Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Last night, IDF troops killed five members of the Lion's Den terror group in Nablus, including its founder and leader, Wadih al-Houh.

One other terrorist was killed in Ramallah.

According to Khaled Abu Toameh, al-Houh had written on his Facebook page that the Palestinian Authority had tried to convince his group to put down their weapons - and to join the PA security services.  Al-Houh wasn't interested, and he criticized the PA.

Yet the PA is now treating al-Houh and his group as heroes.

PA prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh, considered a "moderate," issued a statement. "Glory and eternity to the six satellites of Palestine, who rose at dawn today in Nablus and Ramallah, and they engraved their names in the hearts of their people, that they are those who are protesting with certainty and the inevitability of the victory of the owner of the land over the occupier, and shame for this criminal occupation that finances its elections with Palestinian blood."

On behalf of the PA cabinet, Shtayyeh offered his "deepest and sincere condolences to the families of the martyrs, asking the Almighty to bless them with the vastness of his mercy, dwell in his vast gardens, and inspire their families patience."

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency also wrote two articles solidly in support of Wadih al-Houh and the Lion's Den.
Those moments that the people of Nablus experienced, when they rushed by the thousands to the hospital, they will never forget when their throats shouted in the name of the martyr Wadih Houh, after the doctors announced his martyrdom, so that the state of sadness overcame the situation again and he was carried on the shoulders as a martyr.
They even paid the terrorists the highest compliment possible, comparing them to Yasir Arafat:
The same Al-Atoot area inside the old city of Nablus bears many tales and stories with the martyr Yasser Arafat when he sought refuge there in 1967, after he arrived on foot from Damascus, carrying his rifle and announcing the start of the secret preparation for the Palestinian revolution from the same area.    
One can argue that the PA is forced to express this support for terror because they are just trying to survive politically and they cannot risk the anger of their people for opposing a popular terror group. There is no indication as yet that Abbas wants to return to an armed intifada. And he has not done anything to curtail the activities of the Al Aqsa Brigades which are part of his Fatah party. 

This explicit support for terrorists sends messages to the world of which side the PA is on. But neither the Biden administration nor the EU nor the UN nor NGOs nor the Western media are reporting, let alone condemning, these statements.

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