We are not about to dig up the history of the Jews in Europe and the world nor enter into a debate about the suffering and persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany during World War II from 1939-1945, but what caught our attention is a phenomenon that Ibn Khaldun had previously touched upon in his well-known introduction, which is that: “The conquered nations resemble the conquering nations,” and what psychologists later confirmed is that the victim imitates the executioner in terms of admiration for his strength and tyranny, which later pushes her, despite what she suffered at the hands of the executioner, to imitate his style of dealing with others, and she herself turns into an executioner who practices the same logic of superiority, tyranny, and types of torture with others who fall under their authority and rule.This is what we see today in the way the Zionists, victims of the Holocaust, deal with the Palestinian people. In this context, we noticed the great similarity between the “Final Solution Plan” drawn up by the Nazis during World War II to get rid of the Jews in Germany and the “Decision Plan” drawn up by the Zionist right and extremist Smotrich to get rid of the Palestinians and end the conflict.....The Holocaust, which the Zionists claim killed 6 million Jews, is one of the most important tools of the plan for the preferred description of the Jews for what they were exposed to in Germany, - although Western thinkers and researchers, including the Frenchman Roger Garaudy, refuted with documents and scientific analysis the validity of the number, as he said that the number of Jews in Germany at the beginning of the war was not 6 million: How did the Nazis kill 6 million and millions of people who were rescued remained inside Germany or fled from it to America, European countries and Palestine?
He starts off saying that the Holocaust happened, - and then quotes a famous Holocaust denier saying it didn't happen or was exaggerated.