Monday, January 29, 2024

From Ian:

Hillel Neuer: The UN’s Terrorism Teachers
Many who watched the October 7 massacre likely wondered how a man’s mind can become so warped that he not only commits heinous acts of murder, rape, and mutilation, but proudly films this carnage for the world to see.

It is a complicated question. But one of the primary answers is found in the schools that mold the minds of young people in their formative years. In Gaza, the organization that does much of the molding is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWA. That organization pays the salaries of teachers who call for the murder of Jews.

On Friday, UNRWA said it had fired some employees accused of participating in Hamas’s October 7 invasion of Israel. Over the weekend, in an unprecedented rebuke of the agency, more than a dozen of its donor states, including the U.S., Germany, France, Japan, Canada, and the Netherlands, announced their suspension of funds to UNRWA. The latest revelations follow numerous other reported cases of UNRWA’s entanglement with Hamas terrorism.

This agency was chartered after the 1948 war that established the state of Israel. Since 1950, UNRWA has provided the bulk of social services at Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza, including the crucial task of teaching Palestinian children and adolescents.

But the notion that it is primarily an agency for the relief of refugees is a front. UNRWA’s main task is political. Palestinians who work for UNRWA call it “the main political witness to our cause.”

UNRWA exists to perpetuate Palestinians as refugees. Unlike the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, which since World War II has been responsible for the welfare of all refugees in the world, and has worked toward their resettlement and relocation, UNRWA deals only with the Arabs from Palestine and has a completely different objective.

Millions of Palestinians who attend UNRWA schools in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and Gaza are taught that the war of 1948 is not over, and that they have a “right of return”—meaning, to dismantle and take over Israel.

The UN betrays its mission by signaling to the Palestinians that the war is not over, and to keep fighting.

UN Secretary General António Guterres said he was “horrified” to discover that UNRWA employees participated in the invasion and massacre of October 7. But in reality, their actions merely translated UNRWA’s core message into action.
Matti Friedman: What If the Real War in Israel Hasn’t Even Started?
Israelis like Lt. Col. Dotan, who is 54, and me acquired a healthy regard for Hezbollah during our military service in a swath of south Lebanon that Israel held as a buffer after the Lebanon invasion of 1982, and which we called “the security zone.” At first, the zone was meant to protect people near the border from infiltrations by Palestine Liberation Organization terrorists. But as Iranian power rose the enemy became Hezbollah, which was set up and trained by the Revolutionary Guards. I served in the security zone as a radioman and platoon sergeant.

This overlooked war, which Israelis never even bothered to name when it was going on, was in fact one of the labs that produced what we now think of as “war”—not the movement of divisions across territory or battles between states, but armed groups operating in the ruins of failed states; hit-and-run attacks using IEDs, which Hezbollah did much to pioneer; suicide bombers, which Hezbollah introduced in the Middle East; the use of video as a propaganda weapon, which Hezbollah employed to great effect two decades before ISIS; and the exploitation of the civilian landscape to conceal the military landscape, with all of the consequences for innocent people.

What happened in the security zone isn’t discussed much in Israel but retains a hold on those of us who served there when we were young. We learned lessons about the limits of military power—but also about the limits of our ability to placate our enemies. Many of us also learned, in a strange way, to love Lebanon, which is a bewitching place. The echoes of that experience matter now because it’s men who began their service in the security zone as teenagers who now run the Israeli army, and who confront this new war as generals.

In May 2000, facing rising casualties and a protest movement led by the mothers of Israeli soldiers, the army abandoned the security zone overnight and pulled back to the border. This seemed to me, and to most Israelis, like the right thing to do, but it didn’t end the war. Hezbollah only grew stronger. We let it happen, as we did with Hamas in Gaza, because the alternatives seemed worse. An all-out war would have been so costly, both in lives and in the kind of disproportionate international frenzy that follows any Israeli operation, that we decided to live alongside Hezbollah and tell ourselves we’d contained them.

Fast-forward to early 2024, and Israel has a security zone again—except now it’s inside Israel.

Lt. Col. Dotan’s home is at a kibbutz in the evacuation zone. He remained there after the October 7 call-up, in uniform, while moving his kids farther south. From Hezbollah’s firing positions in the underbrush and the homes of Lebanese villages, the organization controls much of the fence and can fire at will. That means Israelis can’t go home unless the fighters are pushed back, far to the north, by diplomacy or by war. Allowing our civilians to return is the Israeli goal in the north, not destroying Hezbollah—which just isn’t possible, not only because of the group’s military power but because of the way it’s woven into the civil and political life of Lebanon.

Everyone would prefer diplomacy. Things are far too dark here already. But the distancing of Hezbollah by diplomacy was supposed to have happened long ago, by Security Council resolution, after the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006, and proved meaningless. The Lebanese Army is too weak to control its own territory, and a United Nations peacekeeping force has been ineffectual.

I’ve been speaking to reserve soldiers, some still in uniform, others newly discharged from the alleys and booby traps of Gaza City. They know what it means if we go to war in Lebanon. But they don’t say “if,” they say “when,” and expect to be there in the spring.
The United Nations — What is it Good For?
The United Nations has little to brag about. Though the organization is quick to tout what it presents as myriad accomplishments, the multi-agency behemoth founded upon promises of international peace and security does little to remedy the world’s wars, conflicts, and crises.

In 2022, when a Russia retreat from the Kyiv region revealed hundreds of Ukrainian civilians killed in the city of Bucha, President Volodymyr Zelensky castigated the U.N. for its inaction.

“If there is no alternative and no option, then the next option would be [to] dissolve yourself altogether,” he said in a Security Council address. “Are you ready to close the United Nations? Do you think that the time for international law is gone?”

Russia’s veto power on the Security Council prevented any U.N. resolution or intervention in the Ukraine war. A few months ago, Mr. Zelensky again addressed the body.

“Humankind no longer pins its hopes on the U.N.,” he said. “Ukrainian soldiers now are doing at the expense of their blood what the U.N. Security Council should do by its voting: They’re stopping Russia and upholding the principles of the U.N.”

Its inaction is not limited to Ukraine. While the U.N. is well known for its frequent condemnations of Israel, it has never once condemned China, much less done anything, about its well-documented oppression of the Uyghur people and other human rights abuses. If China moves against Taiwan, Beijing’s Security Council veto effectively blocks any useful response.

The U.N. has a 10,000-strong force on Lebanon’s border charged with demilitarizing the area. Hezbollah’s massive weapons buildup and recent, steady stream of rocket attacks speak to that force’s success.

Amid talk of what post-war governance in Gaza will look like, there is no serious discussion of the U.N. playing a significant role.

A visit to the U.N. or perusal of its literature confronts one with a great deal of high-flying sentiment about its mission to root out suffering and injustice, and to replace war with dialogue.

Yet its 70-year history is largely a record of not only failing to deliver on these promises, but in many instances of making the world’s problems worse.

Surviving on member nation donations, the U.N. is not a cheap endeavor, either. In 2022, the United States, the organization’s largest contributor, gave some $22 billion.

All this leaves many very reasonable people asking what, if any, purpose the U.N. serves. And why do American taxpayers contribute so much to keep it ticking?

Seth Mandel: Where Money for ‘Palestinian Relief’ Actually Goes
Several Western countries paused additional funding for the agency in the wake of the allegations, but that is far from sufficient. The problems at UNRWA have long been known, but the larger problem for its defenders is that the agency’s budgeting structure hid all of its corruption and violence in plain sight.

This morning, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the leader of an unceasingly anti-Zionist faction of Democratic representatives, tweeted that it was “unacceptable” to reduce aid to UNRWA in the wake of the initial allegations. But by the time she’d tweeted, the number of “bad apples” in UNRWA had gone from 12 to 1,200. Whether out of genuine ignorance or dishonesty, UNRWA’s defenders have already lost the argument on their own terms.

But this kind of spin is also just plain silly. Here is how the UN spends UNRWA’s budget, according to UNRWA itself: Health-related programs get a mere 15 percent; social services, infrastructure, support service each get even less. The majority of the budget, 58 percent, goes to “education.” As has been thoroughly documented, the education part of those schools is dedicated to incitement and medieval Jew-hatred. The buildings themselves are put to use storing weapons—including during wartime, when that would put anybody in the building or its vicinity in danger. Hamas has built its terror tunnels underneath the schools, with entrances sometimes in the school building or nearby.

It should be no surprise, then, that a majority of the UNRWA employees charged with participating in the Oct. 7 slaughter were teachers. The schooling system that eats up most of the UNRWA budget is a slush fund for a Hamas farm team. Now that this is out in the open, and all plausible deniability has been incinerated, of course funding should be stopped and routed through some other organization or authority with no connection to the UN.

UNRWA is a vehicle for Hamas to steal the majority of money donated globally for Palestinian relief. Anyone who wants to see Palestinians suffer will continue to advocate for funding UNRWA. Everyone who wants to solve, rather than perpetuate, the conflict must sideline UNRWA’s radicalization factory.

First, De-Nazify Gaza
Perhaps most damning is the observation of an Israeli from the devastated left-wing kibbutz Be’eri, home of many who actively believed in rapprochement with Gaza. On October 7, the Israeli’s son was taken hostage. His attitude towards Gaza, for decades charitable, had changed. His working hypothesis had been disproved by reality. He said to Danan: “I don’t differentiate between [Gaza civilians] and Hamas. Let me know of one Palestinian in Gaza who tried to save a Jew and maybe I’ll change my mind.”

The culture of the elites, stealthily introduced to our schools and then to our entrenched government, trades in the blame business. They assign blame, not by the principles of our religious and philosophical traditions that formed our culture for centuries, but by a neat grid matrix of group identity. All the moral work is done by assignment — one belongs to a group and that group has its position either as a victim or an oppressor. No debate may be held on the assignments, as no oppressor would admit being one.

The Jews are an oppressor in this matrix. End of story. It dovetails exactly with the Nazi narrative, which is, with some small adjustments, the narrative of Hamas and the culture of both Gaza and the PA, informing every child from their first breath through their death as “martyrs.” The Jew is not human, the Jew is demonic. This is supported by taxpayer dollars through the UN, whose UNRWA agency provides textbooks for Palestinian schoolchildren. A 2017 study of these textbooks by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and two other organizations concluded:
UNRWA, in fact, not only does propagate a non-peaceful line contrary to UN resolutions on the Middle East, and not only does allow the presentation of Israel and its Jewish citizens as illegitimate with heavy layers of demonization. UNRWA also betrays its moral obligation toward the Palestinian children and youths’ human rights and well-being, by letting the PA prepare them for a future war with Israel.

That war has arrived, and many of those students are suffering from it. Yet our Administration totters and weaves about, equivocating, desperately trying to find a place where the grim woke victimology that Obama nourished can be crammed into a narrative of reasonable support for Israel, which is the desire of a large majority of Americans. Biden wants to force Israel to cave to Hamas, to allow it continued control, to claim a great victory, and to do nothing effective to change the Palestinian culture of Nazi hate.

This new Nazism cannot be accommodated at all. Let its military be utterly crushed and the culture of hatred given no place at all. As we de-Nazified Germany, so must Gaza and the PA be de-Nazified as well. The last thing to do is to reward undying, eliminationist hatred with sovereignty and international respect.

Clean the cancerous culture out. No more October 7s.
Eve Barlow: United Nations against Israel
Alas. Back to my original question. Courtesy of Daniel here, I have found my answer. People are acting stupid because they’d rather be liked. Liked at work, idolized online, retweeted on social media. They value being socially accepted over being intelligent. They’re incapable of dealing with reality. Too weak to stand in the face of it by themselves. They’d rather be like migrating penguins, encircled by the warmth of each other in the icy depths of winter, than the polar bear who braves the world alone, often ravenous. There’s no use in trying to convince them they’re dumb, because they are surrounded by other dumb-dumbs who will shelter and protect them any time they’re attacked for their dumbness. Think of a group of penguins bleating at a polar bear until the bear gives up. For the bear it’s time to get some food. Survival is at stake.

With all that said, it’s been a busy 48 hours for the bleating penguins and the bad-at-PR-polar-bear-Jews. The International Court of Jihad… sorry, Justice… spoke on Friday and while the press has spun the story in many confusing directions, in a nutshell the decision is as follows: Israel is allowed to continue its campaign in Gaza. There is no call for ceasefire. Israel must continue to make attempts to minimize civilian casualties as it’s already doing and to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza – again, as it’s already doing. And the hostages must be released NOW. Exeunt show trial.

And, of course, true to terrorist psychopathic nature, moments after the ICJ declared that Hamas must release the hostages, Hamas released a video of Daniella Gilboa, Karina Ariev and Doron Steinbrecher, then in captivity for 112 days. Did any so-called humanists, human rights activists, feminists, et al, care to comment on this? Their big International Court of Justice just recognized the humanitarian crime of keeping these hostages in captivity. Did they join us in calling for their release. Were they useful penguins? Were they heck?

I don’t mind penguins. They smell dreadful. Cute from a distance. But penguins are not going to do much when it comes to Hamas, I’m afraid. In the past few days, there have been many penguins bleating angrily about another highly significant matter: the exposure of the UNRWA. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency is one of a kind, really. It has existed since 1949, established a year after the War of Independence with Israel, to assist the Palestinians in their permanent refugee status, even though the Arabs started the war in 1948, and Israel’s borders were established with clear demarcated areas for the Arabs to live in, thus no longer rendering them “refugees”. The Palestinians became a pet project of the United Nations and now here we are almost 75 years later, and UNRWA still exist, despite attempts for years to expose the corruption at the heart of the organization.

Anyway, it seemed a very appropriate day that on Holocaust Memorial Day yesterday, UNRWA was finally exposed by Hillel Neuer and his UN Watch team. (If you’re not familiar with Hillel’s work, I highly suggest you follow him on X and elsewhere).
Douglas Murray: Israel PM Netanyahu’s urgent warning to Americans: Iran is targeting the US — and the rest of the West
Benjamin Netanyahu’s warning to America could not have been more timely.

Over the weekend, I sat down with the Israeli prime minister at the country’s security HQ in Tel Aviv for an exclusive interview. During it, he issued an urgent warning to the US.

“I’ve told President Biden, I’ve told all the leaders who came here, this is your war as well because this is not merely a minor skirmish. This is part of a major confrontation between the moderate axis of Israel and the moderate Arab states against Iran. Its proxies are killing Americans as we speak.”

I asked the prime minister if he meant the dozens of attacks on US bases in Iraq since Oct. 7. “Not just Iraq,” he said.

Hours later, news emerged of the drone strike on American soldiers in Jordan.

The Biden administration has already blamed Iran for the attack that left three US servicemen dead and at least 34 injured.

It was a fast reminder of something Netanyahu has been warning about for decades, that the militant regime in Iran only attacks Israel as its first target. Not its last.

America — and the rest of the West — is next.

“Let me tell you,” Netanyahu said to me, “I think in America, the great majority of people support Israel. They understand instinctively that Israel is fighting their battle. They understand instinctively what the terrorists, the radical Islamists, say. They say we’re the small Satan. America is the great Satan.”

But what of the Biden administration? Before Christmas, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was reported to have told the Israelis that they didn’t have the “credit” for a prolonged war in Gaza.

Netanyahu and most other Israeli security officials believe that they need many months to destroy Hamas entirely in Gaza.

But with every week, there seems to be growing pressure on the Israelis to stop. And all this is before the seemingly inevitable Israeli war on its northern border with Hezbollah.

That other Iranian proxy army is perched in southern Lebanon with an arsenal of around 150,000 sophisticated rockets aimed at Israel.

Their presence means that tens of thousands of Israeli families are displaced people in their own country, now in their fourth month away from their homes.

On Sunday, Netanyahu admitted for the first time that it is Israel that has been taking action deep inside Lebanon.
Bibi vows to ‘do it alone’ if necessary as Biden White House appears to waffle on US stance
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he is ready to “do it alone” when it comes to the war in Gaza, as President Biden is accused of sending mixed messages on the US stance over the conflict.

Netanyahu, in a recent interview with British TalkTV’s Douglas Murray, said, “A nation has to do what it has to do to survive.

“If they cannot stand the heat of public opinion, then we’ll just have to do it alone. We will do what we need to do,” he said of other world leaders — as the Biden White House takes heat for wobbling between declaring it has Israel’s back and then appearing to back-peddle as anti-Israel protests have heated up at home.

“This is what Iran is doing without nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said of the regional war, which has flared as Iran-backed militants launch attacks on the US and its allies in the Mideast in retaliation for their support of Israel.

“Now imagine nuclear weapons. … What does it mean when you have a country that is aggressive and intent and has nuclear weapons? They’re very aggressive. And they have a theology, a radical Islamic theology which points them in direction not only of the conquest of the Middle East, but of global domination,” he said.

“Too many countries and too many leaders have been asleep too long. We have to act to assure that Iran will not have nuclear weapons, and I certainly intend to do so.”
Benjamin Netanyahu v Douglas Murray: 'Worst Savagery Against Jews Since Holocaust'
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sits down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with Douglas Murray on TalkTV to reveal that Israel will go it alone, if needs be, in order to secure its future.

Speaking to TalkTV for an exclusive half-hour interview, the Israeli Prime Minister says: “Look, you know this statement, ‘A man's got to do, what a man's gotta do?’ Remember the days when you can actually say that? Well, today you say ‘A person has to do, what a person has to do, okay’. Well, let me extend that, ‘A nation has to do what it has to do to survive’.

“And if we have to take action both in the South and in the North, that is understood by many to be a just action… but [if] they cannot stand the heat of public opinion, then we'll just have to do it alone. We will do what we need to do.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu told Douglas Murray that the October 7th attack on Israel, was "the worst savagery perpetrated against Jewish people since the Holocaust", and that he thought there was little difference between what Hamas 'savages' did compared to Hitler' Nazis.

The Prime Minister also gave his view of what would happen in Gaza once Hamas were defeated, saying demilitarisation in the area could only be handled by Israeli forces. And he opened up about the possibility of fighting in the north and the south, talking about the threat of Hezbollah and Iran.

He went on to say that beating Hamas would “take some time” but that the conflict was wider than just Israel, warning the West: “If Barbarism wins here, Europe will be next, America will be next.”

Netanyahu also branded freeing half of the Israeli hostages as a “major achievement” - despite criticism from some quarters - and explained he didn’t care what his legacy was as long as Israel prospered.

Douglas Murray: Netanyahu Admitting “Political Failures” Would Be “Disastrous”
TalkTV Special Correspondent Douglas Murray says Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu was "reticent about his failures", during an exclusive interview.

Speaking to Douglas, Netanyahu admitted to failings on October 7th, but added: “It's premature to talk about it".

US sees ‘framework’ for release of hostages, no imminent deal
International negotiators seeking to broker an agreement for the release of the 136 hostages being held captive by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip have developed a “framework” that could lead to a release deal in the future, the White House said on Monday.

U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby, in an interview with MSNBC, described the ongoing talks as “constructive” but clarified that while progress has been made, there is no “deal that’s on the table and imminently ready to be announced.

“We think there’s a framework here for another hostage deal that could really make a difference in terms of getting more hostages out, getting more aid in, and actually getting the violence to come down, and that would reduce, of course, civilian casualties,” Kirby told the channel’s “Morning Joe” news talk show.

“A lot of promise here, but again, I want to be very, very clear there’s still diplomacy ahead of us, still a lot of discussions to occur before we can get there,” he added.

Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said on Monday that his government was working to relay the proposed framework to Hamas after “good progress” was made over the weekend.

“We are hoping, actually, to relay this proposal to Hamas and to get them to a place where they engage positively and constructively in the process,” the Qatari leader told NBC News.

Al Thani said the current phase of talks could lead to a permanent ceasefire “in the future,” seemingly implying that Hamas might agree to a temporary truce, something the terror group has rejected until now.

On Sunday, Mossad chief David Barnea and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) director Ronen Bar met with Qatari and Egyptian mediators in Paris to discuss a possible hostage release agreement.

According to the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, “The meeting was defined as constructive,” although “there are still significant gaps which the sides will continue to discuss at additional mutual meetings to be held this week.”
JPost Editorial: UNRWA is rotten to the core
According to the agency, “In the absence of a solution to the Palestine refugee problem, the General Assembly has repeatedly renewed UNRWA’s mandate, most recently extending it until 30 June 2023.” The evidence that incitement, Israel-erasure, and antisemitism are prominent in the agency’s educational materials is not new and is a long-standing Israeli accusation.

Hamas said on Sunday, following the string of announcements, that UNRWA “has been subject to blackmail by countries that support Israeli terrorism” and pinned the responsibility back on the international community; neither side is happy with the agency.

Halting funds though, as much as it serves to quench the anger that UN-funded textbooks included antisemitism and incitement against Jews, isn’t the answer.

Though UNRWA will probably need more funds this year, millions of dollars are already pledged to it. UNRWA isn’t going anywhere, and calling for it to be defunded or canceled, as though an agency this large could be disbanded in a way, are both short-sighted, unrealistic calls.

UNRWA isn’t going anywhere, and it is irreplaceable in the level of aid that it provides. What changed this weekend is that it is now irrefutable that it must change course. Palestinians need aid and recognition, now more than ever; they need what UNRWA is supposed to do, but the agency, both as a microcosm and on a larger scale of ideas, will not solve the Palestinian issue.

The hard truth is that any hope for some kind of lasting state of non-war between Israelis and Palestinians rests on many things – one of the most central tenets is education; the narrative approach of Palestinians as antithetical to Israel at their very root, at the heart of their story, is not a long-lasting national directive.

The global trend that has guided the West in humanitarian assistance aid for decades is being called into question: Does it work? Can it? And should we, as a democratic-value-oriented country, be supporting it knowing its failures?

Israel has taken its stance, it is time for the rest to begin asking these questions as well. The lofty goals of the UN body don’t find roots in the sandy terrain of Gaza, but neither the agency nor the need it serves, are going anywhere anytime soon. It is time for some redirection.
Israeli intelligence accuses 190 UNRWA staff of Hamas, Islamic Jihad roles
An Israeli intelligence dossier that prompted a cascade of countries to halt funds for a UN Palestinian aid agency includes allegations that some staff took part in abductions and killings during the Oct. 7 raid that sparked the Gaza war.

The six-page dossier, seen by Reuters, alleges that some 190 UNRWA employees, including teachers, have doubled as Hamas or Islamic Jihad militants. It has names and pictures for 11 of them.

The Palestinians have accused Israel of falsifying information to tarnish UNRWA, which says it has fired some staffers and is investigating the allegations.

One of the 11 is a school counselor accused in the Israeli dossier of providing unspecified assistance to his son in the abduction of a woman during the Hamas infiltration in which 1,200 people were killed and 253 kidnapped.

Another, an UNRWA social worker, is accused of unspecified involvement in the transfer to Gaza of a slain Israeli soldier's corpse and of coordinating the movements of pick-up trucks used by the raiders and of weapons supplies.

A third Palestinian in the dossier is accused of taking part in a rampage in the Israeli border Kibbutz Be'eri, one tenth of whose residents were killed. A fourth is accused of participating in an attack on Reim, a site both of an army base that was overrun and a rave where more than 360 revelers died.

The dossier was shown to Reuters by a source who could not be identified by name or nationality. The source said that it had been compiled by Israeli intelligence and shared with the United States, which on Friday suspended funding for UNRWA.
UN aid agency members supplied Hamas with RPGs, took Israeli woman hostage during Oct. 7 attacks, damning intel finds
The UN aid-agency staffers who took part in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel included some who actually killed and kidnapped Israelis — with a teacher doubling as a terror commander, a damning new dossier says.

Survivors of the attacks have described how some staff members at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency were “involved in actual murder — wielding guns and killing people,” said David Bedein, of Israel’s Center for Near East Policy Research, to the UK Sun.

“People under attack recognized their attackers,” said Bedein, who told the Jewish News Syndicate that some of the staffers killed children in front of their parents during the slaughter.

Seven of the 12 known UN employees-turned-terrorists worked by day as elementary- and high-school teachers, according to reports by outlets that obtained the Israeli dossier given to the US.

About three-quarters of the agency’s local Gaza staff are teachers.

Of those seven, two taught math, and another pair were Arabic language instructors, the Wall Street Journal reported.

One of the language teachers had a second job as a terrorist commander — and participated in the Oct. 7 massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri, the intelligence said.
10% of UNRWA Staffers Tied to Terrorist Groups: Report
Roughly 10 percent of staffers with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the international body's aid group for Palestinian refugees, have ties to terrorist groups, according to a Monday Wall Street Journal report.

About 1,200 employees, 10 percent of the agency's 12,000 Gazan workers, are linked to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Journal reported, citing Israeli intelligence reports the Jewish state shared with American officials. The intelligence found that 49 percent of UNRWA staffers had close relatives with official ties to the groups, and 23 percent of male UNRWA employees had ties to Hamas, more than the average rate of 15 percent for the general Gazan male population.

Officials told the Journal that the employees they believed had ties to Hamas were "operatives," meaning they were involved in the terror group's military or political activity.

The intelligence documents, per the paper, were part of a briefing Israeli officials gave to their American counterparts days ago, alleging the participation of 12 UNRWA employees in Hamas's Oct. 7 attacks. The Biden administration suspended aid to the agency following the revelations. UNRWA said it fired those staffers.

The Journal's Monday reporting based on the intelligence provides new details about the alleged actions of the accused workers. One Arabic teacher reportedly was a terrorist commander, while another, a social worker, allegedly helped steal the corpse of an Israeli soldier and arranged munitions deliveries for the group. The intelligence also said a math teacher took a picture with a female hostage. Israeli officials said they assessed their intelligence by reviewing communication signals and cellphone records, as well as interrogating detained Hamas members and recovering documents from deceased terrorists.

"UNRWA’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the Oct. 7 massacre," a senior Israeli government official told the Journal. "The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’s radical ideology."
UNRWA staff took part in Be’eri massacre, kidnapping
Israeli intelligence material handed to the United States reveals the extent of United Nations Relief and Works Agency staff participation in the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre.

The New York Times on Sunday published details regarding the involvement of 12 UNRWA employees in the Hamas-led terrorist attack in southern Israel—10 Hamas operatives and one affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The Wall Street Journal also reviewed the dossier, publishing additional findings from the Israeli intelligence reports on Monday, including that around 10% of the U.N. agency’s 12,000-strong Gaza staff have ties to Islamist terrorist groups.

One of the UNRWA workers is accused of kidnapping a woman, another of participating in the Kibbutz Be’eri massacre in which nearly 100 people were murdered, and a third of distributing ammunition.

“UNRWA’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the October 7 massacre. The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’s radical ideology,” a senior Israeli government official told the Journal.

Seven of the accused were teachers at UNRWA schools, according to the dossier. Six of the men were inside Israel on Oct. 7, based on tracking of their cell phones, while others were overheard in Gaza discussing their involvement in the terrorist attack.

Three received text messages ordering them to report to meeting points on Oct. 7, and one was told to bring a rocket-propelled grenade stored at his home.

According to the Times report, the most detailed case in the dossier involves a school counselor from Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip who is accused of working with his son to abduct a woman from Israel. In another case, a social worker from Nuseirat in central Gaza assisted in bringing an Israeli soldier’s corpse to Gaza and in distributing ammunition and coordinating vehicles on the day of the attack.
Exclusive: Israel chose to withhold information on complicity of UNRWA for fear of 'chaos'
Israel has been holding on to a trove of information about UNRWA staffers' complicity in the Oct. 7 attack activity but has so far refrained from publishing it for political reasons, Israel Hayom has learned.

According to three officials well-versed on the matter, Israel had long been privy to the information that led to the Palestinian relief agency's dismissal of 12 employees for participating in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, but it has withheld it. "There was an understanding in the Israeli political establishment that UNRWA in Gaza must be preserved because it was the only functioning body in Gaza, and without it, the chaos would be even greater," they told Israel Hayom.

Israeli officials are still trying to figure out why UNRWA decided to announce only this past weekend that it was dismissing those 12 employees, as the information about the specific individuals is not new. The Biden administration has also been very much aware of the problematic conduct in the agency. Thus, it is unclear what led the State Department to wait until Friday to announce that it was suspending the funding to the organization.

Officials say that a plausible explanation could be the upcoming hearing on UNRWA's conduct this Tuesday in the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, where even more embarrassing information about UNRWA will likely be exposed, This, they say, could have led the administration to announce the suspension of aid to the agency preemptively.

The Israeli intelligence agencies, the IDF, the Israeli political figures, and Israel's public advocacy organs have been holding on to a lot of very incriminating information about UNRWA. These are detailed reports about the great misconduct of the agency and its people's involvement in terror. This information is currently being hidden from the Israeli and international public in order not to damage the agency's image. However, it is unclear who in the Israeli political system decided to refrain from publishing the full information.

EU reviews funding for UNRWA amid October 7 involvement probe
The European Commission said on Monday it would review whether it could continue to fund the UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in light of the allegations that staff members were involved in the October 7 attacks by Hamas in southern Israel.

Several countries, including EU members Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Finland, paused funding for UNRWA after allegations by Israel that 12 of its 13,000 staff in Gaza were involved.

UN officials urged them to reconsider a pause in funding, pledging that any staff found involved in the Hamas attack would be punished and warning that aid for some two million people in Gaza was at stake.

"The European Commission will determine upcoming funding decisions for UNRWA in light of the very serious allegations," the commission said in a statement.

"The Commission will review the matter in light of the outcome of the investigation announced by the UN and the actions it will take."

No additional funding for the organization is currently foreseen until the end of February, the commission said.
Estonia, Japan join nine other nations in suspending UNRWA funds

Guterres seeks boost in UNRWA funding amid ‘deteriorating situation’
Despite the United Nations facing a “deteriorating financial situation,” forcing the global body to “implement aggressive cash conversation measures,” U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres wrote to U.N. secretariat personnel that he proposed increased funding for UNRWA, the Palestinian-only aid entity currently under fire for its links to the Hamas terrorist organization and its Oct. 7 murder spree in Israel.

In a Jan. 25 letter from Guterres viewed by JNS, he wrote of a liquidity crisis facing the world body due to overdue membership payments from member states and “structural weaknesses” in its budget process. According to him, the United Nations started 2023 with $700 million in reserves but burned through it by October.

He listed several steps taken by the organization to mitigate the fiscal hemorrhaging, such as a hiring freeze; limiting travel to only essential circumstances; and delaying all but urgent purchases of goods and services, and construction and maintenance projects.

Despite the deep-seated monetary difficulties facing the organization, Guterres is pushing for added funds for UNRWA (U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which has proven to be a budgetary albatross and political hot potato for the United Nations.

“Member states have been very supportive of my proposals” regarding the 2024 budget,” the secretary-general wrote. That includes “positive decisions” on initiatives such as new offices for anti-racism and data protection, as well as more resources for development and human-rights activities.

It also includes “increasing funding for core activities of UNRWA,” Guterres writes.

One day after sending out his letter to personnel, UNRWA launched an investigation, based on information submitted by Israel, that 12 UNRWA staffers had participated in Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attacks utilizing the agency’s vehicles and facilities.

Poilievre calls UNRWA 'terrorist' organization, after Canada pauses funding following allegations
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has accused UNRWA, the United Nations relief and works agency, of being a "terrorist" organization and promised to cut back its funding if he becomes prime minister.

Israel last week alleged that some members of UNRWA's staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas-led militants on southern Israel that killed about 1,200 Israelis. Palestinian health officials say about 26,000 people have been killed in Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip since that date.

The UN aid agency says it's investigating the allegations and has already fired several employees.

In a statement released Friday, Canada's international development minister, Ahmed Hussen, expressed alarm at the allegations and said Canada would pause its funding to the organization.

That puts Canada among a number of countries, including the U.S., Britain and Germany, who have shut off the flow of money.

UNRWA Teacher’s Top 10 Excuses for Joining Hamas (satire)
This week the world was rocked by the UNBELIEVABLE News that The United Nations Schools in Gaza have been infiltrated by Hamas. This story came as a shock to the millions of Dorks who weren’t reading the Daily Freier in 2015. Nonetheless, UNRWA’s big donors including the USA are pulling their funding. But this is all a big mistake. In fact, The Daily Freier spent the day compiling some of the very legitimate explanations for the current misunderstanding. So behold: UNRWA Teacher’s Top 10 Excuses for Joining Hamas!

1. It was either join Hamas or teach Health Class to Sophomores.
2. Actually it’s mandatory under the “No Jihadi Left Behind” Act of 2012.
3. I wanted to impress John Cusack.
4. Still not the Wokest thing an Elementary Education Major did this year.
5. I just wanted to meet the Hamas Bumblebee.
6. Our Union said we could attend the Hamas meetings via Zoom.
7. Roger Waters sent me a really nice invitation.
8. The kids asked if we could have class outside.
9. We will do ANYTHING to get out of Parent-Teacher Conference Night.
10. We kinda just hate Jews.
IDF to boost presence in north Gaza amid Hamas resurgence
The Israel Defense Forces is expected to increase troop activity in northern Gaza in the coming weeks following attempts by Hamas to reestablish a foothold there.

Israel’s Army Radio reported that the military is planning to carry out extensive raids due to increased activity by the terror group in northern Gaza, which included a rocket barrage on Sunday night that set off air-raid sirens in Ashkelon for the first time in nearly a month.

The report also noted a recent gun battle near the coast in northern Gaza in which IDF soldiers killed five Hamas operatives.

According to Israeli military estimates, there are about 2,000 Hamas terrorists in the north (the rest were killed or escaped), who are completely disconnected from the leadership in the south.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced in mid-January the end of heavy combat in the northern Gaza Strip.

“The intensive maneuvering phase in the north of the Gaza Strip has ended, and in the south, it will also end soon,” Gallant said at the time.

The announcement came on the same day that the military’s largest regular-service armored division exited the Gaza Strip for rest and training, leaving three other divisions fighting Hamas.
Netanyahu to Wall Street Journal: War against Hamas going ‘better than expected’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview published Friday in The Wall Street Journal that Israel’s war efforts against Hamas are going “better than expected.”

“It took the US and its allies nine months to defeat radical forces in Mosul,” he said, referring to the 2016-2017 war against the Islamic State in Iraq. “Mosul is smaller than Gaza and did not have the massive terror underground infrastructure.”

Speaking to a contributing columnist to the paper, Netanyahu added that despite what it might look like from the outside, he believes he represents the views held by the majority of Israelis when it comes to the day after the war in Gaza, and the future of the Palestinians.

“Some in the United States believe that the obstacle to peace with the Palestinians is me,” he said in the interview. “They don’t realize that I reflect the view of most Israelis.” Regarding a future two-state solution, Netanyahu said that any future agreement would require Israel to retain “overall security control” of all areas west of the Jordan River – including the Gaza Strip.

While calling October 7 the worst day in Israeli history, during which Hamas massacred close to 1,200 people in Israel and took another 253 hostage, the prime minister did not say anything to the news outlet regarding his responsibility for not preventing the attack, an issue he has dodged since the beginning of the war.

Netanyahu did express concern over the growing sentiment against Israel in Western public opinion, specifically mentioning the December congressional hearings of three prominent university presidents, in which they refused to condemn genocidal calls against Jews, and a recent poll showing that 20 percent of US adults between the ages of 18-29 hold positive views of Osama bin Laden.

“America is the vanguard of freedom and the guarantor of liberty in this century,” he said. “If a younger generation emerges in America that supports the head-choppers, it is a problem for civilization.”

When asked about the South African case against Israel in the International Court of Justice, Netanyahu said that “what South Africa did was shameful. South Africa is basically aligning itself, in the name of opposing genocide, with the genocidal murderers of Hamas. The only difference between what Hamas did and the Nazis did is capability, not intent.”
Hamas fires rockets at Tel Aviv for first time since Jan. 1

Hamas command center found under cemetery Israel accused of desecrating

Family of fallen Bedouin soldier: 'Not one Arab MK has visited'
Political analyst Amit Segal visited the family of Sergeant First Class (res.) Ahmad Abu Latif, who was killed in the Gaza building collapse disaster.

Segal shared his experiences in a television broadcast and added that he was surprised that no Arab MK had visited the family.

Ahmad was in charge of security for Ben-Gurion University. His father spoke about how strict his son was and added that when he had visited the university, Ahmad had made him go through a security check. “I trust you, but maybe someone is smuggling something in with you. I can't make any exceptions,” he would tell his father.

The family explained that on the morning of October 7th, Ahmad was unable to find the key to the closet containing his uniform. In his rush to report for duty, he had smashed the door rather than keep looking for the key.

“Everyone was there - religious, secular, Arab,” Segal recounted. “On my way out, his brother stopped me. I asked him if everyone had indeed visited, and he told me ‘No, do you know who is missing? Not even one Arab MK.’

IDF soldier seriously wounded in Haifa ramming by axe-wielding
An IDF soldier was wounded in Haifa on Monday morning after an axe-wielding terrorist rammed his vehicle at a group of soldiers near the Navy base in the northern city, the IDF confirmed.

The terrorist is Wasim abu el-Hoja from the town of Tamara in Western Galilee, the Police Spokesperson said.

As per the Israeli military, the terrorist rammed over Israeli forces before leaving the vehicle and attempting to attack them with an axe in his possession.

The soldier is in serious condition and was rushed to the nearby Rambam Health Care Campus, Israeli media reported. The terrorist was shot at the scene. Another man suspected of fleeing the scene of the attack was arrested by police.

Police officers arrived at the scene of the incident and began searching the area and investigating the circumstances behind the incident.

Israel Police have launched an investigation into the incident. Commissioner Kobi Shabtai was en route to the scene of the attack.

Deputy director of the hospital Dr. Avi Weissman was quoted as saying: "A short time ago, there was a ramming attack at the entry gate of Rambam Health Care Campus, unusual indeed.

Four arrested on 6th day of protests at Kerem Shalom crossing
Police detained four demonstrators during a rally on Monday near the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza.

The arrests come one day after the Israel Defense Forces announced that it expanded the closed military zone surrounding the border crossing following daily demonstrations against allowing humanitarian aid into the Hamas-rule enclave until the remaining 136 hostages are released.

Hamas is stealing much of the aid intended for Gazan civilians and redirecting it to terrorists hiding in tunnels.

Border Police officers blocked dozens of protesters on Monday from reaching the road where trucks line up to bring aid into the Strip.

It marks the sixth straight day that the demonstrations are taking place. On Wednesday, hundreds of protesters prevented aid trucks from entering Gaza.

The protesters from the “Order 9” movement demand that “no aid goes through until the last of the abductees returns, no equipment be transferred to the enemy.”
The Israel Guys: 100 Aid Trucks Were Just BLOCKED From Entering Gaza & Joe Biden is Furious
Last week, the families of hostages still held in Gaza and as well as the families of soldiers who are fighting in the strip succeeded in blocking over 100 trucks of humanitarian aid from entering the Gaza strip. Their chant was that no more aid be sent into Gaza until the hostages be released. This demonstration enraged President Joe Biden that Israelis would be allowed to practice free speech and protest something they consider to be furthering the suffering of their loved ones inside of Gaza. Also, a BREAKING report just came out about talks of a hostage/ceasefire deal with Hamas. . .The propositions of this deal at best are absolutely ridiculous.

Hezbollah rocket wounds two IDF soldiers
Two Israel Defense Forces soldiers were lightly wounded by a Hezbollah rocket near the Lebanon border on Monday.

They were evacuated to the hospital in stable condition.

Hezbollah claimed to have fired heavy “Burkan” rockets at the Biranit military base located along the frontier.

Later, rocket sirens sounded in Rosh Hanikra on the northern border.

In response, Israeli Air Force jets attacked two buildings with Hezbollah terrorists inside in the area of Yaron in Southern Lebanon, IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said via X.

Israeli forces also “attacked a launching pad from which [rocket] launches were made to the north of the country,” Hagari said.

On Sunday, Israeli fighter jets attacked two Hezbollah military sites near the Lebanese villages of Zibqin and Khula. In addition, the army fired artillery “to remove a threat against several areas in Southern Lebanon.”

Israel told the United States late last month that the time frame to distance Hezbollah from the border via a diplomatic agreement was the end of January.

Citing a Western diplomat and three Lebanese officials, the report noted however that the Israeli government had not set a “hard deadline.”

The IDF continues to prepare for the possible outbreak of full-blown war with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist group.
Richard Goldberg: President Joe Biden’s got blood on hands after appeasing Iran for years
President Biden has for three years obsessively pursued a dangerous and naive strategy toward Iran: Appeasement at any cost.

Three American service members paid that cost in blood this weekend — their murders subsidized by the billions in sanctions relief Biden has provided Tehran and all but guaranteed by the president’s refusal to hold Iran accountable for nonstop attacks on US forces.

The deadly assault on a US base near the Jordanian-Syrian border was the 159th Iran-directed attack on American forces in the Middle East since Oct. 17.

Those attacks have included suicide drones, mortars, rockets and close-range ballistic missiles, leaving dozens of other Americans injured. One Christmas Day drone attack left a member of the 82nd Airborne in a coma with shrapnel stuck in his head. A US contractor died of a cardiac event during a drone attack two months prior.

But these assaults didn’t start Oct. 17. US Central Command’s chief testified to Congress last year that Iran had directed 78 attacks on American forces in Iraq and Syria from January 2021 to March 2023.

These attacks left two other contractors dead and many more Americans injured.

Tehran never once paid a price for these strikes. Nor does it today.

Caroline Glick: Why Israel Should Not Listen to ICJ's Immoral Genocide Ruling
The ICJ gives an interim ruling that doesn't say whether or not Israel is committing genocide and does not call for a ceasefire. So is it a win or loss for Israel? Should Israel abide by the court's demands? If the court has no way to enforce its ruling, what is really going on here

Call Me Back PodCast: UNRWA & Hamas, the perfect affair – with Haviv Rettig Gur
Hosted by Dan Senor The UN has one central agency responsible for handling all refugees globally, but Palestinian refugees have their own UN agency, UNRWA. Why? The number of Palestinian refugees has increased from 360,000 in 1948 to to 5.9 million today. And those Palestinian refugees or descendants of refugees that have citizenship in other countries maintain their refugee status, according to the UN. What’s going on here? The U.S. Government and a number of other governments just suspended funding for UNRWA based on learning that a number of its Gaza-based employees had been helping Hamas, including in the 10/07 massacre.

On our weekly check-in with Haviv Rettig Gur, we discuss the history of UNRWA and the role it plays in the Gaza operating system.

Items discussed in this episode:
UN Watch report — “UNRWA Hate Starts Here: How UNRWA Teachers Indoctrinate Palestinian Children and Promote Terrorism and Antisemitism”

The Commentary Magazine Podcast: Biden’s Choices on Iran
Hosted by Abe Greenwald, Christine Rosen, John Podhoretz & Matthew Continetti
Today’s podcast worries over Joe Biden’s next steps relating to Iran and its proxies attacking Americans in the Middle East and the temptation to do just a little bit and not a lot to respond, which will only make things worse. It’s even more puzzling given how vulnerable Biden is in an election year against Donald Trump on this issue because Trump can favorably contrast his record on Iran with Biden’s in a way Biden will be hard-pressed to counter. Give a listen.

The Rosenberg Report: The RISE of Yahya Sinwar (Hamas Mastermind) & His Goal To DESTROY Israel
On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg and Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, the IDF's International Spokesperson, discuss the rise of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and his ruthless ambition to destroy Israel. Learn about his upbringing, Israeli prison sentence, being saved from cancer by an Israeli Jewish doctor, and his possible whereabouts. Don't miss this YouTube Exclusive from The Rosenberg Report on TBN!

Hamas’ military strategy on the ground is to ‘hide’ among civilians
The Australian’s Yoni Bashan says the challenge for the IDF is identifying Hamas terrorists as they hide among civilians with everyday clothing.

“It’s a tee shirt, it’s a hoodie, it’s sweatpants, and quite often they’ll be seen walking down the streets without actually holding any weapons,” Mr Bashan told Sky News host Sharri Markson.

“The military strategy on the ground for Hamas is to hide RPGs, Kalashnikovs, anti-tank missiles in secluded – locations.

“They’ll either be in houses, they’ll be around corners, they’ll be in gutters, or in any place where the Israelis can’t see them.”

Mr Bashan sat down with Ms Markson to discuss the Israel-Hamas war.

Pausing funding to UNRWA ‘not sufficient': Andrew Bolt
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Albanese government’s decision to pause funding to the United Nations agency UNRWA over allegations some of its staff were involved in the October 7 attacks in Israel is “not sufficient”.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced on Saturday that Australia will join the United States and Canada in pausing its funding to the UN agency as an investigation continues on several of its employees after claims emerged they were involved in Hamas's attacks in Israel on October 7.

On Friday, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees said several employees were allegedly involved in the Hamas attacks on Israel.

Mr Bolt said pausing the aid funding to UNRWA is "not sufficient, cutting it is”.

The pause comes after Ms Wong announced last week that an additional $21.5 million in humanitarian assistance will be sent to the Middle East as the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza continues.

Jewish leader calls for government to permanently pause funding to UNRWA
Australian Jewish Association President David Adler has called for the Australian government to permanently pause funding to UNRWA, following allegations staff from the agency were involved in the October 7 attacks.

Mr Adler’s remarks come as Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced on Saturday that Australia will join the United States and Canada in pausing its funding to the UN agency as an investigation continues on several of its employees after claims emerged they were involved in Hamas's attacks in Israel on October 7.

"The so-called pause should be permanent," Mr Adler told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

"UNRWA is toxic.

"It is in effect and it needs to be called clearly, it is a terrorist factory."

Penny Wong ‘ignored’ evidence of UNRWA’s links to terrorism
Sky News host Sharri Markson claims Foreign Minister Penny Wong “ignored” all evidence that linked UNRWA to terrorism and instead continued to increase the amount of money sent over from Australia.

Ms Wong announced on Saturday that Australia would be suspending funding to the UN humanitarian relief agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, amid fresh allegations by Israeli Authorities that 12 of its staff members were involved in the Hamas attacks.

“Allegations UNRWA staff were involved in the abhorrent October 7 terror attacks are deeply concerning,” the Foreign Affairs Minister said in a statement on X.

Ms Markson pointed to multiple reports from 2015 to 2023 which link some of the agency’s staff to terrorism.

The Sky News host said it was only when the latest allegations came out and other like-minded nations suspended their funding that Ms Wong’s hand was “forced”.

“With politicians like Penny Wong in charge, there was little concern apparently about sending $46.5 million of your hard-earned money to Gaza, despite the very real risk that some of it would be exploited for terrorism against Jews in Israel,” Ms Markson said.

Taxpayers’ money ‘should not’ be going to activities which ‘support terrorism’
Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham says the Albanese government has “questions to answer” for ignoring warnings of UNRWA’s staff having “potential involvement” with the October 7 attacks.

Mr Birmingham’s comments come after Australia, along with other countries, suspended its funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

“The Albanese government has questions to answer as to why they ignored warnings from the Australian Jewish community that were provided last year about the potential involvement of UNRWA staff in the October 7 terrorist attacks,” Mr Birmingham told Sky News Australia.

“Why not only did they ignore those warnings but in fact they increased their funding to UNRWA following the receipt of those warnings.

“Rather than looking for absolutely fail-safe mechanisms to provide the humanitarian assurance that of course the people in Gaza need and deserve for innocent civilians.

“That should be provided through institutions and organisations where there is complete confidence that none of that funding will support Hamas terrorist organisations or the promotion of extremist ideology”.

‘Dangerous’: Andrew Bolt warns ‘extremists’ linking Palestinian and Aboriginal causes
Sky News host Andrew Bolt has warned against the deliberate and “dangerous” linking of the Palestinian and Aboriginal causes observed on Australia Day during rallies across the country.

Many Palestinian flags were waved during Invasion Day rallies as thousands marched to protest the national holiday.

A speaker at a rally in Melbourne could be heard saying, “Always was, always will be. From the River to the Sea”.

“You can laugh at all this but how frightening to see mobs here inspired by a terrorist-led war against Israel, to be told we have the same war right here,” Mr Bolt said.

The Sky News host also criticised people who voiced their dislike of Australia Day just to get “five minutes of newspaper fame”.

“We can't hand this country to people so full of hatred and ignorance and abuse at people wanting to divide us by race, people wanting to import ancient hatreds.”

‘Grotesque’: Sky News host slams ‘topsy turvy’ genocide accusations against Israel
Sky News host Chris Kenny has slammed South Africa’s “topsy turvy” genocide accusation against Israel in the International Court of Justice as “grotesque”.

The African nation alleged Israel knew of the number of civilians it was killing and had shown an "incontrovertible" intent to commit genocide.

The United Nations court on Friday imposed temporary measures against Israel to ensure genocidal acts are not committed in Gaza but refused to call for a ceasefire.

Mr Kenny stressed the only way to protect innocent Palestinians and save Israeli hostages is for Hamas to lay down its arms.

“Let's be clear, we should all be vitally concerned about the loss of innocent lives in Gaza,” he said.

“No matter that the numbers are unknown and no matter that Hamas has created the situation, and put innocent people's lives in danger, we all want the loss of innocent lives to stop immediately.

“But here's the thing; if that's what you want, then there is only one thing that your protests should call for.

“They should demand that Hamas lays down its arms and returns every single hostage being held now, before then surrendering its own leadership to Israel.”

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