Sunday, March 09, 2025

  • Sunday, March 09, 2025
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNICEF Australia has a webpage called "A child-friendly guide to the Gaza-Israel crisis."

Here is its summary:

At school, home or on social media, you may have heard people talking about Israel and Gaza and have wondered, what is happening?
The situation in Gaza and Israel is very complex and has been going on since the mid-20th Century, which is why many adults also find it hard to understand what is happening.  

Essentially, there are two groups of people: the Israelis (the people who live mostly in Israel) and the Palestinians (the people who live mostly in the Gaza Strip and another area known as the West Bank).  

The Israelis and the Palestinians both have a very strong connection to the land. They have tried to make agreements to share the land, but these agreements fall apart, and the fighting starts again about who gets to live where. 
See? Hamas only murdered 1,200 Israeli citizens because the agreement to share the land fell apart! Don't even think it could have been the other way around!

The page shows about nine pictures, of children and war damage. Every single picture is from Gaza, the West Bank or Lebanon. Not one from the kibbutzim in the south of Israel, not a word about terrorism or rockets.

It ends with five fast facts about the conflict. The first one, when analyzed, is enough to show UNICEF's anti-Israel bias.

How many things can one sentence get wrong?

There is no State of Palestine. 

Even if you accept there is such a state, it didn't exist in the mid-20th century.

If you claim that this is only a semantic issue, and the Arabs who lived in the region were effectively citizens of the State of Palestine, then what happened in the mid-20th century that began the conflict?  

If Arabs in the area were part of the State of Palestine before it existed, then the Jews killed in 1920, 1921, 1929, and 1936-39 by the Arabs must have been part of the State of Israel before it existed.  But that isn't part of the conflict, according to UNICEF, because 1921 or 1929 are not "mid-20th century."   

So the beginning of the conflict was the founding of the State of Israel. Without Israel, UNICEF is telling its child readers, there would be no conflict! Who cares about the Jews killed by Arabs before Israel was reborn? It has nothing to do with it!

This is the baked in anti-Israel bias at the UN and many other organizations. The authors of this page no doubt believed that they were giving a dispassionate, even-handed simplification of the conflict, but their choice of photos and words show nothing of the sort. This is a subtle but unmistakable way to teach children that Israel is the problem. 

There is yet another problem with this single sentence. Since the page is about Gaza, Hamas is not framed as a separate group, but as part of the State of Palestine. UNICEF is saying Israel's war is against the State of Palestine, not Hamas. 

This is hardly the only problem with this page. UNICEF airbrushes Hezbollah attacks, saying that the war in Gaza caused "tension" between Israel and Hezbollah. It does not mention that Israel was also attacked by Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian rockets. Any context of the war that might make children sympathetic to Israel is non-existent, while there is plenty to make them identify with Palestinians. 

(h/t Irene)

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