Bassam Tawil: Where Are the Palestinian Concessions for Peace?
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was quoted on September 15 as saying that "normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel.... needs to involve a two-state solution." Most Palestinians, however, take quite a different view of the matter.CAMERA Letter in the WSJ The PA Isn’t a Peace Partner
[A] public opinion poll revealed that a majority of Palestinians are opposed to a normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and opposed to the so-called two-state solution. The Saudi two-state solution envisages the establishment of an Iran-backed Arab terror state next to Israel. Israel already has such a terror state next to its border: the Gaza Strip, ruled since 2007 by Iran's proxies, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
On August 25, the American media outlet Axios reported that Blinken told Israel's Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer that the Israeli government is "misreading the situation" if it thinks it will not have to make concessions to the Palestinians as part of any Saudi deal.
If anyone is misreading the situation, however, it is Blinken, who thinks that Israeli concessions would convince the Palestinians to accept an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. As the results of the PCPSR poll showed, the Palestinian public is not impressed with the proposed concessions.
If the Palestinian Authority is currently unable or unwilling to prevent terror groups from attacking Israelis, it is truly delusional to think that it would be more diligent in controlling security in any new areas it received from Israel. Abbas has not been willing to send his security officers to arrest or kill the terrorists based in the cities of Jenin and Nablus. He knows that if he does, his people will condemn him as a "traitor" and "collaborator" with Israel, and quickly dispatch him to "drink tea up there" with the Egypt's murdered President Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated for brokering his country's 1979 peace deal with Israel. Moreover, Abbas will not go against the terrorists as long as they do not physically go against him.
Most of all, the idea of transferring more land to the Palestinians is terrible because sends a message to the Palestinian Authority that, after it failed to combat terrorism in land under its control, it will be rewarded with even more land.
As the poll illustrates, support for anti-Israel terrorism among the Palestinians has risen from 53% (three months ago) to 58% today. That is why it is unrealistic to expect the Palestinian Authority to take any measures to disarm the terror groups in the West Bank. Unlike Blinken, Palestinian leaders are aware of the massive support for terrorism among their people. Unlike Blinken, Palestinian leaders also know that were it not for Israel's presence in the West Bank, Iran and its terror proxies would have taken complete control of the area a long time ago and ousted Abbas, just as they did in the Gaza Strip in 2007.
In addition, the Palestinian Authority, through its "Pay-for-Slay" program, proudly rewards terrorists who murder or wound Jews. In just one year, "Ramallah paid out around NIS 600 million ($187 million) in salaries for Palestinians imprisoned, jailed, or killed by Israel in 2020, according to a senior Palestine Liberation Organization official."
So, while Blinken is talking about the need to involve the "two-state solution" in a Saudi-Israeli deal, 67% of Palestinians oppose it.
Your editorial (“’Even Hitler,’ Says Palestinian President,” Sept. 7, 2023) is right to note the virulent antisemitism of Mahmoud Abbas, who heads both the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah movement. For decades, Abbas has spewed antisemitic propaganda. So has the Palestinian Authority, whose official media and educational arms actively promote anti-Jewish violence.
These actions violate both the terms and spirit of the Oslo Accords, which birthed the PA in the hopes that it would be a “partner for peace.” But they are far from the only violations.
The PA has failed to prevent the rise of terrorist groups under the areas that it controls. Indeed, not only has Fatah praised recent terrorist attacks, elements of Fatah, notably the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, have perpetrated them.
Members of the PA’s Security Forces, trained and backed by the United States, have also carried out attacks throughout the years. This too is a violation of Oslo, in which Palestinian leaders promised to renounce terrorism and to resolve outstanding issues with Israel in bilateral negotiations. They have failed to do so. Yet, instead of meeting with consequences, these transgressions have been overlooked by multiple U.S. administrations, including the current one.
The PA isn’t a peace partner. Three decades after its creation, it is time to stop pretending like it wants to be one.
MEMRI: Saudi Journalist: We Must Not Miss Another Historic Opportunity For Peace With Israel; Courageous Leaders Make Decisions That Promote Their People's Security And Wellbeing
Amid reports about moves towards normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and following the September 21, 2023 interview given by Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman on Fox News, in which he said that normalization is getting "closer" every day, Saudi journalist and economic analyst Ali Al-Mazyad published an article in the London-based daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat in which he urged the Arabs to seize this historic opportunity for peace with Israel and not to miss it like past opportunities. The Arabs, he said, must realize the vast potential of peace to boost the economy and bring prosperity to the region, and understand that these benefits can only be realized by courageous leaders that care about the welfare of their people, hinting at Muhammad bin Salman.MEMRI: Columns In Urdu Dailies Of Pakistan Discuss Saudi-Israel Normalization Of Relations And Whether Pakistan Should Recognize Israel: 'Do Not Forget That Palestine Itself Has Recognized Israel'
The following are translated excerpts from his article:[1]
"Like anyone in the world interested in the Saudi issue and in the affairs of the Middle East, I listened to the interview with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The interview dealt with many issues, but I will focus on three that concern us [Saudis]. The first is the attainment of security in the region, starting with reconciliation with the neighboring countries and ending with Israel. When countries exist in [a state of] tension that is a far cry from peace, a large part of [their] income is allocated to the military effort, instead of the development of the economy, and as a result the people lose much of [their] wellbeing and [their ability to] live in peace and security…
"A quick review of the situation with Israel reveals that we Arabs have missed numerous opportunities to achieve a just peace with it. First there was the 1965 initiative of then Tunisian president [Habib] Bourguiba[2] and the speeches [he delivered] as part of it from [various] podiums, which led to nothing new and only made things worse for our brothers the Palestinians. Then there were the Camp David Accords,[3] which the Arabs boycotted only to discover that they were the ones hurt [by boycotting it]. This eventually prompted them to agree to the Oslo Accords, whose benefits were smaller.
"Today we face a historic opportunity because circumstances have emerged that allow its realization. The Arabs should thoroughly examine all the opportunities for peace they have missed, and examine their [current] position on peace based on what they can do to attain better lives for the Palestinians and for the peoples of the region – instead of rejecting initiatives without justification and later agreeing to other, inferior initiatives.
"The second topic [Bin Salman addressed in the interview] was the domestic one. The crown prince noted that we had many opportunities in Saudi Arabia that we did not seize as we should have, and therefore we will never again miss opportunities but move at lightning speed to transform them into reality. For investment in numerous projects such as mining, tourism and the like will create jobs and reduce the dependency on oil, which is ultimately a finite resource, even if [it will only run out] in a very long time. Moreover, if you start certain projects and they are a success, they will generate complementary projects and attract foreign investors. Saudi Arabi can launch such projects, especially since it does not lack money or the minimal human resource required for this.
"The third topic was the economic [trade] corridor between India and Europe, which passes through our region.[4] We are ready for Saudi Arabia to become a logistical center connecting East and West, thanks to numerous projects Saudi Arabia has already announced, such as developing the sea ports and creating many logistical areas.
"What interests us Arab peoples is living in prosperity, far from poverty and the [hectic] pursuit of livelihood. This can happen only when there are courageous leaders who assess our situation far from the speeches delivered on podiums and then make decisions that enable lives of prosperity. This is what the peoples yearn for…"
American diplomatic efforts aimed at the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have re-ignited discussions in Pakistan, which views itself as the second Islamic state after the first one established by Prophet Muhammad in Medina, as to whether it should be part of such a reopening of the Islamic world. Pakistan, which was created in the name of Islam in 1947, has a strong tradition of Antisemitism.[1]Inside Saudi Arabia: Israeli minister speaks to JNS from Riyadh
In July 2023, Pakistan's political leaders launched antisemitic attacks on Israel, Zionists, and the Jews after Israel's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Adi Farjon, speaking at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), expressed concern over the deterioration of human rights in Pakistan and the Pakistani state's persecution of opposition leaders and activists.[2]
In September 2023, in the wake of the Saudi-Israel move for normalization of ties, Islamic religious scholars, who hold outsized power on public opinion in Pakistan, expressed fear that Pakistan might recognize Israel. The worry among Pakistani clerics also follows from Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen's statement that along with Saudi Arabia, six or seven Muslim countries will normalize ties with Israel.[3]
According to a report in the Urdu daily Roznama Express, Maulana Khalil Ahmad and Maulana Abdul Qadir Loni, respectively emir and deputy emir of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam ideological group, recently asked the Pakistani government to announce a clear stance on the recognition of Israel, ending uncertainty among the people.[4]
Expressing concern that Pakistani government is not stating its stance publicly, Maulana Khalil Ahmad, Maulana Abdul Qadir Loni, and other scholars of their party said that Israel "is an ulcer for the region and it is obligatory upon the Muslim Ummah to dig out this ulcer from its roots" and added that "Israel has occupied the First Qibla [the direction toward which a Muslim turns to pray in Islam; the 'First Qibla' is Jerusalem] of Muslims for half a century by trampling upon all types of human, moral, and political limits."[5]
The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam scholars added: "Jews are using all kinds of criminal tactics to maintain their illegitimate occupation. Israel has left nothing in enmity against Islam... The liberation of Bait-ul-Muqaddas [Jerusalem] and Palestine is the Islamic duty of the Muslim Ummah. Bait-ul-Muqaddas does not belong to Palestinians alone; it is the First Qibla of Muslims and is an important spot on the miraj journey of Prophet Muhammad is also the center of beliefs and loves of the world of Islam."[6] "The Muslim Ummah," the religious scholars added, "should rise up for its freedom rather than accepting Israel. The day is not far when Israel will be obliterated from the region."[7]
Caught in political and economic turbulence, Pakistan has a caretaker government until general elections are held, possibly in January 2024. Speaking separately, Pakistan's caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani said that any decision regarding normalization of relations with Israel will be made in "the best interests of the country" and "with due consideration of the interests of the Palestinian people."[8]
Recently two leading Urdu dailies published articles discussing the normalization of relations with Israel. In the first article – published by Roznama Jasarat and titled "Israel-Saudi Peace Agreement And Palestinian Freedom?" – columnist Qazi Jawed traced the issue of Palestine-Israel relations, arguing that "the Israel-Saudi peace deal will be another blow to Palestinian freedom" – much in the manner the Oslo Accords and Camp David agreement were foiled.[9]
In the second article – titled "Palestine Itself Has Recognized Israel Under The Oslo One Accord" and published by Roznama Jang – Farrukh Saleem, the columnist, argued that a formal recognition of Israel could benefit the Pakistani economy, with cooperation in a range of fields such as advanced agricultural technology, cyber security, and water management.[10] Translated excerpts from both the articles are given below, with Qazi Jawed's article followed by Farrukh Saleem's write-up.
Israeli Tourism Minister Haim Katz on Tuesday became the first Israeli minister to be granted an entry visa by the Saudi government, arriving in Riyadh to participate in a conference of the United Nations World Tourism Organization and mark World Tourism Day, celebrated annually on Sept. 27.Elliott Abrams: The Palestinian Authority Continues to Reward Terrorists
His visit comes amid warming relations between Jerusalem and Riyadh as the two work toward a normalization deal. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) said just last week that peace with the Jewish state is “getting closer every day.”
U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke openly on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly debate in New York about a coming agreement.
Katz may be the first Israeli minister to be granted a visa, but he won’t be the last. Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia next week, together with Likud Knesset member David Bitan.
Katz recently spoke with JNS from Riyadh about his historic visit.
Q: Do the participants know you’re Israeli?
Katz: People approach me and tell me, we saw you in all the media outlets all over the world, which are covering the event extensively. The Saudi Minister of Tourism [Ahmed Al Khateeb], who opened the event [at the Four Seasons Hotel in Riyadh], also said, “There is a delegation here in the country for the first time. I hope they were received well. Welcome.” Of course, he did not name names—but it was clear to everyone who he meant.
Q: do you feel safe?
A: I do walk around with security, although not tight security; you’re surrounded from afar […] and feel no fear. I walked around here at night; it’s a much more beautiful place in the dark with all the light than during the day itself—which is also about 42 degrees warmer. No pressure. And people approach me all the time.
Q: A few months ago the Saudis refused to give visas to representatives of Israeli villages for an international tourism competition in Riyadh, and today, Riyadh is giving a visa to an Israeli minister—what happened?
A: […] Four months ago, we were elected to an official position in the World Tourism Organization organization—something that has not happened since we joined. It’s about Israel being part of the strategic team—we need to be here, too, in Riyadh. I made it clear, after months during which we had problems with the visa issue […]: Either we will enter through the main door, or we will not come. We won’t come in by the window. The team, ours, has done significant work on the matter, and it is impossible to disconnect Prime Minister Netanyahu’s attempts to achieve normalization with Saudi Arabia—because here, every little thing requires the approval of the royal house.
So far this year, 35 Israelis have been murdered by terrorists - more than in all of 2022. Underlying this increase is the Palestinian Authority's continuing refusal to fight terrorism. As long as the "pay for slay" system continues, the message to Palestinians is that terrorists should be honored and rewarded.US Lawmakers, Experts Put Palestinian Authority on Notice for ‘Pay for Slay’ Terrorist Payments
There are clear alternatives to "pay for slay." It would be reasonable for the PA to say that the criminal's family and children should not suffer. The PA could have implemented a welfare-based system of family allowances, but they have steadfastly refused to do so.
The Taylor Force Act "urges the Department of State to use its bilateral and multilateral engagements with all governments and organizations committed to the cause of peace between Israel and the Palestinians to highlight the issue of Palestinian Authority payments for acts of terrorism and to urge such governments and organizations to join the United States in calling on the Palestinian Authority to immediately cease such payments." I do not believe this is being done.
The Act "calls on all donor countries providing budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority to cease direct budgetary support until the Palestinian Authority stops all payments incentivizing terror." Giving cash to the inefficient, ineffective, and corrupt PA encourages and fuels more corruption and allows the PA to continue its "pay for slay" system.
I have no optimism that the PA will change its tune and stop rewarding terrorists in the foreseeable future. Assistance to Palestinians will have to go around the PA rather than through it.
US lawmakers and experts on Wednesday lambasted the Palestinian Authority (PA) for continuing to reward terrorists and their families for carrying out attacks against Israelis, calling on the US government to increase pressure on the Palestinians to compel them to end their so-called “pay for slay” program.
The remarks came during a hearing held by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to discuss efforts to stop the West Bank-based PA from allocating money to its “Martyrs’ Fund,” which makes official payments to Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, the families of “martyrs” killed in attacks on Israelis, and injured Palestinian militants.
The hearing — organized by the subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia — also focused on whether the Biden administration is fully implementing the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits US funding to the PA so long as it maintains its pay for slay program.
The subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), lamented in his remarks how the PA is continuing to pay Palestinian terrorists despite the US Congress passing the legislation in 2018.
“Five years ago, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, which said that no US economic aid could directly benefit the Palestinian Authority unless the Palestinian Authority fully dismantled this grotesque pay-for-slay system,” Wilson said. “Unfortunately, five years later, terrorists are still getting their blood money, and Israelis are living through another wave of violent attacks. Right now, the Palestinian Authority is trying to assert demands and conditions on the normalization talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia. But the Palestinian Authority is paying people to commit acts of mass murder. The United States government cannot take any of their asks seriously until they stop this conduct.”
The exact size of the Palestinian program is disputed. However, it is estimated to be around $300 million annually, or nearly 10% of the entire PA budget, according to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, an Israeli think tank.
The three expert witnesses at the hearing disagreed about whether the Biden administration was fully compliant with the Taylor Force Act. Elliott Abrams, who most recently served as US special envoy for Iran and Venezuela during the Trump administration, said that while US money does not go directly to the PA, the US is not doing everything it can to pressure others to cut funding to the Palestinians.
The Biden admin is ILLEGALLY funding, w/taxpayer dollars, the Palestinian Authority's "Pay to Slay” which subsidizes and incentivizes terrorism against Israelis & Americans. I will always stand with Israel, and Biden's actions are in direct violation of the Taylor Force Act!
— Ronny Jackson (@RepRonnyJackson) September 27, 2023
“I don't know if you all catch this or not, but we're using American tax dollars to fund these thugs against an ally, Israel.”
— NGO Monitor (@NGOmonitor) September 28, 2023
Watch: @RepTimBurchett at yesterday’s @houseforeigngop hearing, citing NGO Monitor and slamming the @StateDept for funding the terror-linked Phoenix…
Israel is our most important ally. I’m proud to be joining @RepTenney in cosponsoring the Countering Hate Against Israel by Federal Contractors Act to prohibit Federal agencies from contracting with companies engaged in a boycott of Israel.
— Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (@RepDLesko) September 27, 2023
US tells Israel settlements serious issue, raised at highest level
The US has raised its concern “at the highest level” about Israel’s continued settlement activity, its UN envoy told the Security Council as she pledged her country’s commitment to a two-state solution and the normalization of Israeli ties in the region.Israel, Germany Sign ‘Historic’ Arrow-3 Missile Defense Deal
“Make no mistake: the expansion of settlements undermines the geographic viability of a two-state solution, exacerbates tensions, and further harms trust between the two parties,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield said.
She spoke in the aftermath of a dramatic spike of 303% in housing starts from the first and second quarters of 2023, according to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics published this month.
From January to March of this year, ground was broken for 255 new settler homes, compared to 1,028 housing starts from April to June of the year, the CBS reported.
Despite the second quarter rise, housing starts have dropped this year by 18.7% in the first two quarters when ground was broken for 1,283 new settler homes compared with the same time period last year when there were 1,580 settler starts.
Advancing settlement plans
All total there were 2,568 settler housing starts in 2023.
Israel has advanced plans this year for 12,349 housing starts, according to the left-wing group Peace Now, it's the largest such number since the group started collecting data in 2012.
“The United States strongly opposes the advancement of settlements and urges Israel to refrain from this activity.
“We take the issue very seriously, as it undermines the possibility of a future contiguous Palestinian state, and we raise it at the highest levels on a consistent basis,” she said.
Thomas-Greenfield spoke during the UNSC’s monthly meeting Wednesday on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which took place amid a push for an Israeli-Saudi normalization deal and in the aftermath of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with US President Joe Biden.
Israel and Germany signed a landmark defense agreement on Thursday, solidifying Israel’s role as a key player in bolstering European air defense with its Arrow-3 hypersonic missile system.Greece Approves Procurement of Israeli Precision Munitions
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, alongside Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, hailed the signing of the deal as a “historic day” for both nations.
The contract, valued at approximately $3.5 billion, marks the most substantial deal ever for Israel’s growing military industry.
Pistorius emphasized that the Arrow-3 system would make “German air defense ready for the future.” Germany has been leading efforts to enhance NATO’s air defense capabilities in Europe, particularly in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, underlining the critical need for robust anti-air defense systems.
Gallant highlighted the historical significance of the agreement, acknowledging the shared history of Israel and Germany.
“Only 80 years since the end of the Second World War, yet Israel and Germany join hands today in building a safer future,” he said.
The Arrow-3 system, designed to intercept missiles beyond earth’s atmosphere, offers protective coverage to neighboring European Union states. This long-range system, developed and produced through a collaborative effort between Israel and the United States, received Washington’s approval before the deal could be finalized.
First deployed in 2017 at an Israeli Air Force base, the Arrow-3 system has played a vital role in safeguarding Israel against potential missile threats originating from Iran and Syria. Recognized for its adaptability, the Arrow-3 is a mobile system that can be rapidly deployed to respond to specific threats.
The Government Council for Foreign and Defense Affairs (KYSEA), Greece's top decision-making body on foreign affairs and defense matters, on Tuesday green-lighted the acquisition of at least 300 Spice bombs, an air-to-surface precision guided munition manufactured by Israel's Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.20 Percent of Jordan's Water Comes from Israel
The Israeli-made weapons will dramatically increase the attack capabilities of Greece's upgraded F-16s.
Greece has one of the largest and most modern fleets of F-16s, but without the weapons that take full advantage of their capabilities.
As the Jewish people start a new year, it is important to reflect on how Israeli desalination has become a model for many countries across the globe. Many of these countries face an acute water shortage, as Israel has in the past. Once, many Israelis feared that the Sea of Galilee, Israel’s major reservoir, was dying. Today, Israelis no longer have such fears, because no matter how hot the weather gets, Israel is pumping desalinated water into the Sea of Galilee from five different plants. No one is afraid that the place where it is said that Jesus walked on water will be no more. Today, 60-80% of Israel’s drinking water is provided by desalination plants.
According to the Israel Desalination and Treatment Society, “Israel is renowned for its outstanding success in managing its water resources. It has built some of the largest and most advanced desalination facilities worldwide. It is a global leader in water reuse and has one of the lowest water loss percentages globally. While Israel faced water scarcity two decades ago, it now assists its neighbors with their water crises and replenishes natural water resources.”
Israel supplies Jordan with 100 million cubic meters of water from the Sea of Galilee, which fulfills 20% of Jordan’s water needs. This helps strengthen the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan.
Across the Middle East and the entire world, water scarcity is a major issue. According to the World Resources Institute, “Twenty-five countries are currently exposed to extremely high water stress annually, meaning they use over 80% of their renewable water supply for irrigation, livestock, industry and domestic needs. The five most water-stressed countries are Bahrain, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman and Qatar. The most water-stressed regions are the Middle East and North Africa, where 83% of the population is exposed to extremely high water stress, and South Asia, where 74% is exposed.”
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) September 28, 2023
Australia's National Press Club will host an event with antisemite, Francesca Albanese supported by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network.
Albanese, a UN official has been caught out in the past making antisemitic remarks and engaging…
Why are anti-Israel groups like @IfNotNowOrg and @JvpAction furiously lying about and attacking the Biden administration’s policy?
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) September 27, 2023
Because they know that the evidence presented by the administration thoroughly debunks the “apartheid” lie that they love to slander Israelis with.
BREAKING: Trudeau does not announce his resignation. He apologizes on behalf of others but takes no personal responsibility for organizing a Nazi celebration in
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) September 27, 2023
The 2023-2024 Gaza Terror Campaign
Hamas has earned its international designation as a terror entity by carrying out thousands of terror attacks. Hamas' Charter calls for the destruction of Israel and declares all of Israel is Islamic territory - that no one has the right to place under the rule of any non-Islamic foreign entity.The Israel Guys: Is THIS MAN the Most Dangerous Man in the Middle east?
Over the last 18 years, terrorists in Gaza who belong to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and a host of other organizations have used Gaza as a launching pad for over 20,000 attacks against Israel and Israelis.
These attacks have included over 17,000 missiles and mortars, hundreds of IEDs and firebombs, hundreds of shooting attacks, thousands of incendiary kites, and attempted and successful infiltrations of terrorists into Israel to murder Israelis.
In recent months, $30 million in monthly aid from Qatar to Gaza has been "delayed" because the Qataris are annoyed with the growing relations between Hamas and the Iranian-Syrian-Hizbullah axis of terror. As a result of the cumulative effects of the worsening financial situation and ongoing disillusion with the Hamas leadership, throughout the summer, different groups of Gazans took to the streets to protest.
In response, Gaza's Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar needed to do something to divert attention of Gazans and has chosen violence. He seeks to drag Israel into a battle and then peddle dead Palestinians as a means to rally the troops - both internally and in the international community - and re-direct the public hatred of Hamas towards Israel.
Destroyed buildings mean another international effort to "reconstruct Gaza," which in turn brings in more building materials and provides jobs for thousands.
Who is the most dangerous man in the middle east and why? This man has had many assassination attempts made on his life, including two just this week! Joshua gives you the full scoop on who this man is and what he does in Israel.
The Israel Guys: Israel Strikes Hamas Military Posts As Tensions Escalate On Gaza Border
Israel strikes Hamas military posts as tensions escalate on the Gaza border. Justin breaks down everything that has been happening on the Gaza border along with a really cool story that you don’t want to miss.
PMW: Fatah glorifies dead terrorist as “model of heroism,” small child salutes him
On the anniversary of the death of terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi – a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing) who was responsible for a series of shooting attacks – Abbas’ Fatah Movement published a video showing a ceremony from a military training course named after the terrorist, held by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Palestine – Martyr Nidal Al-Amoudi Brigade in the Gaza Strip.
The stage backdrop of the ceremony had a huge picture of terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi and posters of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat and arch-terrorist Khalil Al-Wazir “Abu Jihad,” who was responsible for the murder of 125. The logos of both Fatah and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades appeared on the ceremony poster.
During the video, a small child is seen saluting the picture of terrorist Al-Nabulsi:
A narrator praises terrorist Al-Nabulsi as a “model of heroism” and as having left behind “an eternal revolutionary school, whose students are self-sacrificing fighters who believe in Allah.” For these Fatah soldiers, allegiance to the rifle is “sacred”:
Narrator: “The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine make sure to commemorate the memory of their men in their unique military way, so that they will remain as models of heroism in the memory of the generations. Martyr Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi left us while leaving behind for us an eternal revolutionary school, whose students are self-sacrificing fighters who believe in Allah, and who love the homeland. On the anniversary of Martyr fighter Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi’s ascent [to Heaven], our brigades prepared an army bearing his name, and it swore that adherence to the rifle is sacred – out of loyalty to his last will… May Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi remain a legend of glory and honor in the history of the [Palestinian] cause.”
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, Aug. 9, 2023]
Mother of teen terrorist “Martyr”: “Allah will be satisfied with him”
Mother of terrorist Dirgham Al-Akhras: “He would sing for me at home: “O mother of the Martyr, O mother of the Martyr.” … Allah will make his path easy and be satisfied with him.”
[Official PA TV News, Sept. 20, 2023]
Dirgham Al-Akhras – 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist who participated in violent confrontations with Israeli soldiers in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, south of Jericho, on Sept. 20, 2023. The soldiers opened fire in self-defense, killing Al-Akhras.
“He made both Allah and me happy” - father of dead terrorist
The video shows an interview with the father of terrorist Mahmoud Ar’arawi, one of four terrorists who died while participating in violent confrontations with Israeli soldiers.
Father of terrorist Mahmoud Ar’arawi: “[My son used] his special weapon, [that he bought] with his own money… He set out on principle, praise Allah. He died as a Martyr with a calm heart. May Allah answer his call. He made both Allah and me happy. We consider him one of the righteous Martyrs with Allah.”
[Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, Sept. 20, 2023]
Mahmoud Al-Sa’adi, Mahmoud Ar’arawi, Rafat Khamaiseh, and Ata Musa – Palestinian terrorists who participated in violent confrontations in which terrorists shot at Israeli soldiers during a counter-terror operation in the Jenin refugee camp on Sept. 19, 2023. The four were shot and killed during the confrontations.
Hamas terrorist praises PA Police officers for participating in terror
The video shows a Hamas terrorist who participated in violent confrontations in which terrorists shot at Israeli soldiers during a counter-terror operation in the Jenin refugee camp on Sept. 19, 2023.
Hamas terrorist: “[The fighters] were from all the factions. Yesterday [PA] police officers fought together with us. We say to the PA: … You want to arrest us? Go arrest your police officers who are fighting with us. Those of noble spirit who are like us, and Allah willing they are even better than us!” [Quds News Network, Facebook page, Sept. 20, 2023]
Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant Collapse Sends Sewage to Israeli Shores
The North Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment Plant (NGEST), the largest of five sewage treatment facilities run by Hamas in Gaza, recently stopped operating due to overload.
The facility could absorb 43,000 cubic meters of sewage per day, but the plant was receiving 51,000 cubic meters.
This was due to population growth, more available water, and more Gazans connecting to sewage systems. Hamas, which controls Gaza, did not make the necessary adjustments.
As a result, the Palestinians diverted the wastewater to the Mediterranean Sea and the Hanoun River, which runs through the area of the Israeli community of Netiv HaAsara in the northwest Negev and the Erez Crossing.
This has created a serious environmental hazard for Israel as the sewage reaches Israeli shores.
Israel's southernmost Zikim Beach was closed more than two weeks ago. If there is no change, the next step will be to close the beaches of Ashkelon.
Meanwhile, the Israel Water Authority is currently pumping Gaza wastewater from the Hanoun River to the wastewater treatment facility shared by Sderot and the communities of the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.
Hamas says it has presented mediators with demands to avoid escalation:
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) September 27, 2023
1. Ending Gaza blockade.
2. Halting measures at Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.
3. Halting IDF raids in West Bank.
4. Halting settlement activities.
Israel reopens Gaza crossing amid ongoing border violence
Israeli authorities on Thursday reopened the country’s sole pedestrian crossing with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, which had been closed for two weeks amid ongoing violence along the border.
The Israeli Defense Ministry body that oversees the coordination of civil affairs in Palestinian-controlled territories said that the decision was made “in accordance with security assessments and with [a view to] the preservation of stable security.”
Some 17,000 Gazans have permits to enter Israel through the Erez Crossing for work.
Gazans have staged violent riots along the border on a near-daily basis throughout the month, targeting Israeli forces with explosive devices and gunfire, renewing the launch of incendiary balloons into Israeli territory and setting fire to tires in the Strip.
On Tuesday evening, several Palestinians managed to breach the border fence and set alight a nearby Israel Defense Forces position.
In response, an IDF drone struck Hamas terror outposts in Gaza for the third time this week.
The riots and terror balloons are believed to be a form of Hamas pressure on Israel and Qatar. JNS previously reported that Doha notified Hamas in mid-September it did not intend to renew its monthly aid package of $30 million.
Gazans rushing to Erez Border Crossing in the early hours following Israel's announcement that it was reopening the crossing to workers. #TheGazaYouDontSee
— Imshin (@imshin) September 28, 2023
Thinga got a bit hectic.
— Imshin (@imshin) September 28, 2023
Another palace under construction in Gaza.#TheGazaYouDontSee
— Imshin (@imshin) September 28, 2023
Breakfast at Flamingo Restaurant, Gaza City. Spectacular view of the Med Sea, Gaza beach and port.#TheGazaYouDontSee
— Imshin (@imshin) September 28, 2023
Ooh look! Another Maybach sighting in Gaza! That makes 2 that I know of. #TheGazaYouDontSee
— Imshin (@imshin) September 28, 2023
The Battle for UNIFIL's Independence in Southern Lebanon
The UN secretary-general's latest report on UNIFIL - published July 13 - documented many of the Hizbullah violations that are responsible for raising tensions on the border with Israel this year. The report details 18 cases of attacks, harassment, impeded movement, and prohibited access against UN peacekeepers, an average of 4.2 incidents per month between January and May. Hizbullah has doubled its pressure on UNIFIL in the past two years. After Pvt. Sean Rooney, a UNIFIL peacekeeper from Ireland, was killed in December, surveillance camera footage showed armed men surrounding his patrol and declaring, "We are Hizbullah."
The report notes that "the Lebanese Armed Forces continued to object to some patrol routes proposed by UNIFIL to expand its presence outside main routes and municipal centers." In response, UNIFIL has limited its activity to main roads and municipal centers, leaving most other "locations of interest" unmonitored. UNIFIL commanders on the ground have thus far capitulated to Hizbullah coercion and Lebanon's collusion.
#Hezbollah adds new structures to its military observation posts across the border with Israel. They do that under the guise of the “Green Without Borders” organization.
— Israel-Alma (@Israel_Alma_org) September 28, 2023
What could be hiding under this structure located next the village of Ramyeh?
We are sure that @UNIFIL is…
Iranian Spies Have Infiltrated the American Government, Lawmakers Warn
The Iranian government has infiltrated the Biden administration and obtained access to sensitive U.S. government information, according to a coalition of Republican lawmakers who are investigating the matter.
Iran has repeatedly demonstrated in the past several months that it has access "to restricted U.S. State Department emails or government servers," according to a letter sent Wednesday to the White House by congressional Republicans and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The series of leaks, which have appeared in Iranian state-controlled propaganda outlets, "constitute a significant security breach of U.S. government property by a foreign adversary" and could indicate there is a mole inside the Biden administration, according to Reps. Kevin Hern (R., Okla.) and Joe Wilson (R., S.C.) and Sen. Bill Hagerty (R., Tenn.). The probe is being handled by the Republican Study Committee, Congress's largest Republican caucus, and could force the Biden administration into admitting Iran has breached sensitive U.S. networks.
The investigation comes on the heels of a bombshell report Tuesday by Semafor detailing a vast propaganda network linked to the hardline regime in Tehran. That network, known as the Iran Experts Initiative, allegedly includes senior Pentagon official Ariane Tabatabai, as well as other "influential overseas academics" who reported to Iran's foreign ministry and helped push Tehran's talking points with American policymakers. Several of those identified as members of the Iranian government-run network include former aides to U.S. Iran envoy Robert Malley, who was suspended from his post earlier this year for allegedly mishandling classified information.
In August, when news of Malley's suspension was just becoming public, the Tehran Times, a regime-controlled outlet, published reports containing what appeared to be sensitive U.S. government documents, including a "sensitive but unclassified" internal State Department letter that purportedly outlines why Malley's security clearance was revoked. Just a month later, the publication published audio of National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk discussing in a private meeting what the lawmakers' letter described as "national security options towards Iran."
When invited to a conference in Israel, Ariane Tabatabai emailed Revolutionary Guards officer Mostafa Zahrani & asked him: " I would like to ask your opinion too and see if you think I should accept the invitation and go.”
— Alireza Nader علیرضا نادر (@AlirezaNader) September 28, 2023
Listen to Ariane Tabatabaei as she repeats the Islamic Republic’s propaganda & dismisses the #Iranian people’s fight for freedom. @jakejsullivan is in one scene.
— Alireza Nader علیرضا نادر (@AlirezaNader) September 27, 2023
My Strange Meeting with the Iranian President
At a meeting last week with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the president was his usual irate self, ineffective because he wandered seamlessly between angry leftist alt-politics and outright lies. He wouldn't talk of dealing with the Biden administration and would not comment on widespread reports - even in the Iranian press - of the "understanding" between Washington and Tehran to have Iran ramp down attacks on Americans and take a day off from accumulating highly-enriched uranium.Israeli UN Ambassador Erdan: Iranians across the Globe Were Moved by My Protest
Was it worth the trip? No. It seemed eminently clear that there was zero chance of a productive diplomatic conversation with these people - which begs the question of what exactly our diplomats are talking about with their Iranian interlocutors during their ongoing chats in Oman. Nothing will change in Iran until everything changes at the top.
When Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi prepared to speak at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan stood up and held a photo of Mahsa Amini, the woman whose brutal killing by Iran's modesty police a year ago inspired a protest movement in the Islamic republic. UN security grabbed Erdan and escorted him out of the room.
He later told Jewish Insider: "I felt that really we should highlight to the world the fact that we stand in solidarity with the Iranian people...and say that we separate between the people of Iran and the ruthless radical regime that oppresses them."
"I never expected them to forcibly drag me out. It was crazy that they touched me....When security detained me, I told them that when the war in Ukraine broke out, I remember many ambassadors were holding signs and Ukrainian flags and no one did anything. It's an anecdote that made the whole story much more interesting, because it showed the world how distorted the moral compass of the UN is. They're so pressured to give a mass murderer oppressing his people the red carpet treatment, but the one silently holding up a sign is dragged forcibly outside."
"Most of the Arab world covered the story and I received thousands of emails from Iranians across the globe."
Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Mohammad Bagheri Delivers Speech While Soldiers Stand in Formation Over a Surface Emblazoned with the Inscription: “Israel Should Be Erased” #Iran #IRGC #JCPOA
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) September 28, 2023
The principal of a girls' school in Kerman, Iran, was fired for permitting public dancing by students.
— (@ICHRI) September 27, 2023
Thousands of educators have reportedly lost their jobs in the past year in Iran for promoting freedom of speech and expression in Iranian schools.
Watch this space for our…
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