Monday, October 31, 2022

From Ian:

Head-Scratching Questions about Jews and Israel
Writing a weekly column isn’t for the faint of heart or the perpetually bored. Sometimes, I tire of attempting to write heartfelt words and reflections week after week. Therefore, I’ve devoted this week’s column to asking readers 25 head-scratching questions about Jews, Israel and that harmoniously peaceful corner of the world known as the Middle East:

1. If Jews control the media, why does the media generally depict Israel in such a harsh and even untruthful manner, and in the same vein, if Jews control the world, why isn’t the world more sympathetic toward Jews?

2. If Jews are white, why do the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups chant “White Power” while demanding their demise, and if Jews aren’t white, why are they excluded from progressive groups that vow to protect non-whites?

3. Why do Jew-haters get to keep their jobs, but those who espouse prejudiced views toward other groups are canceled? Case in point: Why has it taken more than two weeks for Adidas to drop Kanye West? (Thanks to Balenciaga, though).

4. Given that the regime in Iran is currently butchering protestors, including young girls, why have Iranian diplomats still not been expelled from any Western countries, with the exception of one (see below)?

5. Why did Iran conduct a major cyberattack against Albanian government websites (yes, Albania) last month, resulting in the expulsion of diplomats from the Iranian embassy (and can the rest of Europe take a cue from Albania)?

6. Why did the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) just ask the Supreme Court to overturn Arkansas’ anti-boycott (BDS) law against Israel, citing concern for Palestinians’ rights, but the organization hasn’t uttered a single word about Iranians dying to protect the civil liberties of their fellow citizens?
Indoctrinating schoolchildren to hate Israel and Jews
The cognitive war against Israel has been pursued on college campuses for well over a decade. It has persuaded many to view the Jewish state as a racist, colonial oppressor of an innocent indigenous people and an illegal regime that exists on land stolen from Palestinians. Now, these slanders, lies and distortions are being injected into younger and even more impressionable minds: those of schoolchildren.

A recent example of this was the Newark, New Jersey school board’s decision to include an anti-Israel book on its mandatory reading list. The book, A Little Piece of Ground by Elizabeth Laird, found its way into the sixth-grade English curriculum for the 2022-2023 school year. According to its description on Amazon, it “explores the human cost of the occupation of Palestinian lands through the eyes of a young boy.”

The book depicts Israelis as an evil force that constrains the life of the young protagonist in a capricious and cruel way. Karim, the 12-year-old protagonist, complains that his father is “humiliated” by the Israeli checkpoints, but young readers are not told that such checkpoints exist because Israeli citizens have suffered decades of terror attacks.

Israelis are portrayed throughout the book as an inhuman military machine. “The Israeli tank that had been squatting at the crossroads just below the apartment block for days now had moved a few meters closer,” the reader is told. “He could imagine the great armored machines lying down there, like a row of green scaly monsters, crouched waiting to crawl back up the hill and pin the people of Ramallah down in their houses again.”

Some Israelis are literally rather than metaphorically dehumanized. “Human?” Karim says at one point. “You call those settlers human?”

A spokesperson for the Newark school district tried to justify the inclusion of the book by claiming that it “elevates historically marginalized voices, strengthens and sustains a focus on the instructional core and provides opportunities to learn about perspectives beyond one’s own scope”.

In a letter to Newark’s superintendent of schools, Morton Klein and Susan Tuchman of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) pointed out that the book will manufacture a false and negative image of Israel and Jews in the minds of students. They said the author was “clever, repeatedly sending the false and outrageous message to her young readers that Israelis are heartless and cruel, that their goal is to humiliate Palestinian Arabs and make their lives a misery, and that Jews are stealing other people’s land.”
Far-left MK: Kiryat Arba shooter not a terrorist, settlers aren’t innocent civilians
Hadash-Ta’al MK Ofer Cassif said Monday that he did not consider the Palestinian gunman who killed Ronen Hanania in a shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Araba on Saturday to be a terrorist.

In an interview with the Ynet news site, Cassif was asked if he considered settlers killed in West Bank attacks to be victims of terror, with Hanania given as an example.

Cassif, the alliance’s only Jewish MK, said he did not.

“Don’t portray him as a simple man,” he said of Hanania.

“Especially those that live as a thorn in the side [of the Palestinians], they can’t be considered innocent civilians,” Cassif said.

“Myself and my friends in Hadash have for years said that we support a nonviolent struggle, but that’s what happens in every place where there is occupation and repression — those who expect the occupied and repressed to just sit and do nothing are lying to themselves,” the lawmaker added.

Hanania and his son Daniel were shot Saturday evening while visiting a convenience store located between Kiryat Arba and the adjacent city of Hebron.

The attacker was identified as Muhammed Kamel al-Jabari, an apparent member of the Hamas terror group. After shooting Hanania and his son, Jabari opened fire on medics and settlement security guards who arrived at the scene to help the pair, seriously wounding a paramedic.

Honoring a much-too-short life
Over on the YouTube page of the Israel Defense Forces, there's a new video, just 5 minutes long, that was published in August to coincide with the 21st anniversary of the awful events at a Jerusalem pizzeria in 2001.

Entitled "The Sbarro Massacre: The Value of Life over Violence", it comes with this summary prepared, we imagine, by the documentary film maker soldiers in the office of the IDF Spokesperson's Unit:
After losing his daughter Malki in the Sbarro Massacre 21 years ago, Arnold Roth and his family chose to take the example she showed in life and share it with others. For the terrorists who killed her—and thousands of others over the years—violence and murder is their end goal. For us, life is precious and we do everything to protect, preserve and sanctify it in every way possible.

We identify with every word.

And we're proud and pleased that the work of the Malki Foundation, along with the very difficult circumstances that led to its establishment, have gotten this kind of recognition.

The video, which is also posted on YouTube under the title "The Sbarro Massacre: The Value of Life over Violence", has attracted some 5,6,00 views so far.

Jonathan Tobin: Elon Musk must restore free speech on Twitter
Online hate speech is a problem. A rising tide of anti-Semitism across the globe is being increasingly mainstreamed in American culture and media on both ends of the political spectrum.

Groups that were confined to the fever swamps of the far-right or far-left in the pre-Internet era now have ways of organizing that they were previously denied. And it has become clear in recent days that some anti-Semitic extremists, like those active on the 4chan message board, are hoping to use Twitter to advance their twisted agenda.

Indeed, we saw evidence of that this past week, when Jew-haters mobilized by posters on 4chan hijacked a reader poll posted on the Twitter account to get a result that showed most of those responding thought Kanye West’s anti-Semitic libels were truthful.

The response should be a policy that specifically targets such obvious extremists. Instead, ADL is basically advocating to use the existence of such anti-Semites to justify Twitter’s old and clearly partisan policies aimed at silencing people whom Democrats and liberals don’t like.

You don’t have to think well of Trump to know that when the ADL asserts that there is essentially no difference between letting him tweet and doing the same for the 4chan crowd, it is playing politics, not fighting hate.

Musk has rightly fired the executives who were responsible for the site’s partisan practices. But he has held off on reinstating many accounts that should never have been taken down in the first place. He says he’s going to form a content moderation council that will reform its policies.

We can only hope this will lead to a return of Twitter to its original purpose as a free-speech forum. Those who want to continue censorship in order to stop anti-Semitism should realize that Jewish rights are guaranteed not so much by bans on those who say bad things as they are by a system that is based on freedom and the rule of law.

Those, like the ADL, who claim to want to protect Jews should align themselves with the defenders of freedom, not censorship. Their efforts to silence opponents illustrate how some of the individuals and organizations posing as democracy’s defenders are actually among its most dangerous opponents.
Elon Musk's Twitter Reportedly Re-Bans White Nationalist Nick Fuentes
White nationalist Nick Fuentes has been banned again by Twitter, the Daily Beast reported.

Fuentes was reportedly bounced off the platform Saturday, two days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk finalized his $44 billion purchase of the social media company.

Musk has long railed against what he has characterized as censorship on Twitter, indicating that he might allow anything on the platform going forward.

Fuentes, the 24-year-old leader of a white nationalist group, who has been embraced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), tried to slip back on Twitter under an alias profile, @spookygolblin8, according to the Daily Beast, after being ejected last year for violating Twitter rules.

A number of others who had previously been jettisoned from Twitter for violating rules have tried to return and been booted, the Daily Beast reported.

Musk said in a tweet Friday that “Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints.” Until that group meets, there will be “no major content decisions or account reinstatements,” he noted.
EXCLUSIVE: Morningstar to announce substantive changes in its Israel ratings
After months of wrangling, the Morningstar investment firm has reached an agreement with pro-Israel organizations to alter its methodology in determining its risk ratings for companies doing business in and with Israel, JNS has learned.

At Monday’s Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly, an announcement will be made regarding an agreement between Morningstar and a working group including such organizations as Jewish Federations of North America, Christians United for Israel and the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement. While the exact details have not been finalized, a source close to the process says that Morningstar has moved toward the working group’s demands on issues such as the assumptions and sources it uses in developing its risk ratings, which have drawn the ire of pro-Israel groups and the attention of officials from 20 states investigating whether Morningstar’s practices violate laws against boycotting Israel.

In a statement late Sunday, JFNA President and CEO Eric Fingerhut told JNS that “we’ve been working tirelessly to get Morningstar to adopt a strong set of safeguards and policies to ensure that their ESG ratings are not biased against Israel. We are hopeful at the prospects of reaching a broad consensus across the Jewish community to ensure that we root out anti-Israel bias.”

Morningstar and its subsidiary, Sustainalytics, are accused by critics of utilizing anti-Israel sources and weighing them disproportionately in assigning ESG (environmental, social and governance) risk ratings to companies as guidance for socially-minded investors. The ratings, which assign a higher risk simply for doing business in or with Israel or in Israel-controlled territories, amount to a de facto boycott of Israel, allege several American Jewish groups and state officials.
Protesters chant “From the river to the sea” in Manchester’s St Peter’s Square
A group of anti-Israel protesters were filmed chanting “From the river to the sea” while waving Palestinian Authority flags in Manchester’s St Peter’s Square today.

The incident reportedly occurred at 17:45 before the protesters embarked on a march.

The chant of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” only makes sense as a call for the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state — and its replacement with a State of Palestine — and is thus an attempt to deny Jews, uniquely, the right to self-determination, which is a breach of the International Definition of Antisemitism.

The footage was captured by an evidence-gathering team from Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Demonstration and Event Monitoring Unit.

A “Radical And A Revolutionary” Who Wants To Be The Next City Controller
Much has been made about the leftward tilt in Los Angeles politics that now runs the scale from centrist to moderate to progressive to radical.

Even further left than radical is Kenneth Mejia, who styles himself as a poster child for the revolution that he hopes will happen.

Mejia is a showoff for how out of whack politics has become, and he revels in his role that has him dreaming of revolutionary domination. He’s running for City Controller against Paul Koretz.

CityWatch spoke to Paul Koretz (CD-5) about his opponent, and he immediately raised a red flag when he said that “Kenneth Mejia is the most dangerous and extreme candidate to ever run for office in Los Angeles. He’s immature, egotistical and very dangerous. He would add a tremendous amount of chaos to the Controller’s office and to the entire City”.

A frequent chant and hashtag of the radical left is to defund the police. Koretz points out that “Mejia is a strong supporter of eliminating law enforcement in LA, and the huge LAPD cut proposed in the “People’s Budget”. Mejia has said “Not a fan of police. That is the one thing stopping many revolutionary uprisings in America.”

However, he does like some police, such as police-state authority figure Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian leader whom he “defended against charges that he gassed his own people”.

Mejia’s pro-Syrian and Palestinian positions, and anti-Israel stance, are worth knowing about because they help to inform his revolutionary rhetoric.

Koretz looked deeper into what could be an anti-Semitic worldview of Mejia, pointing out that ”He opposes Israel and strongly supports the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement.” It works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.
Video shows LA Controller candidate Kenneth Mejia repeating antisemitic conspiracy theories

DSA Endorsements Raise Questions of Anti-Semitism Among Darling, City Candidates
The Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles [DSA-LA], an organization that openly supports anti-Israel policies which have elicited the concern of many Jewish organizations, is recommending Erin Darling for the next City Councilmember in CD11 race. They are also asking voters to support Kenneth Mejia for City Controller.

With the 2020 election of DSA-LA member Nithya Raman as City Councilmember for District 4 and the 2022 election of DSA-LA member Eunisses Hernandez to CD-1, the group has emerged in Los Angeles politics as a power broker. DSA-LA has also endorsed the former head of hotel union Unite-HERE Local 11 (and DSA-LA member) Hugo Soto-Martinez to replace Mitch O'Farrell in CD-13 in the November election.

For local Jewish leaders, what is most troubling about these endorsements and recommendations is the questionnaire candidates seeking the DSA’s support must fill out, which asks the candidates if they back the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, a boycott of “education trips” to Israel for elected officials and "urging banks, municipal councils, churches, pension funds, and universities to withdraw investments from the State of Israel and all Israeli international companies that sustain Israeli apartheid". There are no questions about any other countries.

In 2020, DSA was taken to task by requiring candidates in New York to sign the non-travel pledge in order to gain their support. As candidate for Manhattan District Attorney Tali Farhadian Weinstein tweeted at the time, "So let me get this straight. Per this questionnaire it would be ok for me to travel to Iran, the country of my birth, which hangs men for being gay and may stone women for adultery, but not to Israel.”

Promoting Jew-hatred must have serious consequences
Given Ye’s nearly nonstop promotion of malicious and dangerous canards against Jewish people—which has attracted Jew-haters of all stripes—many Jewish groups and celebrities were calling on Ye’s business collaborators and partners to end their business relationship with him. As NFL All-Pro Aaron Donald recently noted, “hateful words and actions have consequences.”

Oct. 25, 2022 saw the greatest yet financial consequence: Adidas ended its multi-billion dollar relationship with Ye. In the wake of the news from Adidas that they were ending their relationship with Ye over his repeated, unrelenting and certainly unapologetic promotion of many dangerous anti-Semitic tropes about the Jewish people, conservative radio show Jesse Kelly tweeted: “Kanye looked like a loon blasting away at Jews like that. Jewish people piling on him and demanding his financial destruction in the wake of it look equally terrible. As someone without a dog in that fight, you both look cringe and nasty.”

To be fair, Kelly is certainly not the only person to express such views over the last few weeks. But since he is the host of a nationally syndicated radio show with far more potential listeners than there are Jews in the world, and over 555,000 followers on Twitter, I thought it fitting to address his comments directly.

First, the admission from Kelly that he has “no dog in the fight” against the promotion of dangerous anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories, which for centuries have resulted in Jews being mass murdered (at a time when anti-Semitic hate crimes in the United States are at an all-time high) is pretty terrible. Shouldn’t we all “have a dog in the fight” against the spread of racist hate and bigotry? The notion that one can be “neutral” in the face of someone with Ye’s reach and influence promoting such hateful anti-Semitic tropes is, in and of itself, as Kelly puts it, “cringe.”

And why does Kelly find it “cringe” that Jews are “demanding” Ye’s “financial destruction”?

In reality, it’s a non-Jew complaining about Jews demanding serious consequences for promoting dangerous anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories to hundreds of millions of people that’s “cringe.” Further, Jews were not “demanding” Ye’s “financial destruction.” Rather, the overwhelming “demands” from both Jews and non-Jews who care about the dangers of promoting dangerous anti-Semitic tropes were for real and meaningful consequences for Ye’s actions.

After all, aren’t consequences for bad behavior something conservatives like Kelly are supposed to support? Or is that only for people who are not currently siding with people like him and Candace Owens on conservative political issues? Do Kelly and other conservative pundits and politicians really want to be no different from the many progressive and liberal pundits and politicians who try to shield the anti-Semites on their side of the aisle from consequences when they make blatantly anti-Semitic comments and promote anti-Semitic tropes?

Finally, since Kelly apparently thinks Jews should just “chill out” and be less “cringe” in the face of a very influential man with significant reach trying to once again mainstream and popularize the worst anti-Semitic tropes, he may want to explore how poorly ignoring the promotion such tropes has worked out for Jews in the past.
Jaguars, Florida, Georgia condemn antisemitic message at game
- The Jaguars, University of Florida and University of Georgia strongly condemned an antisemitic message projected onto one of the giant videoboards at TIAA Bank Field on Saturday as well as antisemitic banners displayed on a Jacksonville overpass on Friday.

The message at the stadium appeared after Florida and Georgia played their annual game at TIAA Bank Field on Saturday. The message displayed on the backside of one of the TIAA Bank Field videoboards read, "Kanye was right about the Jews." That was in reference to recent tweets and antisemitic comments made recently by musician/producer/designer Ye, formerly known as Kanye West.

According to WJXT TV-4 in Jacksonville, there also were two banners displayed on an overpass near Interstate 10 on Friday that read "End Jewish Supremacy in America" and "Honk if you know it's the Jews."

The schools released a joint statement on Sunday morning.

"We strongly condemn the antisemitic hate speech projected outside TIAA Bank Field in Jacksonville after the Florida-Georgia football game Saturday night and the other antisemitic messages that have appeared in Jacksonville," the statement read. "The University of Florida and the University of Georgia together denounce these and all acts of antisemitism and other forms of hatred and intolerance. We are proud to be home to strong and thriving Jewish communities at UGA and UF, and we stand together against hate."

Jaguars owner Shad Khan, who is with his team in London for Sunday's game against the Denver Broncos, also was upset to learn of the messages.

A photo in ‘The New York Times’ reveals an inconvenient truth
Kershner claimed that the Lions’ Den “does not answer to any of the established Palestinian factions.” I don’t know how she could possibly know who they answer to. In any case, before long, the full truth about the Lions’ Den will come out.

In the meantime, let’s consider Kershner’s fascinating explanation as to why “many Palestinians” support the “new” terror group. According to Kershner, it is “in part because Israel’s occupation of the territory [Judea and Samaria] has dragged on for more than a half-century and become increasingly entrenched.”

This is where the fascinating photograph accompanying the article comes in. It showed numerous Palestinian Arabs in full battle gear, with their faces masked, brandishing automatic rifles during a recent public funeral procession “in the occupied West Bank.”

Think about that for a second. Would the Israeli police or army ever permit Palestinian Arabs waving rifles to march through Tel Aviv or Jerusalem? Of course not. If the Israeli army still “occupied” the Palestinian-populated areas of Judea and Samaria, would it permit terrorists to operate so freely and brazenly? Again, of course not.

So, while Kershner tells us that Israel’s “occupation” of Judea and Samaria is what causes Palestinians to support the Lions’ Den, the photo accompanying her article shows a scene that would be inconceivable if Israel actually was occupying them.

BBC Jerusalem correspondent again gratuitously promotes a narrative
In May 2021 the BBC repeatedly promoted a politically partial portrayal of a decades-long property dispute in the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah on multiple platforms:

In the eighteen months since then, BBC audiences have still not seen or heard a proper explanation of that issue, including the basic fact that the residents concerned had compromised their status as protected tenants by not paying rent for 39 years. When the High Court issued a ruling in March 2022 allowing four families to remain in their homes in Sheikh Jarrah until the dispute over the ownership of the property is resolved, the BBC refrained from reporting that story.

Moreover – as we saw in February of this year – BBC Jerusalem bureau correspondent Tom Bateman promoted a simplistic and misleading description of that neighbourhood as a place “where Palestinian families face eviction from their homes to make way for Jewish settlers” even though the story he was reporting at the time did not relate to that property dispute.

That pattern was again seen in a report by Bateman published on the BBC News website’s ‘Middle East’ page on October 29th under the headline “Israel’s far right advance in polls as election looms”.

The report opens:
“Kept well away from the smoke and stun grenades in a flashpoint neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem, he pulled out his pistol and called for Palestinians who threw stones to be shot by police.

Itamar Ben-Gvir’s shouts came as he was shuffled behind a lorry by his parliamentary security team, one armed with a machine gun.

The ultranationalist Israeli MP is often found wherever tensions flare – pouring on fuel, say his critics – in this case Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah where Palestinians have long faced threats of eviction to make way for Jewish settlers.”

Significantly, the October 13th incident described by Bateman had nothing to do with the long-running property dispute in Sheikh Jarrah. As reported by the Jerusalem Post and others, rioting took place in that neighbourhood and elsewhere in Jerusalem as police searched for a terrorist who had carried out a fatal attack several days earlier:
Another patchy BBC report on the maritime border agreement
Berg fails to clarify that the original 2010 Lebanese claim (Line 23) did not include the Karish gas field and that the augmented claim (Line 29) was only presented in late 2020. As noted by the INSS in July:
“The process of approving Line 29 as the official stance of Lebanon – as insisted on by Hezbollah – has not been completed and has no legal standing. Its final approval by the Lebanese government was frozen by President Michel Aoun, who prevented it from being brought to the Parliament for approval. The toughening of the Lebanese stance, which reflects this internal dispute, led to the cessation of talks in 2020.”
Lebanon gave up that Line 29 claim in June of this year, as explained by Orna Mizrahi of the INSS:
“Reaching the agreement became possible first and foremost due to the change this past June in the Lebanese stance. Lebanon is in the midst of an economic collapse and a deep political crisis. With the arrival of the Karish gas rig in Israel on June 5, [US negotiator] Hochstein was called to Beirut, which relinquished its maximalist demand (Line 29) and presented a compromise position and a willingness to complete the deal soon.”

Once again we see that the ‘permanent public record’ presented by the BBC News website does not provide the full information on this story.
More MSNBC Misinformation: Dispelling Peter Beinart’s ‘Ethnostate’ Smear (VIDEO)
Commenting on the rise of right-wing antisemitism in the United States, MSNBC commentator Peter Beinart deemed it appropriate to bring up Israel, accusing the Jewish state of being an “ethnostate.” Beinart’s claim is, of course, wholly inaccurate: Israel is among the most diverse democracies in the world, consistently scoring on par with the US in global studies on political pluralism.

In fact, representatives of Israel’s Arab minority — comprising around 20 percent of the country’s population — played a key role in the most recent coalition, and the Arab vote could once again be decisive in this week’s election.

While Beinart is entitled to his radical views, MSNBC should know better than to spread demonstrably false claims about Israel’s ethnic diversity during a panel on antisemitism.

Help us get the truth out by sharing this video.

Halloween: US Nazi costumes cause rage across social media
A man in Manhattan dressed up in a Nazi uniform, taking scary to another level on Halloween, the one night a year when people of all ages dress up in spooky costumes.

This man went to a bar in Soho in his Nazi costume where the people shamed and threatened him until he left the bar.

A video of the incident went viral on Twitter Saturday night. In the video, the man could be seen smiling in a full Nazi uniform complete with the swastika armband. The video had been viewed around 1.7 million times since it was posted.

The man was denied service by the bartender and had arguments with other customers at the bar who told him to leave.

According to The New York Post, the hostess that was working the brunch shift the next day said that no one working that night recognized the man.

Israeli player Neta Shapira's team wins Dota 2 biggest tournament
Israeli gamer Neta Shapira was part of the team of five that won the largest Dota 2 tournament last week, winning NIS6 million each.

Dota 2 is a video game where two teams of five players compete to destroy each other's base by controlling one of 123 available fantasy characters.

The game was produced and developed by Valve which has hosted the annual international tournament with large pool prizes offered by crowdfunding from fans and players of the game every year since 2013.

Shapira was playing for the London-based Tundra Esports team and played alongside team members from Slovakia, Germany, North Macedonia and the US. The team won a total of $8.5 million in their victory.

Shapira was a key part of the team

Many consider Shapira to have been essential for the victory of the team, and he has been playing competitively since 2015.

Earlier this year, Shapira was replaced in a tournament that took place in Saudi Arabia because as an Israeli, he was barred entry into the country.

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