Monday, September 04, 2006

  • Monday, September 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah cannot easily stage pictures anymore - there are too many reporters who can roam freely in Lebanon again - but some stringers sure seem to be willing to do Hezbollah's propaganda job for them..

Today's featured photogapher is Mohammed Zaatari, who contributes these:

Lebanese Kamila Hassan stands in the backyard of her house in the village of Blida, near the southern town of Bint Jbeil, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 4, 2006, in front of parts of exploded and unexploded Israeli ammunition that her son Hassan has collected following the 34-day long Hezbollah-Israeli conflict. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

So her son collects bombs that have not yet exploded, she allows him to place them in her backyard, and reporters come over to photograph them? Nah, this doesn't sound contrived at all!

And, exhibit B:

Lebanese woman Zeinab Beydoun sits in her house that was damaged in an Israeli attacks during the 34-day long Hezbollah-Israeli conflict in the southern town of Bint Jbeil, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 4, 2006. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)
Let's see - the fighting ended over two weeks ago, and she likes to sit in her house without picking up a single piece of rubble, or putting any plastic over the giant hole in her wall. (Or looking towards the cameraman who is inside her house.)

She must be friends with the revelers at tea party.
  • Monday, September 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Monday, September 04, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Age:
An unholy alliance

Barney Zwartz and Adam Morton

Anti-Semitism is reportedly on the rise across university campuses. Has political opportunism unleashed the devil?

Daniel Wyner is used to robust debate. A senior figure in the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, he moves around Melbourne campuses arguing for Israel. But he was taken aback recently when a Monash lecturer confronted him, almost incoherent with rage, and called him a Zionist oppressor and f---ing racist.

"He kept going on his rant and rave. He wasn't Muslim or Arab. He may or may not have been a member of the arts faculty, and I may or may not have followed him back into the office to find that out." The incident highlighted what many Australian Jews claim is a distinct rise in temperature on campus but the hostility has not come from Muslims.

"I've been at La Trobe, Deakin and Melbourne too. The problems, the anti-Semitism, the vilification we feel as students on campus are coming almost entirely from the left. The Socialist Alternative (a left-wing student group), they just latch on to a cause which isn't theirs to try to make it their own by twisting it," Wyner says.

Jewish groups claim some of the more radical left-wing groups are trying to exploit tensions in the Middle East to foment trouble on campus and increase their own numbers. An example, Wyner says, was the recent visit to Melbourne University by the Israeli ambassador: Socialist Alternative members disrupted the meeting and were asked to leave by the Lebanese students' society.

In Sydney last month, a Jewish student was pushed to the ground and others spat on. At Monash, a Young Liberal member staffing a stall supporting Israel was grabbed by the throat and threatened, while the table was kicked over.

At Melbourne University, security staff had to keep apart the Students Against War and Racism and a group of mostly Liberal Club members waving Israeli flags. Tensions flared, insults were traded and observers said only a handful of guards prevented the conflict becoming physical. The vice-chancellors of both Melbourne and Sydney universities called for calm, saying that while vigorous debate was acceptable, vilification was not.[Notice how even in this article, this paragraph was written as if the Zionists were equally guilty. -EoZ]

Grahame Leonard, the president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, says July had the most anti-Semitic incidents since records began in 1945. At 141, the total was 60 per cent higher than the previous record.

"Generally it's low severity — phone calls, graffiti, hate emails — but there are some violent incidents. The big growth was in Victoria, and many of these incidents were on campus."

In Sydney some Jewish students feel so intimidated that they are wearing hats over their kippahs (skull caps). In Melbourne they are more defiant, but they are concerned.

"There's a real feeling of threat," says Deon Kamien, Victorian president of the Union of Jewish Students. "It's not something I can put in words. A lot of students who would feel very comfortable wearing a kippah or T-shirt with Hebrew words on it now feel they are being targeted as Jews — not supporters of Israel, but Jews. When they walk past socialist stalls (on campus) they are called f---ing Jews."

Kamien says that where previous conflicts have been about politics, this time it's turned racial. "The leftists have completely blurred the line between politics and religion and have misunderstood the situation. They've got hung up on the Middle East and absolutely hung up on Jews. What we are seeing is nothing more than anti-Semitism."

Jewish community leaders detect a rising tide of anti-Semitism throughout the West. They pinpoint a couple of key reasons: the inoculation effect of the Holocaust is disappearing over time, so that dinner-table anti-Semitism is re-emerging. People who don't like Jews feel more comfortable about expressing it.

Second, they say, Israel provides a convenient excuse. They accept that most criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic, but say it can provide a convenient cover for attacking Jews generally. A red-line warning for the Jewish community is when critics compare Israel to the Nazis. You don't use a Nazi slur if you know what the Nazis did, and if you do know and use it, that's inexcusable, they believe.

...A Christian observer at Melbourne University, who did not want to be named, certainly thinks that's the explanation in this city. He says "Jew-baiting" is rising, as opponents try to turn anti-Israel sentiment to anti-Jewish. "Socialists bait Jewish students. The intention is to get Jewish students to fight back so they can use them. It's a deliberate incitement of people's emotions to generate conflict."

The Socialist Alternative tactics are outlined in an in-house publication.

Discussing an incident at Melbourne, when a socialist stall was overturned, Daniel L. says the best response is to "immediately make a huge fuss — denounce them loudly, screaming ‘you're a murderer, you support George Bush's war, you support killing innocent people in the Middle East, you're fascist scum' and so forth. When we did this it had a huge polarising effect with people coming up afterwards to show their support. Often this was from the point of view of freedom of speech, rather than a willingness to support fighting Israel. But that doesn't change the fact that it is excellent terrain for us."

One writer, Vashti, says "two young Lebanese guys came up and asked if they could beat up the Zionists".[But I thought that the Muslims were not involved? Were they Christians? -EoZ]

Daniel says of this: "They knew which side they were on and were willing to fight. We do not want to start fights with the Liberals ourselves, but if Lebanese people do it's a good thing and we're f---ing well with them."


Has the left used racism? This is being debated inside the left, as shown by an exchange in late July on a group email list run by the National Union of Students. Chris Di Pasquale of the RMIT Student Union wrote that Zionists at Melbourne and Monash universities "felt the need to reassert their racism and fetish for genocide and mass slaughter of Arab people", calling security and the student union to shut down socialist stalls.

National Union of Students president Rose Jackson wrote that this was a racist remark that would be extremely hurtful to some people in the student movement. While she opposed the war in Lebanon, "you do not need to resort to this type of distressingly hateful name-calling to show people that you are left-wing and radical. There will come a point (if it has not already been reached) where suddenly people in the left will feel they can get away with anything when talking about Israel and the Israeli people. Where no comments or insults are off-limits."

As she wrote, she knew she was inviting attack. She didn't have to wait long. Heidi Claus, the union's Victorian education officer, replied: "WHAT THE!!!!!!!! Rose Jackson you are an apologist for the racist state of Israel and fundamentally uninformed."

Claus claimed that the apartheid state of Israel was set up on the blood of the Palestinian people, and there would never be peace while Zionism or Israel continued to exist. It was Jackson, in fact, who was racist because she equated the Jewish people with Zionism which itself was anti-Semitic. She concluded: "I demand an apology from you for your racist filth and an apology to Chris and Socialist Alternative for your blatant slander."
And what would an article like this be without getting the Muslim side? Here's a textbook example of fictional "Islamophobia.":
Omran says there has not been a single report of Muslim students being intimidated, but Muslims are nevertheless increasingly frustrated. "They feel the world is walking all over them, that Muslim blood is very cheap, of less importance, that there's a blatant attempt to demonise anyone of Islamic faith by politicians or certain parts of the media. This can only lead to radicalisation, and we should look forward to more extremism."
As is inevitably the case, Muslim groups use real anti-semitism to play the victim role, even when they can walk around campus as proud Muslims without fear while the Jewish students feel they have to hide their identities. (The article does quote the Muslims as being against extremism, but the sense one gets is that this is more for self-preservation rather than ideology.)

The point is, though, that Jew-hating bigots routinely use Israel as an excuse to make their filth socially acceptable, all the while claiming that they are not bigots at all. (This was recently shown in Britain as well.) And instead of marginalizing this blatant hate, the Left as a whole has embraced this attitude, seemingly to recruit more to their side.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

  • Sunday, September 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
You'll need a scorecard for this one, but it ended up with 29 injuries and one death on Saturday:
PCHR's preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 20:00 on Saturday, 2 September 2006, a member of the Abu Nahia clan took refuge in "Diwan" of Sowali clan after he was beaten by members of the Barbakh clan. The incident was instigated by a dispute in the crowded Sea Street in Khan Yunis. Members of Barbakh clan gathered around the diwan, located in Jamal Abdel Naser Street, and threw stones at it requesting that Abu Nahia is handed to them.

Members of the Ministry of Interior Executive Force arrived at the scene to break up the dispute. A confrontation developed between the force members and Barbakh clan members. The confrontation developed into hand fights and rocks and empty bottles were thrown. The situation escalated into an armed clash that spread to the vicinity of Naser Hospital in Sea Street, and continued for 3 hours. During the clash, members of Barbakh clan burned a jeep belonging to the Executive Force that was parked in the hospital yard. The Executive Force brought the situation under control. Barbakh clan gunmen withdrew after the Executive Force detained two members of the clan.

The armed clashes resulted in the death of a member of the Executive Force called Khayri Abdel Aziz Abed Soboh, a 23-year old resident of Khan Yunis. He was killed by a bullet in the neck. Twenty-nine others were injured, including 5 children and 3 members of the Executive Force.[1] The injured were taken for treatment in Naser Hospital and the European Hospital in Khan Yunis. The injuries were light to moderate.
Meanwhile, on Sunday, a teachers' strike ended up with those peaceful PalArab bullets again:
NABLUS, West Bank - Masked militants trying to keep students away from school during a politically charged Palestinian teachers' strike on Sunday shot and wounded a 12-year-old boy.

Palestinian teachers began striking Saturday, the start of the school year, to demand full back pay and regular salaries from the Hamas-led government, which has been financially crippled by six months of international sanctions.

Most schools throughout the West Bank remained closed, some by force, as the strike continued.

At least three masked militants stood outside a school in the northern West Bank city of Nablus and fired in the air to keep children away, witnesses said.

Stray fire hit a 12-year-old boy, Issam Ghannam, in the abdomen, witnesses said.
Well, what do you expect? It was an accident! How often does firing in the air result in children getting hit, anyway? Besides all those weddings and funeral celebrations, that is. (And of course they were firing in the air - we have witnesses!)

We also have this incident I missed last week, where those renowned Palestinian Arab police decided to kill someone they suspected of stealing a car, so the PalArab self-death count since late June, that I am aware of, is now at 66.

Sounds like these guys are more than ready to build a state of their own! They obviously care about education, gun control and ties to their clans. What more can you ask?
  • Sunday, September 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Daled Amos hosts this week's Haveil Havalim #85, and it is another great collection of the week's best posts in the JBlogosphere.

I am honored that two of my posts were chosen, and that was (as usual) withotu self-nomination. Although if I had thought about it ahead of time, I probably would have nominated my first post of the week, a rare non-political post.

Check it out!
  • Sunday, September 03, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
DUBAI, Sept. 2 (Reuters) — Al Qaeda, in a video posted Saturday on the Internet, called for President Bush and non-Muslims, especially those in the United States, to convert to Islam and abandon their “misguided” ways, or else suffer the consequences.

The main speaker on the tape was identified as Azzam the American, an Islamic convert from California also known as Adam Yahiye Gadahn who is wanted by the F.B.I. for questioning.

In the video, he was introduced by Al Qaeda’s second in command, Ayman al-Zawahri, an Egyptian.

The American, speaking in English, said, “To Americans and the rest of Christendom, we say either repent misguided ways and enter into the light of truth or keep your poison to yourself and suffer the consequences in this world and the next.”
The Counterterrorism Blog has a quick analysis, saying it is a prelude to "Future Jihad."

This is somewhat reminiscent of Ahmadinejad's letter to President Bush, in which he called on Bush and Americans to convert to Islam, although not as explicitly. Nevertheless, as Jihad Watch mentioned at the time,
In a Hadith, Muhammad tells his followers to call people to Islam before waging war against them:

Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war…When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them….If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya [the tax on non-Muslims specified in Qur’an 9:29]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them. (Sahih Muslim 4294)
In light of that, this letter could be -- but is not necessarily -- a prelude to an attack.
Perhaps we should look at this video the same way.

Friday, September 01, 2006

  • Friday, September 01, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today the UN named a panel to investigate Israel for human rights abuses in Lebanon. But you need to check out the resolution of the UN "Human Rights Council" commission on Lebanon that started this panel to begin with:
[T]he Human Rights Council, among other things, strongly condemns the grave Israeli violations of human rights and breaches of international humanitarian law in Lebanon; also condemns massive bombardments of Lebanese civilian populations, especially the massacres in Qana, Marwaheen, Al Duweir, Al Bayadah, Al Qaa, Chiyah, Ghazieh and other towns of Lebanon and the displacement of one million civilians; further condemns the Israeli bombardment of vital civilian infrastructure resulting in extensive destruction and heavy damage to public and private properties; further condemns the Israeli bombardment of vital civilian infrastructure; calls upon Israel to observe the principle of proportionality and refrain from launching any attack that may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life; calls upon Israel to abide immediately and scrupulously by its obligations under human rights law, in particular the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and urges all concerned parties to respect the rules of international humanitarian law, to refrain from violence against the civilian population and to treat under all circumstances all detained combatants and civilians in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; and calls upon Israel to immediately stop military operations against the civilian population and civilian objects resulting in death and destruction and serious violations of human rights.

So far, this is a typical one-sided anti-Israel resolution. As can be expected from the joke that is the UN, the word "Hezbollah" is not mentioned in this resolution (although the press release contains what may be a Freudian slip: Lebanon told the meeting that the Government of Lebanon did it endorse the operations carried out by Hezbollah." Presumably they meant "didn't endorse.")

Also, notice that this Council goes way beyond the Geneva Conventions in saying that Israel, and only Israel, may never attack any other country if there is the slightest chance that an innocent person may be killed even accidentally. Even for the UN, this is breathtakingly bigoted.

But look at how this august Council created the panel announced today:
The Council also decides to urgently establish and immediately dispatch a high-level inquiry commission comprising eminent experts of human rights law and international humanitarian law, including the possibility of inviting the relevant special procedures to be nominated to the commission to, among other things: investigate the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel; examine the types of weapons used by Israel and their conformity with international law; and assess the extent and deadly impact of Israeli attacks on human life, property, critical infrastructure and environment...
In other words, "We know that Israel (and Israel alone) is guilty of human rights abuses, genocide, ethnic cleansing, pedophilia, blasphemy, violating the entire Code of Hammurabi and eating non-Halal foods. Now we will launch a full investigation to see exactly how guilty you are."

And this is the organization that promises that it can be objective in its expanded role in Lebanon.

UPDATE: Maybe the UN really does believe that no one is allowed to defend themselves. (Hat tip Soccer Dad.)
  • Friday, September 01, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Something does not add up.

"If I knew the process of capturing [these soldiers], even with a 1% probability, would lead to a war like this, and then if you asked me would you go and capture them, my answer would be, of course, no — for humanitarian, moral, social and security reasons," said Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of the Shiite Muslim militant group.
"You ask me if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not."

What the MSM's forgets in the glare of the Lebanon conflict is that only two weeks earlier, Israel invaded Gaza for the exact same reason - a kidnapping of an Israeli soldier in Israeli territory.

Nasrallah knew this on July 11, of course. And it is hard to believe that his kidnapping was not in some way a reaction to the Gaza kidnapping - perhaps to humiliate Israel when the IDF couldn't find Gilad Shalit, perhaps one-upmanship towards the Sunnis in Gaza.

Many people are guessing what Nasrallah's speech means - it seems clear that it is at least partially a reaction to the Lebanese backlash against Hezbollah, as its claims of victory ring hollow to those hurt by the war - but what is certain is that, given the context of how this war started, he is lying now.
  • Friday, September 01, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The "Intelligence Minister" of South Africa, Ronnie Kasrils, has written another anti-Israel screed filled with half-truths and falsehoods.

Sometimes one can read these articles from respected government figures and conclude that they are just mislead or uninformed. This is clearly not one of those cases. From this and other articles, Kasrils takes at face value any wild Arab claims and dismisses any Israeli statements.

Some of his falsehoods:
In fact, from the onset, Zionism aimed at the dispossession of the indigenous population so that Israel could become a wholly Jewish state.
While there were some Zionists that felt this way, it is clear from contemporaneous accounts that the Zionist leadership did not want the Arabs in their territory to leave. This is a common lie used to create the "Israeli apartheid" fiction of which Kasrils is so fond.
With the illegal Jewish settlements, security road network and the construction of the monstrous wall around the militarily occupied West Bank, the remaining Palestinians are ghettoised within 12% of their original territory. This dispossession is reminiscent of apartheid and its 13% of Bantustan homelands. For many this is the fundamental cause of the conflict.
He fails to mention that before 2000, these Palestinian Arabs had jobs, good medical care, prospects for their own state, and a booming economy. Their decision to start a war with Israel, made by Kasrils' friend Arafat, is what made their lives hard. This simple fact is somehow never mentioned by those who like to throw "facts" around.
Lebanon, too, has been a part of Zionist annexation plans. Israel long regarded the Litani river to its north as its natural border, and constantly sought to turn the country into a Christian bulwark against the Muslims. It invaded in 1948, 1978 and 1982 and stayed in the south until 2000, before being driven out by Hizbullah. In that period Israel provoked civil war, connived in massacres, created a proxy army in the south, and still holds on to strategic farmland.
More lies than I can count, but briefly: No one ever considered Lebanon a part of modern Israel*, no one of importance ever wanted to annex it, encouraging the Christians of Lebanon to maintain their power is hardly "annexation", and the "strategic farmland" was never Lebanese. This paragraph makes crystal clear that truth is not on Kasrils' agenda.
What lies behind Israel’s latest aggression? Could such a disproportionate response really have been because of the abduction of two soldiers? There have been constant border skirmishes. Israel could have responded with local action or the prisoner exchange sought by Hizbullah. The dogs of war were let loose instead.
He follows this with paragraphs of strawmen and then "suggestions" of a pre-planned US/Zionist plot to take on Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. He utterly misses the point, which his friends in the Israeli peace camp understood:

When Israel did what the world asked, and withdrew to a UN-drawn border, that was still not enough for the Hezbollah terrorists. Their attacks proved that territory is not their incentive - it is the destruction of Israel. Those who advocate Israeli withdrawal from territories will always emphasize that if attacks continue, Israel would be justified in fighting back. Kasrils' paragraph above proves that this is just a lie - that no matter what Israel does to defend itself, it will be criticized.

Then comes the obligatory Nazi analogy, couched in terms to protect Kasrils from saying that he believes it himself:
Like Gaarder, we must call baby killers “baby killers” and declare that those using methods reminiscent of the Nazis be told that they are behaving like Nazis.
This is almost too obscene to comment on, but when Kasrils sees Israel stripping all Israeli Arabs of their citizenship, when he sees a government-approved Kristallnacht, when he sees Israeli gas chambers and crematoria killing tens of thousands of Palestinian Arabs every day - then he might be able to spout such racist and bigoted garbage. Until then, it shows that he is a first-class supporter of terror and genocide against Israeli Jews.

(*Hat tip to Elie for correcting a mistake. See comments.)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

  • Thursday, August 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI translated an article from an Egyptian newspaper that shows the sickening depths to which Hezbollah goes.

Don't hold your breath for Amnesty International to call it a war crime, or for the UN to call it immoral. They save such words for people they don't like.
Hizbullah Recruits Children Barely 10 Years Old

According to Roz Al-Yusuf, "Hizbullah has recruited over 2,000 innocent children aged 10-15 to form armed militias. Before the recent war with Israel, these children appeared only in the annual Jerusalem Day celebrations, and were referred to as the 'December 14 Units,' but today they are called istishhadiyun ['martyrs']..."

"Hizbullah has customarily recruited youths and children and trained them to fight from a very early age. These are children barely 10 years old, who wear camouflage uniforms, cover their faces with black [camouflage] paint, swear to wage jihad, and join the Mahdi Scouts [youth organization]...

"The children are selected by Hizbullah recruitment [officers] based on one criterion only: They must be willing to become martyrs."

The Children Train to Become Martyrs

"The children are educated from an early age to become martyrs in their youth, like their fathers, and their training is carried out by the Mahdi Scouts youth organization... [This organization], which is affiliated with Hizbullah, teaches the children the basic principles of Shi'ite ideology and of Hizbullah's ideology... The first lesson that the children are taught by Hizbullah is 'The Disappearance of Israel,' and it is always an important part of the [training] program...

"The Mahdi Scouts organization was founded in Lebanon on May 5, 1985... According to the organization's website, the number of [scouts] who had undergone training by the end of 2004 was 1,491, and the number of scout groups which had joined [the organization] was 449, with a membership of 41,960. According to the organization's most recent statistics, since 2004, 120 of its members have been ready to become martyrs.

"The organization's goal is to train an exemplary generation of Muslims based on the [principle of] 'the rule of the jurisprudent' [a founding principle of the Islamic Revolution in Iran], and to prepare for the coming of the Imam Mahdi [the Shi'ite messiah]. Its members, including the children, undertake to obey their commanders, to bring honor to the [Muslim] nation, and to prepare themselves for helping the Mahdi [when he comes]."

"A Nation With Child-Martyrs Will Be Victorious"

According to the article, Na'im Qasim, deputy to Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, said in an interview on Radio Canada: "A nation with child-martyrs will be victorious, no matter what difficulties lie in its path. Israel cannot conquer us or violate our territories, because we have martyr sons who will purge the land of the Zionist filth... This will be done through the blood of the martyrs, until we eventually achieve our goals."

TIME magazine mentioned the Mahdi scouts a few weeks ago. Wow, that salute looks familiar.

  • Thursday, August 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Early this morning, Ra'ed Mohammad El-Nahhal was killed. El-Nahhal was a leader in the "Naser Salah El-Deen Brigades," which is the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees.

While he was driving his car at the time, it was not a Zionist helicopter or drone that sent a missile down his throat, but some other PalArab pumped several bullets into his head.

Which means that the unfortunate El-Nahhal will not get a huge funeral with people waving terror flags; Reuters will not be sending any cameramen to photograph his remains; there will be no car swarm; his family will not get thousands of dollars from Iran or Saudi Arabia; no posters of El-Nahhal will be printed up and plastered all over "refugee camps"; he will have no streets or stadiums named after him; no international human rights organizations will scream about "extrajudicial killings" in their self-congratulatory press releases, no one will protest his killers. People who want to Google him will only find mention at the PCHR site and a Zionist blog.

Poor guy had the misfortune to be murdered by a Palestinian Arab. And no one cares when that happens - it is a dog-bites-man story.

We are now at 64 PalArabs killed by their own people (that I know of) in the two months since the Israeli incursion began.

UPDATE: The PRC is blaming the death on hitmen hired by Israel. So if any PalArab is stupid enough to believe that (is it even a question?) he still has a shot at fame and martyrdom!

Allah be praised!
  • Thursday, August 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From recent UN press releases:
Regarding the situation in South Lebanon, the Secreatry-General [sic] said that "both parties have to respect the ceasefire...Parties with complaints on the ground, they should come to General Pellegrini, not take matters into their own hands...It’s a bit like having a football match where one of the teams also attempts to play the referee. You cannot be a team in a football match and the referee at the same time."

Kofi Annan is a complete idiot, and his analogy is not only false but offensive.

When one is dealing with issues of life and death, you do not rely on a third party - you rely on yourself. To say that a war is like a football match is breathtaking in its naivete.

When the "referee" has a history of favoring one side over the other, he is no longer a referee - at best he is an ineffectual bystander, at worst he is an enemy.

Which is proven by the next day's press release:
On 30 August the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) withdrew from the general area of Bastra and the area south of the Kafr Shuba and Shaba villages along the Blue Line in the Eastern part of South Lebanon. UNIFIL has established checkpoints and will carry out intensive patrolling to confirm that the IDF are no longer present in this area. UNIFIL plans to handover the area to the Lebanese Armed Forces.

Notice how UNIFIL defines its role - not to catch weapons smuggling from Syria, not to ensure that Hezbollah does not re-establish itself in the vacuum - but only to see if Israel is really gone. Which will require "intensive patrolling," as if the IDF is trying to hide.

After all of the sound and fury about 1701 and the Israeli hostages and the need to disarm Hezbollah and how important it is to stop illegal arms imports into Lebanon, in the end the UN is only concerned with one thing - getting Israel out of the way so that Hezbollah can be safely re-armed with no interference from the "referee."


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