even though it is easier to remember. Just forget I ever mentioned it, OK?)
  • Tuesday, October 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Two very interesting articles in The Times (Pakistan). The English isn't very good but the ideas (and tilt of the writers) soon becomes clear. ("Welfare Trusts" are simply charities):
With the advent of Ramazan, the mobile welfare trusts started their business in different Mohallahs, streets and by lanes on loudspeakers, asking donations for what they announced, that Almighty Allah is always happy with those, who give charity to the destitute, poor and needy people.

People usually used to contribute according to their means without ever getting to know whether or not this money was distributed among the deserved person. These religiously emotional announcements also shook the belief of the common man, a person with least education, and with the fear of God used to give money to these people who were walking around or riding a Suzuki pick-up unhindered.

The govt, reportedly issued an order that announcement of loudspeakers in the mosques is banned to avoid any hate material, but is unable to make accountable these roadside fundraiser for the so-called Madressahs or in the name of construction of mosques, more often than not, cheating people.

This business swells up in the month of Ramazan as being a Muslim, everyone believes that giving charity in the month of Ramazan is worth more and elicits the blessings of Allah Almighty. With this concept in mind, people without any hesitation give away money to these people.

The authorities concerned, especially town Nazims and councillors have the responsibility of keeping a check on these people and certain laws should be framed for their accountability. The govt must have a system of checks and balances in place on these street fund raiser and an account book should also be maintained.

This trend is usually witnessed in low-lying areas, where Suzuki pick-ups also sell the Holy Qura’an on the streets, whereas in somewhat posh areas, these people have somewhat improvised their mode of business by organising Dars (sermons) at home and asking donation for the people which ultimately responded by the upper middle class, as in our society, sham display of wealth has become a fashion.

It is the duty of the administration to compile a list of these roadside donation collecting welfare trusts and double-check their activities and make sure as to for what purpose they were collecting money and other gift items. Besides restricting Madressahs to show their annual accounts, government must also adopt code of conduct on these mobile welfare trusts and monitor their activities as to where they are getting their directions from and on whose directions, they are working in the city right under the nose of administration.
OK, this is not too strange. There are people who use charity to rip off other people all the time and in all organized religions. Calling for the government to oversee these charities makes sense.

A little later comes this other article about these "charities," which is a bit more ominous:
KARACHI: In order to maintain the record of Welfare Trusts, the government has decided to register all of them running in the province and any trust functioning prior to obtaining the license from their respective government would be disbanded, sources confirmed to this reporter.

According to details available, the government has received complaints from the various quarters that these Welfare Trusts were collecting donations to train manpower for Jihad in the war-torn areas of the Muslim world to fight evil forces. The sources said that in the garb of charity collection these trusts fully employed resources for procuring weapons of war and imparting training to the youth for Jihad....

It was however, also learnt through reliable sources, that these trained youth were also sent to Lebanon and Palestine and other Muslim countries to wage Jihad against Zionist forces. These young people, who were briefed on, and made aware of the wily machinations of the imperialist forces, belonged to highly educated families who had become highly motivated and were ready to sacrifice their lives as they said, for the sake of Islam.

As Jihad is the basic and the most important element of Islam to fight against those spreading hate, dividing people along ethnic and religious grounds the parents send their children knowingly or unknowingly to such Dars (sermons) for spiritual refreshment.

However, one could not overlook the fact that many of these so-called trusts were working on the agenda of West and receiving handsome amounts from the foreign donors/agencies for preparing children for confrontation, the source confided. Islam is being used by certain elements for their vested interests who have become tools in the hands of West, whose only aim to eliminate Muslims and defame Islam all over the world as the most facists religion on earth and US President George Bush Jr., has already issued an “edict” in this regard referring to Islam as Fascist Islam.
It is a little unclear whether this author is saying that the Jihadist charities are really fronts for an imperialist Zionist plot to make Muslims look bad, or if there are other charities that the West is supporting that are worse than the Jihadist front charities.

Either way, we can glean a few interesting points:
  • This article defines Jihad as quite warlike, unlike every Muslim apologist that the West ever sees.
  • Pakistani Islamic newspapers do not have a clue on the Western attitudes towards Islam.
  • From this article it appears that the idea of charities brainwashing Muslim youth to fight against the Zionist/imperialist forces is really no big deal, and that the Pakistani government is doing the bidding of the US by trying to crack down on this rather than anything being inherently bad.
  • It is far preferable to send kids to kill Jews than to think that your charity money might be going to thieving Muslims.
In short, Pakistan is one thoroughly screwed-up place. To think that they are our allies in the war against Islamic terrorism seems to be more a product of wishful thinking and arm-twisting that the reality.


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