Monday, January 15, 2024
Monday, January 15, 2024
Elder of Ziyon
For months, the UN OCHA unit faithfully reported Hamas' statistics saying that 70% of Gaza's deaths were women and children.
For a week or so after this report, they maintained the steady "70% women and children" figure but without the specific count, which Hamas seems to have had ended December 11 but the UN kept reporting. Here is their January 11 report:
But it isn't as if the Hamas-run Gaza ministry of health dropped their claims that 70% of the fatalities were women and children. They still say so to this day.
This is from their January 2 report:
A few days ago, they even dropped the "70%" figure from their daily statistics:
Apparently, quietly, even the UN no longer believes the Hamas' obviously inflated statistics on women and children killed which they eagerly rubber stamped for over three months. This is even though there was plenty of evidence that Hamas would sometimes pretend that the number of "women and children" killed was higher than the total reported fatality rate for the day - clearly aiming at arriving at and maintaining this fictional 70% figure.
While the UN won't say out loud that they no longer trust Hamas civilian casualty figures, they are no longer reporting them as assumed true.
Not to say that the UN suddenly believes what Israel says. Even though Israel has released estimates of the number of members of terror groups killed - today it says that it has killed 9000, making the "70% women and children" claim impossible - UN-OCHA has never mentioned the Israeli estimates, which is what it would do if it actually cared about the truth.

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