Thursday, March 20, 2025

  • Thursday, March 20, 2025
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times has an article on the casualties from Israeli airstrikes in Gaza this week, "Tallying the Dead Once Again: Photos and Videos From the Gaza Strikes."

A photo caption says, without any caveat, "More than 400 Gazans were killed in Israeli airstrikes on Tuesday."

The article has lots of gruesome scenes of bodies.

Let's do a thought experiment. Let's say that the real casualty count was half of what Hamas authorities say - 200 dead, including dozens of women and children. If you want, consider that the actual casualty count was 120.

Would any reporters know that Hamas is lying?

The photos would be the same. The videos would be the same. No one is counting individual bodies, and no one really could. 

If Israel was targeting Hamas leaders -and they clearly were, since many major leaders were killed - then one would expect that their families would be killed as well, which would include children and female relatives. 

How would reporters know this as they film scenes of death? How would they know that the Hamas ministries are lying and that the targets were all legitimate and legal?

They wouldn't. And Hamas knows this. 

There are no independent sources for Gaza casualties. It is only Hamas. And Hamas prioritizes its propaganda campaign more than even its military campaign. 

Photos of the dead seem to support Hamas' narrative of 400 killed, but in fact they don't. They are emotional manipulation but they do not support the actual claims. (I've seen one unverified claim that some of the children's bodies may even have been pulled out of refrigeration in morgues. I have no idea if it is true but is it really too disgusting for Hamas to do that?)

It isn't as if the Ministry of Health's spokespeople haven't lied before. They have, many times. 

They have lied about the number of casualties in specific incidents like the Al Ahli hospital where they claimed over 400 killed when there were only a few dozen from an Islamic Jihad rocket.  In this case the Hamas health ministry overstated the deaths by at least 400%.

They did the same with the October 13, 2023 Salah al Deen road incident, where they claimed 70 civilians were killed by an Israeli airstrike when reporters could only find 12 bodies almost certainly killed by a Hamas IED. Here the health ministry exaggerated the deaths by over 500%.

Why would anyone believe them today when they claim 436 dead? How could reporters surveying the gruesome scenes know whether it supports Hamas claims? 

They lied when they claimed 70% of the casualties were women and children which was statistically impossible given their own detailed casualty lists. 

They lied when they ludicrously claimed Israel of waging germ warfare

They lied when they claimed Israel had weapons that vaporize Gazans over a radius of 200 meters leaving no trace.

I'm not even talking about the Hamas media office, or Hamas civil service, with their own laughable lies about 14,000 missing under the rubble or how Hamas destroyed hundreds of Israeli tanks or how Hamas fighters killed multiple IDF soldiers with nothing more than knives.

The New York Times and other media have shown no interest or curiosity when these officials say things that are medically, scientifically and statistically impossible. But when they say that Israel killed exactly 436 people of whom 94 are women and 183 are children, this is believed without any question.

Hamas knows which information it has total control over. It uses that control to create stories that are false on multiple levels. 

Hamas lies. It is part of its strategy. There are countless examples. Reporters and NGOs simply ignore the most sensational obvious lies (except for Al Jazeera, which reports them religiously) and then give credibility to the lies that aren't so easy to disprove.

No wonder people don't trust the media. They have shown consistently that they cannot be trusted.

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