Monday, December 19, 2022

From Ian:

Bassam Tawail: Biden Administration and the Two-State Delusion
The results of several public opinion polls, including the most recent one, demonstrate that Blinken and his team are either engaging in self-deception or simply fail to understand or see what most Palestinians want: Killing more Jews and the obliteration of Israel.

This is not the first poll to show that a majority of Palestinians oppose the "two-state solution." That is because they are clamoring for a Palestinian state not alongside Israel, but instead of Israel.

The rising popularity of Hamas among the Palestinians is a clear sign that most of them identify with the Islamist group's goal of destroying Israel.

According to the latest poll, if new presidential elections were held today, the Biden administration's favorite Palestinian interlocutor, Mahmoud Abbas, would receive 36% and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would get 54%. In addition, 75% said they want the 87-year-old Abbas to resign.

The Palestinians, in short, are telling Blinken and the Biden administration that they can keep dreaming about the two-state fantasy for as long as they wish, but that they prefer "armed struggle" and terrorism to peace negotiations with Israel.

It would have been a good idea if Blinken had listened to what Hamas leaders clearly said in the past few days during rallies to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of their group.

Marking the anniversary occasion, Hamas issued a statement on December 14 that basically refutes claims by some Westerners that it has become a "moderate" group that is ready to accept the "two-state solution."

Anyone who supports the establishment of a Palestinian state would be paving the way for the Palestinians to use the West Bank and Gaza Strip as launching pads to attack and destroy Israel.

The way for the international community -- starting with the US -- to turn the problem around is through insisting that any aid is strictly conditioned upon the Palestinians abandoning their calls for terrorism... If there is any non-compliance, payments must actually be withheld.... Otherwise, all of the aid that does not "disappear" is openly being used to bankroll terrorism, jihad and killing Jews.

Tel Aviv terror attack survivor recounts long road to recovery
Meital Mizrahi, 28, was critically wounded when a Palestinian gunman opened fire at revelers at a Tel Aviv busy pub in April, and after a long rehabilitation, she sat down with Ynet to recount the tense moments and the long road to recovery.

The attack took place at the Ilka Bar on Tel Aviv’s bustling Dizengoff Street, when Ra'ad Hazem, a Palestinian from the West Bank city of Jenin shot up the place, killing 3 Israeli men and wounding 13 others, including Mizrahi. He was ultimately killed by Israeli security forces after an hours-long manhunt.

Mizrahi, who arrived at the pub with her husband, took a bullet to the neck, narrowly missing her main artery and living her hanging between life and death.

“I still think about whether it was fate or divine providence that saved me when the three men who sat next to me were killed,” she said. “The ordeal I went through was shocking and painful, but it also did some good. It brought me and my family closer together and made me chase my dreams and prove that I’m stronger than I ever thought possible.”

Mizrahi was rushed to the hospital, suffering multiple upper-body injuries. “The doctors fought to save me,” she said. “I wanted to go out for a drink and found myself in a hospital room, suffering painful injuries, including fractures in my torso, a punctured lung and one hand that wasn’t moving.”

Despite the hardships, Mizrahi refused to give up. “On one of my first nights in the hospital, my husband and I talked about what happened in the attack. I promised him I’m not going to give up and keep fighting.”

“When I arrived for rehabilitation in the hospital, I had to have self-discipline and chose to believe that everything happened for a reason, and I received a second chance at life,” she said. “I realized that lamenting my fate won’t get me anywhere and that I had a chance to rehabilitate myself, so I did.”

Mizrahi was discharged from the hospital in August and said that she continues to face her physical and mental scars alongside managing her anxiety in her everyday life. “I established an architecture and interior design firm. I realized that if I can face what I’ve been through, I can take on everything. So I decided to go and pursue my dream,” she said.
Western Wall rabbi tells European envoys: Jews don’t need your approval
Ambassadors from Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Moldova withdrew from a group visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem a week ago after the EU ordered member-states not to participate in any Israeli-hosted tour of eastern Jerusalem. Representatives from seven countries attended the visit as planned. Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, the rabbi of the Western Wall, responded on Friday.

"It was with extreme dismay that I heard of your decision not to attend the official tour of the Western Wall given by the State of Israel for ambassadors....Your decision to 'avoid' the tour was a resounding victory for evil, a deeply upsetting choice. The Jewish nation does not need anyone's approval for its eternal connection with Jerusalem and the Western Wall. This is a bond of thousands of years that was shaped by the love of a nation for its God and forged through the fire of destruction."

"It is a bond that is validated every single day by unusual archaeological findings from the days of ancient kings of Judah, discovered in the earth of Jerusalem. Had you joined the tour, you would have seen them yourself."

Netanyahu slams Holocaust-burying New York Times for demonizing Israel
Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu condemned The New York Times on Sunday for an editorial characterizing his incoming government as “a significant threat to the future of Israel.”

In the Dec. 17 editorial titled, “The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy,” the Times argues that Netanyahu is risking “the future of Israel—its direction, its security and even the idea of a Jewish homeland,” and calls for the U.S. administration to do more to show its disapproval.

Netanyahu tweeted in response, “After burying the Holocaust for years on its back pages and demonizing Israel for decades on its front pages, the New York Times now shamefully calls for undermining Israel’s elected incoming government.

“While the NYT continues to delegitimize the one true democracy in the Middle East and America’s best ally in the region, I will continue to ignore its ill-founded advice and instead focus on building a stronger and more prosperous country, strengthening ties with America, expanding peace with our neighbors, and securing the future of the one and only Jewish state,” Netanyahu added.

According to the editorial, Netanyahu is making too many “concessions to ultrareligious and ultranationalist parties,” something that he has no mandate to do.

“Radical far-right parties” are demanding expanding settlements, extending Jewish rights on the Temple Mount and reforming the Israeli judicial system, the Times bemoaned.

These actions would render a Palestinian state moot, risk renewed Arab-Israeli violence and allow Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to do what it wants without judicial restraint, the editorial claimed.

The editorial argued for the U.S. administration to speak out more forcibly against such moves, including apparently interfering in Israel’s domestic policy.

NYTs: Israel's Arab Allies Signal Business as Usual with New Government
When Benjamin Netanyahu won a general election last month, analysts wondered how three Arab countries that normalized relations with Israel in 2020 - Bahrain, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates - might react. Netanyahu forged the deals himself when last in office. But any unease has quickly morphed into a more pragmatic approach: Business as usual.

"Any change of government will not affect Bahrain's approach to developing positive relations with Israel," Khaled Al Jalahma, the Bahraini ambassador to Israel, said Thursday. "Bahrain's stance on the change of administration in Israel is the same as it would be with any other country." That stance reflects the extent to which the Abraham Accords redrew the contours of Middle Eastern geopolitics.

The signing of the accords underscored how solidarity with the Palestinians had been eclipsed, for certain Arab leaders, by national self-interest. Shared fears of a nuclear Iran, coupled with enthusiasm for better economic, technological and military ties with Israel, prompted the accords' signatories to prioritize relations with Israel.
Eugene Kontorovich: 3 myths behind the fight against changing the ‘Law of Return’
Israel’s new government is considering reforming the “grandparent clause” in the Law of Return. That original law of return was adopted in 1950 and is part of Israel’s foundational principles. It allows anyone who is Jewish or has a Jewish parent to receive citizenship upon immigration. In 1970 that law was broadened to include people with only one Jewish grandparent, regardless of whether they were considered Jews under Jewish religious law, and it is that amendment that is being debated. Critics of the reform have resorted to provocative and dire rhetoric, describing the provision as an extreme measure that will explode relations with the Diaspora. These critics are seeking to weaponize diaspora communities against the reform – and are relying on several misrepresentations about the proposal.

The first myth is that the amendment would change Israel’s definition of who is a Jew, disqualifying people currently considered as such under Israeli law. This is simply not true: the grandparent clause does not relate to the question of “who is a Jew,” the status of Reform conversions, or other sensitive topics. That is because the 1970 amendment does not define the patrilineal grandchildren of Jews as “Jews,” but rather specifically as non-Jews who are nevertheless included in the Law of Return. The amendment made no change to determinations of status, nor would its removal.

A second myth is that the amendment would be an insult to American Jews, or dampen American Aliyah. This is entirely baseless fear-mongering – the only reason the amendment would harm such ties is because of the dishonest incitement against the law. Tens of thousands of Jews have made aliyah from the US in the past decade – and only sixty-seven of them did so under the grandparent clause, according to new research by my colleague Dr. Netanel Fisher. Many of those 67 would have been independently eligible for citizenship through other family ties.

One could count on one hand the number of Americans affected annually – well under one percent of American aliyah. Indeed, the proposed amendment is motivated largely by immigration from Eastern Europe. Nor was the 1970 amendment ever about pacifying the American Reform movement – which only embraced first-generation patrilineal descent in 1983. American Jews must stop centering themselves in this debate – not everything is about them.

Was Israel “unaccepting” of American Jews before the adoption of the amendment in 1970?
US lawmaker: All of Judea and Samaria should remain part of Israel
Washington should steadfastly stand by the Jewish state, U.S. Congressman Dr. Andy Harris (R-Md.) said last week.

“It is an American interest for Judea and Samaria—indeed all the land of the Bible—to remain a part of Israel. Unification of these biblical lands benefits people of all religions, ensuring religious freedom and access for all. It is not an obstacle to peace but a chance for real peace,” said Harris during a visit to the Binyamin region on Tuesday.

He vowed to ensure that the U.S. does not block Israel from developing the necessary infrastructure to support citizens in Judea and Samaria, and suggested that the White House “should secure funds for these purposes” given that “politics must not stop improving the lives of people living anywhere in Israel.”

Meanwhile, Harris slammed as “unacceptable” illegal Palestinian construction in Judea and Samaria that is being funded by the European Union.

“The Israeli government has every right to halt illegal building by the Palestinian Authority or any other body or persons in areas under Israeli control. This includes Area C of the Oslo Accords—the only areas of Judea, Samaria and Binyamin that are allocated for Israeli use. The intervention by any outside authority, including the E.U., is unacceptable,” he said.

Binyamin Regional Council Chairman Israel Ganz spoke with the congressman about allocating U.S. financial aid to the Palestinian Authority for the development of Judea and Samaria.
Time for Britain to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Over five decades have passed since Israel reclaimed control over Jerusalem (1967) in an exercise in self-defense and sovereignty. Jerusalem is, and always was, unequivocally and absolutely the capital of the State of Israel - it is not a matter of opinion. Israel has valid legal status in Jerusalem. The unification of the city came on the back of Jordan's declaration of war on the Jewish state. It was an exercise in survival against calls to forever wipe out the Jews from the region.

Moving the British embassy to Jerusalem now, at this particular juncture in our history, when authoritarianism is threatening once more to dislodge our democracies, would send a clear signal to our commitment to peace and the rule of law. Such a move would reflect a commitment on the part of Britain to help consolidate peace in the Middle East by holding to the values underwriting its democracy.
Israel Gives Ukraine Intelligence on Iran via NATO
Israel has stepped up its intelligence assistance to Ukraine in recent weeks via NATO, sources in Brussels told Ha'aretz.

"Iran's decision to supply drones and increase its military cooperation with Russia is a strategic mistake by Tehran and the best thing that could have happened to Israel-NATO relations," said an Israeli defense source.

Israel transferred a detailed file on Iran's drones, especially the Shahed-136, a kamikaze drone.

Iran used it against Saudi oil facilities in 2019, and the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen used it to attack U.S. targets in Iraq and oil tankers in the Arabian Sea.
Shooting attack in Samaria: Terrorists open fire on bus containing MK and others
Terrorists opened fire at a bus transporting activists who were traveling back from a menorah lighting ceremony in Northern Samaria.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire from a moving vehicle Sunday, at several people who were traveling in a bus from the evacuated community of Sa-Nur to the town of Mevo Dotan in Samaria.

Some 100 people participated in a Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony on the land of Sa-Nur, which was uprooted and destroyed in 2005.

On their way back from the event, terrorists opened fire at the group.

About seven rounds were shot at the Israelis, amongst them MK Limor Son Har-Melech (Otzma Yehudit) and the Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, who stated "In a place where Jews aren't settling, there will be terrorism. It is not by chance that most of the recent terror attacks came from Shechem (Nablus) and Jenin, an area from which the settlers were uprooted. This is another proof that we need to return the communities and cancel the Disengagement Law."

"We came here today, some 100 men, women, and children," said Son Har-Melech, "to the evacuated town of Sa-Nur. The return trips by the amazing core group of settlers here is the answer to the despicable crime that happened 17 years ago, when four towns were uprooted in northern Samaria."

Palestinian to be charged with terror over Tel Aviv ramming of motorcyclist
Police prosecutors on Monday said they plan to file terror charges against a Palestinian man who rammed a vehicle into a motorcyclist in Tel Aviv earlier this month, after an investigation found the motive for the incident was nationalistic.

Police and the Shin Bet security agency said in a joint statement that Ali Hamad, 31, who had entered Israel illegally, confessed to the attack on December 8, saying he had committed it as revenge after his cousin was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli troops in the West Bank a day before the attack.

Hamad’s cousin, Mojahed al-Najjar, opened fire at an Israeli military post near the settlement of Ofra before being chased and shot dead by troops.

Hamad committed the attack with a car that had been taken off the road by police order due to damage from a crash, and was then illegally put back in use. According to the Kan public broadcaster, he managed to drive into Israel from the West Bank with the unauthorized car, which had Israeli license plates.

Police said prosecutors would file an indictment against Hamad in the next few days.

Hamad was arrested shortly after the incident, and police initially described it as a traffic accident. But several days later, the Shin Bet said it suspected the ramming was intentional.
US backs probe into ‘accident’ after Palestinian brothers killed by Israeli driver
The Palestinian Authority has called the Saturday collision, which took the lives of Mohammad and Muhannad Muteir from the Jerusalem-area Qalandiya refugee camp, an intentional ramming attack, while Israel Police says that it was an accident.

In a tweet on Sunday, the US embassy in Jerusalem’s Palestinian Affairs Office offered its condolences to the Muteir family and added, “We support a thorough police investigation into this tragedy.”

Israel Police opened an investigation into the incident, but said it believed, after its initial assessment, that the Israeli driver, a man in his 50s, accidentally hit the Palestinian brothers. The Israeli driver was briefly hospitalized after the collision.

The brothers were conducting repairs to their vehicle on the side of the road between the Rechelim and Tapuah Junctions.

Police said the Muteirs’ vehicle’s lights appeared to have been off while it was parked on the side of the dimly lit highway.

But the PA official news site Wafa characterized the collision as a “car-ramming attack,” with PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh branding it a “horrific crime.” Zakaria Fayala from the PA’s Jerusalem Governorate’s branch office in Qalandiya said in a statement that the driver deliberately sped up his car before striking the Muteirs.

The comment marked the second time in days that the US has pushed for action from Israel following the death of a Palestinian in the West Bank.

PreOccupiedTerritory: Group That Staged Violent Uprising To Keep Out Jews Fleeing Hitler Boasts Of Welcoming Jews Fleeing Hitler (satire)
Descendants of the people who attacked British and Jewish interests in Palestine before and during the Second World War in an effort to bar Jewish immigration to the territory even as the Third Reich began persecuting and slaughtering Jews now speak proudly of those ancestors giving Jewish refugees a warm reception.

Palestinian activists and propagandists continued a long tradition this week of presenting their violent hostility to Jewish immigration to the ancestral Jewish homeland as a humanitarian phenomenon. Online, in print, and in broadcast media, advocates for the liberation of Palestine by means of destroying the restoration of Jewish sovereignty after almost two thousand years of exile bragged that the Arabs of pre-Israel, British-Mandate Palestine welcomed boatloads of Jews escaping Nazi-run Europe, when in fact in response to Arab threats and attacks the British placed tight restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine right when Jews needed a safe haven most. The British planned to reduce, then shut down, all Jewish immigration to the territory, in hopes of appeasing Arabs and maintaining access to oil from the region. Pro-Palestine advocates cited their forebears’ generosity and contrasted it with what they called Zionist xenophobia and racism.

Images of boats carrying Jewish refugees – interdicted off the coast and sent to internment camps in British-run Cyprus – featured most in the activists’ most recent torrent of mislabeled or doctored photos, this time with descriptions of the scene as one of the Arabs of Palestine demonstrating against the deportations; no Arabs appear in the photos, which depict the refugees holding signs to protest their treatment by the British.
PMW: Take your picture with today’s "Martyr"; Trending in the PA
When 22-year-old Muhammad Abu Kishk was killed in a shootout initiated by terrorists shooting and throwing explosives at Israeli soldiers and civilians at Joseph’s Tomb, his father, uncle, and a friend explained that for years the young man had wished to die as a “Martyr.”

His friend specifically mentioned that Abu Kishk had invited people he met in the street to have their photo taken with him, in anticipation of his own death later that night: Official PA TV reporter: “You told me you were with [your son] Muhammad at home mere hours before he was wounded. Tell me about the last moments of Muhammad’s life…”

Abu Kamel, father of Muhammad Abu Kishk: “From the afternoon until the evening he kept saying: 'I want to be a Martyr, I want to be a Martyr.’”

Uncle of Muhammad Abu Kishk: “Already two years ago he wrote on Facebook that he wants to carry out a Martyrdom-seeking operation (i.e., terror attack). The [Israeli] Security Agency contacted his father and we took him to the enemies, and they knew that the child is a bit like this. Afterwards he put[his post] back, and continued to seek Martyrdom, and every other day he said: ‘I want to be a Martyr.’” …

Friend of Muhammad Abu Kishk: “Yesterday he was standing in the neighborhood,and told every person he saw on the street: ‘Come here, I want to take a picture with you, I will become a Martyr tonight.’”

[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, Nov. 23, 2022]

Being taught for decades that terror is a legitimate means to fight Israel and that “Martyrs” go to Paradise and marry 72 Virgins, it is not surprising that so many Palestinian teens and youth seek death. Adding to the desire to become “Martyrs” is the subsequent fame, and the “joy” and “pride” of the parents and the entire family – the entire Palestinian society in fact. Palestinian teens – like other teens – wish to make their parents proud and also want to emulate other teens who they view as role models.

This was the case for 16-year-old Ahmed Shehadeh, who like Abu Kishk was shot and killed in the exchanges of fire when Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis at Joseph’s Tomb on Nov. 22, 2022. His father also explained that his son had been almost obsessed with seeking “Martyrdom-death,” constantly asking his father “when he would get married as a Martyr like [the other] Martyrs”:

Families of 8 Gazan migrants who drowned blame Hamas for their deaths
Some of the family members of eight residents of the city of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip who drowned two months ago while they were migrating from Tunisia to Europe blamed Hamas for their deaths, Ynet reported on Monday.

Thousands of people attended the funerals of the victims in Gaza, according to the report.

One woman whose 21-year-old son was one of the migrants who died blamed government officials for the tragedy.

"The government that controls us here is the reason. It is to blame, she said. "I blame all the officials here who do not take care of young people or provide them with employment opportunities."

She added that although her son studied literature, he was unable to find a well-paying job. He worked at a local hair salon for 10 shekels per day. "If there were jobs here for those young people, would they leave?" she said.

Another family lost their son, who was also 21, and his 20-year-old brother is currently missing. The brothers were on the same boat as the aforementioned woman's son.

"What do we see in Gaza? We only see oppression," their mother said, adding that "They suffocate the young and the young run away because of their suffocation."
Reuters and AP on Gaza Men Drowning: Spot the Difference
Spot the difference. Two wire services covered the mass funeral of eight young Palestinians who drowned off the coast of Tunisia nearly two months ago as they tried to escape Gaza for new lives in Europe.

Dealing with Gaza’s undoubted hardships, Reuters went for the same tired old explanation: blame Israel. Indeed, Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules over the Gaza Strip, is not mentioned once in the entire story:
Gaza’s 2.3 million people are no strangers to hardship, after decades of war with Israel, economic clampdowns aided by neighbouring Egypt that starve the economy and splits between Palestinian factions. According to the World Bank, unemployment in Gaza runs at about 50% and more than half its population lives in poverty.”

So credit to the Associated Press for digging deeper in its report, “Mass funeral in Gaza draws tears, rare criticism of Hamas”:
‘The government that governs us here is the reason. It’s to blame. It’s to blame,’ said Naheel Shaath, whose 21-year-old son Adam was among the dead. ‘I blame all officials here who don’t care for the youths or provide job opportunities for them.’

Israel and Egypt imposed the blockade after Hamas seized control of Gaza from the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority in 2007.

Israel says the closure, which restricts the movement of people and goods in and out of the territory, is needed to prevent Hamas from arming itself. Israel and its Western allies have branded Hamas, an Islamic group sworn to Israel’s destruction, a terrorist group. Critics say the blockade amounts to collective punishment.

The blockade has stifled the economy of Gaza, where unemployment hovers near 50%, and residents are usually quick to blame Israel for the difficult conditions. But increasingly, families have begun to complain about Hamas’ leadership, citing the high taxes, its heavy-handed rule and a growing stream of leaders, including its supreme leader Ismail Haniyeh, who have moved abroad to more comfortable places with their families.”

Even if Reuters’ reporter failed to find anyone prepared to criticize Hamas, the least he could do was add the relevant context concerning the reasons behind the Israeli/Egyptian blockade and Hamas’ responsibility for governing the Gaza Strip.

Irish investigators arrive in Lebanon to investigate murder of UNIFIL peacekeeper
Investigators from the Irish Defence Forces, Military Police and An Garda Síochána, as well as a lawyer from Dublin, arrived in Lebanon on Monday to investigate the murder of Irish UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) peacekeeper Seán Rooney last week, according to national broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann.

The Irish team includes a detective superintendent and a detective inspector from the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation as well as a detective sergeant from the Garda Technical Bureau.

Last Wednesday, the Irish Defence Forces announced that Rooney was killed after a convoy of armored UNIFIL vehicles came under small arms fire in Aaqbiyeh while traveling to Beirut. An additional Irish peacekeeper was critically injured and is still in critical condition as of writing. Video from the scene showed one of the UNIFIL vehicles driving around cars that had blocked the road as a number of gunshots were fired at the UNIFIL vehicle. Photos from the day after showed bullet holes in the windows of the UNIFIL vehicle.

The Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen TV reported that the incident was preceded by a protest by local residents against the UNIFIL patrol which had taken a detour from its usual route.

Seth Frantzman: Space race: Iran, North Korea in ‘new world order’ race - analysis
North Korea said Monday it had launched a test satellite which is part of the development of its spy satellite program. This is aimed at launching and putting in orbit a spy satellite.

The Associated Press called this a “key military capability coveted by its leader Kim Jong Un along with other high-tech weapons systems.” This is important because Iran also wants to launch new satellites in the coming months.

Together, these countries are part of a kind of secondary “new world order” in terms of missile, defense, satellite and other technologies that can threaten the world. Iran’s transfer of drones to Russia is one example. Both countries threaten their regions and they both work as part of the authoritarian alliance designed to upend the Western democracies and the US-led international rules-based order that has been in place since 1990.

North Korea showed off an image it claimed was a photo from space showing South Korea’s capital and the area of Incheon. Incheon was where the then commander of US and UN forces Douglas MacArthur launched the amphibious landings that helped turn the tide of the Korean War in 1950. This is symbolically an important moment for the North.

The North is isolated and poor but has an impressive military-industrial complex. This matters globally because North Korea and Iran have worked together in the past on military technology. Iran is also partnering with China and China works with North Korea.

The rocket carrying the test satellite was launched Sunday to assess the satellite’s photography and data transmission systems, KCNA said, according to the AP. “The country’s National Aerospace Development Administration called the test results ‘an important success which has gone through the final gateway process of the launch of reconnaissance satellite,’” the article notes.

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