Thursday, May 30, 2019

From Ian:

Anti-Zionism Worse than Anti-Semitism
It is far from that. The BDS mission originates straight from the founding mission of the PLO in 1964, before any Jewish settlements existed, which was to eliminate what is still seen as the unacceptable and humiliating sovereign Jewish-Zionist presence in Arab-Muslim lands.

Jew hatred may fuel the Israel hatred behind BDS and other anti-Israel forces, but after that, Israel-hatred wreaks havoc on its own. This is why, in my eyes, anti-Zionism is more lethal than anti-Semitism: It carries the virus of elimination.

As author Gil Troy writes in an email from Jerusalem, “Thousands have been killed and maimed by modern anti-Zionism, which requires the ideological and rhetorical inflammation to get people to blow themselves up and kill innocents. As a result, not only have we absorbed the notion that Israel’s existence should be up for grabs, but our outrage has been dulled –— we accept attacks on Israel as normal.”

Underlying the whole assault on Israel, he adds, “is the rejection of us as a people — we are just supposed to be a ‘nice’ religion confined to our synagogues and JCC’s, not a people taking up real space in the international arena.”

In sum, it is hardly enough to argue that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. In at least one crucial way it’s worse than that. Anti-Semitism revolves around an emotion — hate. Anti-Zionism revolves around an action — destruction.

Anti-Zionism must be fought on its own terms. Demonizing Israel and singling it out for special condemnation is immoral and discriminatory regardless of any claims of anti-Semitism.

Israel doesn’t just have a right to exist. Like any other imperfect state, it has a right to thrive, whether you hate Jews or not.

Political Correctness Blinds Us To The Causes Of Anti-Semitism
One wonders, though, if the New York Times editorial writer sees any incongruity in demanding Israelis sit down with group of people who are virulently anti-Semitic and illiberal while wagging their finger at Israelis for being friendly with Hungary, a nation that protects its Jews and fights for Israel in the European Parliament.

Orban’s Hungary is far from perfect—although also far from the fascistic place his antagonists would have you believe. Yet its 100,000 Jews didn’t report a single physical attack against them in the past two years. It seems Jews are enjoying something of a renaissance in that country.

As Evelyn Gordon at Commentary noted not long ago, American Jews might believe that “rightist governments enable anti-Semitism” in Europe, but polls show that Jews feel safer, sometimes by a 20-point margin, in places like Poland, Hungary, and Romania—which, maybe not coincidentally, also have low numbers of Muslim immigrants—than they do in countries like France and Germany, where anti-Jewish violence is spiking.

According to the Times, though, Israel’s leaders also perpetuate anti-Semitism when they find common cause with the president of United States, who has angered anti-Semites worldwide by taking positions once widely supported by a majority of American Jews, like moving the American embassy to the capital of Jerusalem and pulling the United States out of the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal.

It’s gotten to the point where the left regularly lumps the elected leader of the Jewish state in with white supremacists because he’s shown more deference to Donald Trump than to Hamas, Fatah, or Iran. If Israel engenders anti-Semitism, a sentiment that supposedly has absolutely nothing to do with Israel, it’s only because people are predisposed to hating Jews.

Then again, maybe the Times doesn’t understand that it’s not Israel’s or America’s job to placate anti-Semitic thugs in Germany. One of the reasons Israel exists, actually, is so Jews would never again have to worry about such things.
I was an expert witness against a teacher who taught students to question the Holocaust
My involvement in the case against Mr. Ali began in November 2017 when I got a phone call from a lawyer who was representing the Woodbridge Township School District. I had sent an email earlier in the year to the district about my study of how textbooks portray the Holocaust and officials there remembered my note.

Woodbridge officials had fired Mr. Ali, who was teaching students to question the Holocaust and who was also pushing 9/11 conspiracy theories. Mr. Ali was now suing the district for illegally firing him over his race and religion.

Mr. Ali had first made headlines in September 2016 after a news station discovered several 9/11 conspiracy links on his school webpage.

After speaking with the Woodbridge district lawyer, I was sent several hundred pages of depositions, student work and lesson plans to review. I was also asked if I would serve as an expert witness in the case.

One particularly memorable student paper in the documents was called “A Gas Chamber Full of Lies.”

“We have all been taught that the Holocaust was a time of hate, and that Hitler used the gifts he possessed for absolute evil, but is that really the case? … Is the death of the Jews completely justified? No, because nobody deserves to die, regardless what they’ve done. But are their deaths really completely unjustified either?” read an excerpt.

Another student stated that the Jews imprisoned in concentration camps “had a much easier and more enjoyable life in the camps” and that “even though they were not at home, they felt like they were.”

  • Thursday, May 30, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Friday is Quds Day, a day meant to protest Israel's control of Jerusalem.

Which means it is a time to celebrate Israel's rebuilding of Jerusalem, and restoring the Old City from the slum it was under Jordanian rule to a beautiful place, the eternal capital of the Jewish people.

In fact, taking a page from the BDS playbook where a week is a month long, the celebration should start now and go through Yom Yerushalayim on Sunday.

Because Israel's control of Jerusalem is something the entire world should celebrate.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

explosionHodeidah, Yemen, May 30 - A jihad warrior wearing an explosive vest set off his charge a split second after his partner today, resulting in the second explosion straddling the earthly and Jannah realms and destroying the 72 maidens that awaited him in paradise.

Ibrahim Sanani, 22, planned to approach a column of Saudi-backed militiamen with his companion Ismail Jabari, 23, and detonate their suicide bomb payloads simultaneously in proximity to the group. However, Sanani triggered his blast an instant after Jabari, whose bomb killed Sanani, and the latter's exploding vest sent flaming shrapnel into the supernal realm as he perished, striking down the six dozen virgins who had assembled to serve as his companions in the afterlife. Sanani's spiritual self remained unharmed, as he arrived just after the shrapnel fragments. He offered no comment on the incident as of publication.

"There were body parts everywhere," recalled Archangel Gabriel. "It was horrible. Seventy-two beautiful, pristine women, boom, gone, just like that. I haven't processed this yet. I'm still in shock, as are most of us up here. I hope they've gone to a better place."

Heavenly emergency services appeared on the scene right away, but were unable to save the victims. "There's no known safeguard," lamented Raphael. "We must accept the will of Allah, as we always do."

Sanani's detonation narrowly missed depriving his friend Jabari of the latter's virgin allotment, as well, according to witnesses. "The first shahid arrived a split second before the second and disappeared into his eternal harem with the girls an instant before the second guy arrived and blew everything up," reported cleanup crew member Muhammad Atta. "This guy's afterlife happiness collapsed faster than a jetliner hitting a New York skyscraper. The nineteen of us have tried to console him, but he's not really responsive. Probably still in shock. Can't blame the dude."

"Truth be told, there has to be more than meets the eye here," he continued in a whisper, as he looked around for eavesdroppers.  "There's supposed to be an impenetrable barrier between us and the mortal world, and no weapons are allowed across it. By the regular rules this shouldn't have happened. It's not the only strange thing - the first guy got away faster than normal - there's usually a lengthy welcoming ceremony - and why not, you got an eternity, so what's the rush? I'm pretty sure this was an inside job. Military-grade explosives can't melt the Jannah-Earth barrier."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Israel’s greatest friend sits in the White House
Before President Trump, when the regime in Iran chanted “death to Israel, death to America, curse the Jews,” the White House was silent. This president has stood up to the mullahs, taking the United States out of the enabling Iran nuclear deal, and imposing tight sanctions to squeeze them. Iran’s dangerous influence on the region created an opportunity, which the Trump administration has fostered: an anti-Iran Sunni alliance. The relations between Israel and the Arab Gulf has never been better, and President Trump is to thank for it!

Most recently, the United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of the State of Israel. Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, following the defensive capture of the Golan Heights from Syria when Arab countries waged a war of aggression aimed to destroy the Jewish state in the 1967 Six Day War. The Golan Heights not only holds a strategic advantage in the region, but is deeply-rooted in Judeo-Christian history. This was a profound move made by Israel’s great friend, President Donald Trump.

As much as President Trump has done for the State of Israel and the Israeli people, he has also been a friend of American Jews, a fact that seems to go in one ear and out the other. After the malicious, antisemitic attack at the Chabad of Poway near San Diego, the president went out of his way to comfort and build a relationship with Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein. I met Rabbi Goldstein at the White House Commemoration, where the rabbi called President Trump a “mensch par excellence,” a title that shows the honor and integrity this president carries with every decision he makes.

Thank you, President Trump, for being a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

Knesset votes for new elections on September 17 after PM fails to form coalition
Israel’s parliament on Wednesday voted to dissolve a mere month after it was sworn in, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to meet the midnight deadline to form a new government, triggering an unprecedented second national election this year.

After a raucous 12-hour debate, lawmakers voted 74 to 45 in favor of the Likud-drafted bill to dissolve the 21st Knesset and hold new elections on September 17.

The Likud, Yisrael Beytenu, United Torah Judaism, Shas and Union of Right-Wing Parties were joined by the two Arab-Israeli parties, Ra’am-Balad and Hadash-Ta’al in supporting the motion. Only Kulanu MK Roy Folkman was absent from the late-night votes. He is expected to quit politics.

Netanyahu had appeared to secure a fourth consecutive term after elections on April 9, thanks to a strong showing by his Likud party and his other nationalist and religious allies.

But in a shocking turn of events for the longtime leader, Netanyahu failed to muster a majority coalition in the 120-seat Knesset by the Wednesday midnight deadline, due to an impasse between the secular and ultra-Orthodox members of his would-be coalition over a contentious draft law.

The standoff between the ultra-Orthodox parties and Avigdor Liberman, an ally-turned-rival who leads the secular Yisrael Beytenu party, sunk Netanyahu’s efforts to form a government in the allotted 42 days. Liberman insisted that the draft law pass unchanged; the ultra-Orthodox parties rejected this, and Netanyahu blamed Liberman for the unbreakable deadlock.

PMW: 27% of Israeli Arabs voted for Zionist parties in recent elections
In Israel's recent elections:

12 Israeli Arabs elected to Israel's Parliament
50% of Israeli Arabs chose to vote
At least 112,000 Israeli Arabs (27%) voted for Zionist parties in exclusively Arab cities and towns:
35,783 Israeli-Arabs voted for Meretz
33,453 Israeli-Arabs voted for Blue and White
9,404 Israeli-Arabs voted for Likud
8,268 Israeli-Arabs voted for Shas
6,516 Israeli-Arabs voted for Yisrael Beiteinu

Now that the newly elected Israeli Parliament has been dissolved due to Prime Minister Netanyahu's inability to form a government, Israeli Arabs will again be experiencing the Israeli democracy in the next elections, which are set for September 17, 2019.

The next elections will once again prove wrong the Palestinian Authority's claim that Israel is an "apartheid state" as Israeli Arabs will be able to exercise their voting rights on equal terms with Israel's Jewish citizens.

Palestinian Media Watch has taken a look at the statistics from the recent Israeli elections and they prove the existence of a thriving Israeli democracy.

Responding to the results of the Israeli elections held in April this year, PLO Chief Negotiator and Fatah Central Committee member Saeb Erekat, said that the vote shows Israel has a "policy of apartheid and racial segregation":

  • Thursday, May 30, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Dan Kling wrote a very chilling thread on Twitter about his experiences at George Mason University.

He gave me permission to post it:


Let's talk about anti-Semitism at @GeorgeMasonU.

The second time I came to campus was for accepted students day. I ran into a club tabling called @GMUSAIA (GMU Students Against Israeli Apartheid.) I didn't really have too much of an opinion on the conflict, but when I told them I was Jewish they clammed up and wouldn't speak to me. They shoved a flyer in my hand and basically just stared at me.

I came to Mason and got involved in the Jewish community, only to hear constant stories of the antisemitism students experienced.

In November 2016, the national SJP conference was hosted at my school. The Jews were told to leave campus because no one could assure our safety. Lo and behold, attendees were posting about assaulting Zionists all over Twitter and Facebook. Everyone was scared shitless and hid in their rooms for days. But that's not even the worst of it.

After Trump's election, a petition was put together to say that GMU opposes all forms of hate... Except Antisemitism was completely missing, and Zionism was right in the center. It took two meetings with Student Power to get them to consider including antisemitism.

A couple months later was Israel Week, and we started off with an event bringing a Palestinian and Israeli to campus. Both the Palestinian group there, and the speaker, asked SAIA not to protest. But they did anyway. They listened to the Palestinian and shouted down the rabbi.

When he tried to reach out and hold one members hand, he turned around and swung his hand out at the rabbi. They stormed off, only to show up later that week at more events in "good faith."

During this time I was also forced to leave @transparentGMU because of antisemitism in
their group chat. I expressed some of the things they were saying made me uncomfortable, such as asserting all Jews in land conflicts were colonialists (even outside Israel). So in response they brought it random people to lecture me on how I didn't know what antisemitism was.

So I said, "this is ridiculous and I've had enough of the pettiness" and when they came to our events I decided to try and actually build a relationship with them. It was nice for all of about two seconds. At the first event they invited me to, a Pakistani guy sat down next to me and said that the two stripes of the Israeli flag were the Nile and the Euphrates, because the Jews' plot was to take the whole Middle East. To their credit, they told him that probably wasn't the case.

The next week, they helped host the "Muslim-Jewish Alliance." At this meeting, there was a total of three Jews, and many more Muslims. The speaker was @TaherHerzallah and he spent the entire meeting blaming Jews for Islamaphobia in America and saying that the only way we could ever fix this was by giving up Zionism. I tried to question it but was talked over and refused to be called on again. They all friended me on Facebook after that, and proceeded to fill up my wall with comments on my posts about Israel and the occupation, and harassed my friends. When I asked them to stop, they told me I should police my friends, not them.

When I went to Israel a month later for the first time, they attacked me as a settler on all of my photos, posted images of me calling me a white supremacist, and blocked me.

Sophomore year, I found pretty much most of the progressive community would refuse to
speak to me. So whatever. Twice my sophomore year I was assaulted for wearing a Magen David on campus.

At a Holocaust Remembrance table, students draped in Palestinian flags and scarves approached and tried to LIGHT OUR TABLE ON FIRE. When we stopped them they pointed and laughed at us and sent people over to harass us.

This year was no different. It started with the Boycott Sabra petition. We were out there trying to inform people why the petition was harmful, and two members of SAIA both body checked one of our members and stomped on my feet repeatedly. When we tried to engage with the people around us, people came and physically intimidated us, insulted us for being Jewish, spit at us, called us "Fucking Yahoodi" to our faces and behind our backs as if half of us don't understand Arabic. You ain't slick.

Later this year while tabling, we had girls come up to us and scream in our faces, and another guy came up to tell us why JEWISH lives don't matter at all. When I was tabling for charity, guys came up behind me and made jokes about how "the Yahoodi are asking for money again."

The Middle East Studies department hosted an event on antisemitism, which did not invite the Jewish community, hosted no Jewish professors (but plenty of antisemitic ones), and when asked about this simply deflected and said we were attacking them on because of Zionism.

It was kind of a sick joke when SAIA did the same exact thing a couple weeks later, but this time found two anti-Zionist Jews who were uninvolved in Mason's Jewish community to pretend they weren't pulling the same shit. Complaints fell on deaf ears.

During this time, my girlfriend and I went to AIPAC and went to speak with protestors (who spat on me) and my girlfriend took a photo of me speaking to people with her tongue out. People on Twitter asked for proof we went to speak with them, and when she gave it, they cropped the
photos and a bunch of Mason students doxxed her. @gmupolice did nothing. They didn't do anything when the campus preacher was calling for violence against Jews either, so ignoring Jewish plights seems to be a trend among them.

I spent Good Deeds Day this year being screamed at by a girl who told lies that we had told her "Fuck Palestine" after one of her friends spat on a soldier. She then peddled lies claiming I insulted her in text messages when I had never spoken to her. 🤷‍♂️

And this only my experience. Countless Jews at Mason have been targeted by anti-Semitic professors like Sumaiya Hamdani and Ahsan Butt. We've been assaulted by students in stairwells. Bias incident reports have been completely ignored. There's no avenue for Jews to feel safe.

Thanks for the kosher food, but I'd like to not have to worry about having a target on my back in class for the kippah on my head. I'd like you to address Mason's deep-seated anti-Semitic sentiments for once, like you said you would after Pittsburgh but then failed to.

Can I get some insight as to how you allow this level of harassment and bigotry to occur at your school @GeorgeMasonU @CabreraAngel ? I'm kind of tired of being consistently harassed and lied about because I'm Jewish and don't completely disavow my people at every intersection.

I hope someone sees my experience here and knows they're not alone, and that Mason's Jewish community is here to support you.


I have a list of other incidents at GMU. This is a serious problem.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, May 30, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since the "P is for Palestine" book is back in the news, I decided to illustrate and update my own, more accurate version that I had posted previously.

Who knows, maybe I could get a reading at a library...

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, May 30, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Russia Today-Arabic reports that the Palestinian ambassador to Moscow, Abdul Hafiz Nawfal, said that the Palestinian Authority is ready to negotiate a confederation with Jordan, but only after the establishment of the Palestinian state.

A confederation could range from a loose agreement to uphold common principles to a very tight relationship that is just short of sharing sovereignty.

The statement has caused a kerfuffle in the territories as people are wondering if this is the official Palestinian position.

It is somewhat consistent with the Palestinian constitution that emphasizes how much "Palestine" is part of the Arab world.

Jordan has rejected the idea of confederation with the Palestinians for decades.

Last September, PA president Mahmoud Abbas said, bizarrely, that he was interested in a tripartite confederation with Jordan and Israel:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has voiced interest in a tripartite confederation with Jordan and Israel, in what would appear a dramatic departure from his longstanding insistence on a two-state solution, according to Israeli peace activists and a Palestinian official.

According to the dovish Peace Now group, a senior delegation of which met Abbas on Sunday in Ramallah, the Palestinian leader said senior US administration officials Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt asked him recently about his opinion of a “confederation with Jordan.”

“‘I said [to Kushner and Greenblatt]: Yes, I want a three-way confederation with Jordan and Israel.’ I asked them if the Israelis would agree to such a proposal,” a statement by Peace Now quoted Abbas as saying.

It becomes more apparent over time that Palestinian Arab leaders have very little interest in actually running a state themselves.

Nawfal also had another interesting meeting:

A press conference on the occasion of Quds Day was held today at the headquarters of the Russian Federation, which included the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the State of Palestine and Iraq, as well as the First Deputy of the Russian Mufti.

The ambassadors spoke about the importance of Jerusalem for the Muslim and Arab world and stressed the importance of a two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital .

In an interview with "Sputnik" the Palestinian ambassador in Moscow Abdul Hafiz Nawfal praised the initiative of Imam Khomeini on Quds Day, and said:

"We appreciate the great initiative of Imam Khomeini on Jerusalem, and we consider it an honor to all of us. We remember and emphasize on this occasion the importance of Jerusalem, not only the Palestinian people, but all peoples and foremost the Iranian people. We thank Iran for this initiative and approach, to reach a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Given that Iran doesn't accept Israel in any solution, this praise of Iran's position perhaps is more relevant than any talk of a two state solution or a confederation.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

Last week my Masorti shul hosted a visiting group of Americans, members of a Conservative synagogue. One of the subjects for discussion was “what’s the issue that you are most concerned with at your synagogue?” The answer was not declining and aging membership, providing Jewish education for children (and grandchildren), mixed marriage, Israel, or any of the usual issues. It was security. “Ask anybody. Security is the top issue,” they said. “Who wants to join a shul or send their children to a school where they might get shot?”

The traditional position of liberal Jews in the US has always been that security was for someone else. It was sort of a badge of honor for liberals to insist that they didn’t need to protect themselves. They really liked themselves, so why shouldn’t everyone else like them? The Reform Temple in my home town built a beautiful new suburban structure for themselves in 1990, to replace the old fortress-like building downtown. The new one was invitingly open, with acres of glass, lots of doors, and expansive grounds without serious fencing – and it will cost them a small fortune to secure it.

Liberal Jews disliked guns and favored limiting access to them. They trusted the state to protect them. Now they are happy to have the “paranoid” gun owners with carry permits among them. Now they are having “active shooter drills” and taking self-defense courses too, because they are in danger on the street as well as in the synagogue.

This is just one aspect of the end of a golden age. There is no going back. As economic conditions get worse – and they will, thanks to the massive, crushing debt which will leave the increasingly incompetent government no choice but to inflate the currency – both the disenfranchised former blue-collar workers and the revolutionary Left will continue to blame the Jews, as will the blacks, who have been taught since the 1960s that anything bad that happens to them is a result of institutional white racism, and who have also come to believe – thanks to almost every important black “leader” after MLK – that the power behind the racist institutions is The Jew. The increase in the Muslim population, which is already close in number to the diminishing Jewish one, is another reason for an increase in antisemitism. Many Muslim immigrants bring with them the Jew-hatred that is common in the Muslim world, even apart from tensions relating to Israel. The security problem is a new reality, not a temporary problem.

I have to admit that I am lucky in that I have almost never experienced insecurity by virtue of being a Jew. I could say I have lived a charmed life. I lived in America at a time when being a Jew was almost as safe as being anything else. I did not live in Israel during the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973, when her existence was threatened. I was in California when Saddam was firing Scuds at Tel Aviv. I missed the Second Intifada, with its exploding buses and restaurants, and the recent Knife Intifada never came to Rehovot. I didn’t live in the North in 1981 when missiles from the PLO were landing, nor in 2006 when Hezbollah was launching them. I don’t live in the South now, which periodically comes under fire from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

One exception was in California in January, 2009. It was during Operation Cast Lead, the first of the “mowing the grass” operations in Gaza. After Israel absorbed thousands of rockets and mortars on the southern part of the country, Israel’s government decided to end the threat. In air, ground and naval attacks, Hamas installations were pounded, with buildings, tunnels, and of course rocket manufacturing and storage sites destroyed.

The operation started on December 27, 2008, and lasted 22 days before officials of the incoming Obama Administration ordered Israel to get the IDF out of Gaza before the inauguration. In the meantime, Hamas and supportive NGOs launched a vicious and effective propaganda attack, in which Israel was portrayed as deliberately trying to injure and kill civilians (the ultimate product of this was the tendentious Goldstone Report). At the same time, the Al Jazeera satellite channel showed continuous violent footage, much of it from wars in other places at other times, inflaming the world against Israel.

The local Islamic Center and “Peace” organization organized an anti-Israel demonstration at a main intersection. Several hundred demonstrators, many of them Muslim teenagers bused from other cities in California, stood on three corners of the intersection, facing a handful of pro-Israel demonstrators. Muslim demonstrators crossed the street and threatened the counter-demonstrators; at one point I called the police and told them that verbal confrontations were escalating and might become violent. They responded that the Muslims had promised that they would control their people. Shortly thereafter, one of the leaders of the demonstration came across and placed himself in front of the counter-demonstrators, protecting us from their more aggressive members.

This was an object lesson in dhimmitude and in diaspora life. We Jews were shown that Muslims would protect us, assuming of course that we were properly subservient; and we saw that the goyishe authorities could not be depended on. Not strong enough to protect ourselves, we were at our enemies’ mercy. My wife commented that it was time for us to move back to Israel (it took five more years).

The Jews of Europe have been insecure for some time now. I was in the UK in 2001, and the synagogue in North London that I visited already had the kind of precautions that Americans are only needing to implement today. Once-safe Germany is warning Jews to keep their kippot in their pockets. Forget France or Sweden.

Insecurity is unpleasant. Someone wants to hurt you, maybe kill you. You look over your shoulder. You cluster together with your own people, in ghettos or “Jewish neighborhoods,” because there’s safety in numbers (sometimes). You look for exits, make contingency plans. You try to make alliances with your non-Jewish neighbors, and to keep on the right side of the authorities in case you need their help.

This is humiliating, dishonorable. It harms your self-respect when your people can’t stand up for themselves. This is life in the diaspora.

Israel is the world’s biggest Jewish neighborhood, with the world’s most powerful security patrol, the IDF. Sometimes we would like the government to get a little tougher with our enemies. After all, this is the Jewish state, not the diaspora. There is still insecurity in Israel, but it is usually collective insecurity, in which the whole country worries about the same things. But personally speaking, I feel much more secure as a Jew in Israel than I ever did in California.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Caroline Glick talks about growing antisemitism in the realm of fake news
Caroline Glick, author and former Jerusalem Post columnist, is known for her fiery rhetoric about Israeli politics and security. But antisemitism?

Glick sat down with Avi Abelow, CEO and co-founder of the Israel Video Network, to discuss what she described as a growing concern that antisemitic views are being pushed onto the global public through the realm of fake news.

"You use fake facts in order to rationalize violent facts against Jews," Glick explained.

She said antisemitism throughout the ages has manifested itself as fake news or fake facts, such as the idea that Jews make Passover matzah with the blood of Christian children

"That is a fake fact," she said. "So then, antisemites will say, 'It is not that we hate Jews. We are concerned and we need to deal with the fact that these Jews are eating our children.'"

As a result, when people become brutal or genocidal against the Jews, they can justify their behavior, Glick said, as "just taking the normal action that anyone would take if someone were eating their children."

SHAME ON BUZZFEED AND WAPO: Ben Shapiro, Orthodox Jew And Top Conservative Foe Of The ‘Alt-Right,’ Does Not Turn People Into Neo-Nazis
BuzzFeed, facing a torrent of backlash for its blatant, fact-devoid smear, tweeted out a "correction" that instead claimed that the Jew-hating vandal claimed his road to radicalization included his wife reading Shapiro.

But it turns out that this "correction" was just as much a grotesque fabrication as was the original smear. As Daily Wire Senior Editor Emily Zanotti observed, "After looking at the FBI interview doc, it appears the only place [Shapiro's] name appears is in a sentencing document, submitted by the defense, arguing (weirdly) that this guy was radicalized by others and did the crime to please his wife."

In other words, Shapiro's name was only mentioned in a defense attorney-produced sentencing memo. "[The wife] moved on to writings by Ben Shapiro and articles on Breitbart News which bridged the gap to the notorious white supremacist and anti-Semitic propaganda site Stormfront," the memo claimed.

But why on earth would a news outlet report a criminal defense attorney's memo — a document definitionally designed to elicit sympathy for a criminal defense client, to deflect away and mitigate moral culpability, and to lower a sentence as much as possible — as if it were inerrant Gospel truth? A criminal defense attorney has one goal and one goal only: To get the lowest possible sentence for his client. While it cannot be said for sure whether the vandal's wife ever did consume Shapiro's content, it can be said for sure that the defense attorney's incentives, in submitting such a memo during the course of attempting to secure the lowest possible sentencing for his bigoted scofflaw of a client, are not necessarily perfectly aligned with the complete, neutral, unbiased truth. And it can also be said, more generally, that the notion that Torah-observant Jewish lion and adamant Zionist Ben Shapiro could ever be implied as responsible for the vandalization of a synagogue is patently absurd beyond any possibly describable measure.


  • Wednesday, May 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
To their credit, Human Rights Watch finally wrote their own eulogy for their founder, Robert L. Bernstein - and they mentioned that he criticized HRW for its bias against Israel. But they immediately dismissed it:

In 2009, Bernstein publicly criticized Human Rights Watch’s reporting on human rights in Israel. Human Rights Watch and its board responded that the organization’s work on the region was tough and accurate, holding Israel to the same principles and standards applied to all governments around the world.
Here is a short list I compiled of Human Rights Watch's incontrovertible bias against Israel a few years back:

Multiple, huge reports are written about events with death tolls that are a fraction of those in other areas of the world. Here I compare HRW's attention given to every country compared to their Freedom House scores - there is no correlation. 

Here are only some examples I've written about over the years:

  • HRW does not support equal rights for Palestinians in Lebanon who want to become citizens. 

  • Ken Roth insulted Israel when it announced plans to save the lives of Syrian Alawites, even as no other country in the world was doing anything for Syrians.

  • Ken Roth wrote an article castigating Israel that had quite a few lies. he tried to weasel out of some but never admitted his errors. 

  • HRW never answers whether they believe Jews have the right to pray on their holiest spot.

  • HRW once had its employees write pro-HRW comments on numerous websites pretending that they were ordinary people - engaging in "sock-puppetry" - in defense of their employee with the Nazi memorabilia obsession. 

  •  A HRW researcher falsely claimed Palestinian Arabs in the territories live in "shanties" while Jews live in "spacious villas." 

This is beyond looking at their reports and press releases on Israel and the numerous patterns of bias, ignoring any facts that contradict their pre-conceived anti-Israel bias, as well as proof of their ignorance of military methods, every time.
Ken Roth likes to speak about Israel's "impunity" but HRW is not transparent about their methods of information gathering and reporting, about how they hire their Middle East "experts,"or really about their methods altogether - even as they demand the same from everyone else. It is HRW that acts with impunity against Israel.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

The Trump administration is creating momentum for Palestinian-Israeli peace
In a recent tweet pointing to the 31 percent Palestinian unemployment rate, senior Trump administration peace envoy, Jason Greenblatt, suggested, “the PA is focused on calcified talking points that have not brought peace but only misery and prevented job creation.” He recommended that the PA “focus on peace AND the economy,” because “Palestinians deserve opportunity.”

President Trump’s peace team, which also includes his son-in-law and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, repeatedly state that their full plan will also address all of the core political issues in the conflict. In fact, rather than a substitute for a political solution, they have stressed that economic progress can only be achieved if the core political issues are resolved. Both components are necessary for the success of the plan. So why would the PA balk at any opportunity created to bring prosperity to their people?

Part of the answer is the growing disparity between the Palestinian leadership and the people. After all, President Mahmoud Abbas is currently in the 15th year of his four-year term in office. It’s only natural for a certain comfort in the status quo to set in, regardless of whether it best serves the interests of the people.

Take, for instance, the case of Ashraf Jabari, a 45-year-old businessman from the West Bank city Hebron. He believes in economic cooperation and peaceful co-existence with his Jewish neighbors, recently launching an economic initiative to advance joint entrepreneurship between Israelis and Palestinians. He established The Reform and Development Party focused on economic prosperity for Palestinians, with hopes of tackling the issue of high unemployment.

Instead of permitting this effort to proceed, Jabari has become the subject of a well-orchestrated smear campaign and has been denounced as a “traitor” and “collaborator” with Israel. The Palestinian news website, Wattan, even called for him to be brought to trial for treason.

The old Palestinian guard restricts both the political and economic creativity of its people and closes the door on those willing to open up opportunities for growth. This recipe provides for neither a political settlement nor economic growth, sacrificing the future of their younger generations.

The “Peace to Prosperity” economic workshop in Bahrain is a refreshing opportunity for Palestinians to finally take the first proactive step toward a more promising horizon. It is incumbent on West Bank Palestinian leaders to engage constructively and finally choose a future fueled more by their desire to live in peace and realize their economic potential, than their desire to cling to the status quo and the talking points of the past.

Trump’s peace plan is splitting Arab world
The fissures are already visible. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, two important, influential counties in the Persian Gulf, announced they will attend the U.S.-led economic conference in Bahrain scheduled for June 25-26. The Palestinian Authority and Hamas have already said separately that they will boycott the summit. Egypt and Jordan are still undecided. The rest of the Arab world is licking its wounds. Iran, for its part, is looking on, grinning from ear to ear.

Jordan’s King Abdullah was able to weather the Arab Spring uprising by adopting some of the demands put forth by the masses and changing the election system. His problems didn’t end there, however, and his kingdom is still unstable. At this stage, he’d rather the deal of the century was put on hold, while the uncertainty surrounding the plan’s details is exacerbating his concerns that his country will have to pay a steep price.

Unlike Jordan, Egypt is projecting an aura of self-confidence. It is ignoring the PA in its talks with Hamas over a cease-fire understanding with Israel and has tempered its efforts to mediate inter-Palestinian reconciliation. Egypt supports the Palestinian demands regarding a final-status agreement with Israel but is not backing PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ rejectionist approach to the deal of the century. Cairo feels comfortable enough to speak with Washington honestly and is calling on the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table and to learn from Egypt’s experience with Israel.

Abbas has worked tirelessly to create an Arab front to foil the deal, seemingly without success. The White House hasn’t backtracked from its intention to present the plan after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Even in Israel, voices have emerged in support of postponing the plan, which likely won’t be received with unanimity across the Arab world either. To be sure, since the establishment of the Arab League in 1954, the Arab world has never been this divided.
The Palestinian War on the Trump Peace Plan
In the past few days, the Gaza-based groups have issued several statements hinting that they would use all means, including terrorism, to foil the US peace plan.

What is perhaps most worrying for the Arab leaders are the threats coming from Iran's puppets -- Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. It now remains to be seen whether the Arab heads of state will be deterred by these threats or ignore them at the risk of becoming the Palestinians' terror targets.

Clearly, the very Palestinians who are boycotting a conference -- whose aim is to help them move beyond their leadership-imposed economic devastation -- will wind up the big losers in this spiteful scenario of hate. This time, however, it also seems that the Palestinians will not only deprive themselves of billions of dollars, but will also damage -- perhaps irrevocably -- their relations with influential Arab countries. By all accounts, the Palestinians appear to be heading toward another "nakba" (catastrophe).
PA President Mahmoud Abbas: May the Deal of the Century Go to Hell

  • Wednesday, May 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
By Daled Amos

A new poll just came out last week, indicating Domestic Issues Dominate The Priorities Of The Jewish Electorate
On behalf of the Jewish Electorate Institute (JEI), Greenberg Research conducted a survey of 1,000 Jewish voters to understand what drives their engagement in politics in advance of the 2020 elections. The results demonstrate that domestic issues dominate the policy priorities of the Jewish community as they determine which candidate to support in the 2020 election, as opposed to issues related to Israel, which remains the lowest policy priority of Jewish voters.
During a conference call, the person who did the poll -- Stan Greenberg himself -- shared a Powerpoint presentation of the data.

Here are the responses he got to the question regarding what are the most important issues affecting voting:

Support for Israel rated next to last in importance in deciding who to vote for. The natural consequence of this prioritizing is that Trump's record on Israel will do nothing to counteract the usual Jewish support for Democrats -- despite Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, his moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the Golan as part of Israel, voiding the Iran deal while reimposing sanctions and Trump's refusal to give the Palestinian Arabs a free ride on economic aid.

But the continued overwhelming support by Jews for the Democratic Party should not come as a surprise.

Jews Care About Israel - But That Doesn't Mean Their President Has To

In 2007, The American Jewish Committee did its Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion.

Among the results -

On issues of Jewish Identity, 90% of the respondents said that "being Jewish" was important to them to some degree:

34. How important would you say being Jewish is in your own life?
Very important: 61%
Fairly important: 29%
Not very important: 10%

70% of the respondents answered that they feel close to Israel

37. How close do you feel to Israel?
Very close: 30%
Fairly close: 40%
Fairly distant: 21%
Very distant: 8%
Not sure: 1%

Almost 70% of those Jews surveyed said that Israel was a very important part of their being a Jew

38. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Caring about Israel is a very important part of my being a Jew.”
Agree: 69%
Disagree: 28%
Not Sure: 3%

So, if Jews find Israel to be so important to their identity as Jews, where did Israel rank in their calculations when voting for a president in 2008?

19. In deciding who you would like to see elected president next year, which issue will be most important to you? Please select one of the following:
War in Iraq: 16
Economy and jobs: 23
Terrorism and national security: 14
Health care: 19
Support for Israel: 6
Immigration: 6
Education: 4
Energy crisis: 6
Not sure: 5
Concern for Israel simply does not translate into a priority for considering for whom to vote during a presidential election year. If anything, the fact that 28% now as opposed to only 6% then thought of Israel as a relevant issue is quite an improvement.

Interestingly, in 2007 the concern for immigration was minimal. Only 6% thought it was a consideration in choosing a president. But now, when asked how important it was "whether the candidate shares your views on immigration," 29% responded yes.

That is quite a jump.

Does that increase only reflect an increased concern and heightened sensitivity for those seeking a new life in the US, or is there more to it?

Polls Are As Much An Art As They Are a Science

The media, which tended to be more protective and less critical of Obama, has come all out against Trump since even before he took office, resulting in accusations of "fake news" from both sides.

Similarly, in the current poll itself, one of the questions is limited to "Combatting the influence of white supremacists and far right" -- but completely ignores the issue of racism and antisemitism from the left.

Jonathan S. Tobin sees the results of the poll illustrating What happens when Israel is your lowest priority, but also sees an animus towards Trump explained in part by a degree of bias in the polling:
Greenberg Research is a liberal Democratic polling firm. That bias was reflected in the wording of some of the questions and the fact that it asked respondents their opinion of “white supremacists and the far right,” though didn’t ask about left-wing anti-Semitism. [see slide 7 above]
Tobin points to another example of a leading question used in the poll when respondents were asked "is President Trump at least partially responsible for the targeted attacks on synagogues, including those in Pittsburgh and Poway?" and whether most concerning to them was “President Trump encouraging ultra-right extremists committing violent attacks” -- again, omitting any mention of left-wing antisemitism.

Considering the level of partisanship and the blame attached to Trump, Tobin does not find it surprising that 39% of Jews surveyed believe the answer is to simply work to get Trump out of office, while only 12% see adding to armed security as the answer.

Tobin sees holding Trump responsible for antisemitic attacks as irrational, especially since those who carried out the attacks state their opposition to Trump, whom they believe is too friendly to Jews:
The notion that anti-Semitism was somehow lying dormant until January 2017 and that throwing the most pro-Israel administration to date out of office and replacing it with the party that is prepared to tolerate the likes of BDS supporters and anti-Semites like Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) will make Jews safer strains credulity.
A measure of the extent people will go to blame Trump for racism was recently displayed in the Washington Post, in an article on the measure of racial prejudice since Trump has taken office.

Apparently, prejudice is down.

But rather than give any credit Trump, the researcher feels forced to theorize that the decline is a reaction in spite of Trump:
Racial prejudice has not increased among white Americans since the explosive 2016 election, argues political scientist Daniel J. Hopkins. It has actually decreased by some measures, he found, possibly as a reaction to Trump’s unexpected ascension to the White House. [emphasis added]
It seems it was not too difficult to resolve this apparent contradiction between the decline in racial prejudice since Trump took office and the accepted belief that Trump in fact encourages racism:
Hopkins told The Washington Post that the results initially surprised him. Upon reflection, however, “it’s quite conceivable that Trump has simultaneously galvanized a small number of highly prejudiced white Americans while also pushing millions more to affirm that they are not as prejudiced,” he argued.

In other words, Hopkins believes the study provides evidence that the racially incendiary rhetoric and policies issuing from Trump’s White House have pushed the majority of Americans in the opposite direction.
In the current climate, Trump can do no right.

But the poll is not all bad news for Republicans.

The Silver Lining For Republicans, A Concern For Democrats?

In a post he contributed on Instapundit, David Bernstein -- a law professor and contributor to The Volokh Conspiracy -- examined the poll results and addressed a different implication of the poll: Are Young American Jews More Supportive of Trump Than Young Americans in General?

He bases his question on this part of the poll:

Bernstein writes:
Much more surprising, and not in the headlines, was that the survey found that 31% of Jews under 30 (and at least 18) approve of President Trump, higher than any other Jewish age demographic except for slightly higher approval among millenials. But wait, there’s more.

The summary published by the JEI mysteriously excludes Orthodox Jews from its data on Trump approval by age group, but only from the younger cohorts. Thanks to high Orthodox birth rates, Orthodox outreach efforts, and widespread assimilation among the non-Orthodox, Orthodox Jews are a much larger percentage of the younger Jewish cohort than of older Jewish cohorts. 20% is a reasonable estimate of the percentage of American Jews under 30 who are Orthodox. And 57% of Orthodox Jews approve of Trump, but let’s round that up to 60% for the younger cohort, since younger Jews in general are more approving of Trump. That means approximately 37% of American Jews under 30 approve of Trump. By contrast, a recent poll showed that only 33% of Americans ages 15-34 approve of Trump. [emphasis in the original]
Conservatives have been talking about the Jewish vote going their way due to the increasing number of Orthodox Jews for what seems like forever. Here, at least, there is some small indication that this change may be beginning to manifest itself.

We'll have to wait and see.

The Good News Is There Is No Growing Divide Between Israel and Diaspora Jews! The Bad News Is...

Israeli political scientist and author of The Virtue of Nationalism, Yoram Hazony, responded on Twitter to Tobin's observation "that only Orthodox and politically conservative Jews consider Israel a priority is not really news":

In response to Rabbi David Wolpe, Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, who tweeted back, " I hope it leads more to re-engaging efforts than to triumphalism," Hazony replies

The fight over the Jewish vote in next year's 2020 presidential election is symptomatic of the rift between conservative and progressive Jews -- a struggle that expresses itself most clearly in the fight over Israel.

Not so long ago, it was unheard of to publicly criticize Israel. It was a question that was debated. Now, it is not only commonly accepted -- we have groups which go beyond criticism, deliberately questioning Israel's legitimacy without ever saying a word in support of the Jewish State.

Some of the more radical fringe groups openly say Kaddish for Palestinian terrorists.

We can debate how "Jewish" such groups are and who in fact is funding and directing them, but the fact remains there is a rift and it is growing.

Here in the diaspora, lacking the Jewish Land, Language and Life that ultimately bind Israelis together, the connection that Jews in the US feel towards Israel is as important as ever. That connection does not have to dictate who Jews vote for, but the indication that the connection manifests itself mostly in words is an increasingly worrisome problem.

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  • Wednesday, May 29, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
The NYPD Hate Crimes statistics for the first quarter of 2019 shows that 59% of all reported hate crimes have been against Jews - far more than against all other groups combined.

In previous years, the anti-Jewish crimes reported nationwide were far higher than other anti-religious crimes, but there were still more anti-black and anti-gay crimes than anti-Jewish. In New York, though, Jews are the main target of hate - by far.

66 reports of bias incidents against Jews, and 46 against everyone else.

It is getting worse. The Wall Street Journal reports that through May 19, the total number of incidents this year has grown to 176, ad 83% increase from last year, and again the Jews are the main targets.

"Our residents should feel free to worship without fear–and yet they can’t right now," City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said. "We have an anti-Semitism crisis in New York. It’s a national problem, but New York accounts for way too many incidents." ...

Especially striking is the disparity between anti-Islamic and anti-Jewish bias incidents reported. We ae hearing about an epidemic of Islamophobia, but at least in New York City there is little evidence of it, with only 3 anti-Islam and one anti-Arab incident, which is trivial compared to the 66 antisemitic incidents.

Although the news media has been reporting on the startling increase of attacks by blacks on religious Jews especially in Brooklyn, the NYPD stats shows that crimes against Jews are equal opportunity.

Of twenty incidents for which people were arrested, 12 were done by white men or boys (although it looks like only 6 separate whites were arrested, two for multiple crimes); four black men, one black woman, and three Asian men and boys.

The hate is increasing across the board. It isn't right-wing or left-wing, it isn't only oppressed minorities or white supremacists. It's coming from everywhere, and it is way past time for people to stop blaming their political opponents for the hate that is coming from their own quarters.

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