Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Oded Revivi, mayor of Efrat, has no problem participating in the annual Haaretz conference sponsored by Btselem and Breaking the Silence. That was the upshot of a shocking news piece that appeared in the Jewish Press on Sunday. That a conference by fifth column newspaper Haaretz was to be co-sponsored by fifth column NGOs Btselem and Breaking the Silence is not shocking and no surprise. All three share a common goal: undermining the State of Israel. But why on earth would Revivi grace the conference with his presence and lend credibility to these three fifth column entities bent on Israel’s destruction?

Especially since David Elhayani, head of the Council for Judea and Samaria, canceled his own scheduled talk at the conference. Elhayani announced his withdrawal from the conference after he was pressured to do so by the Choosing Life Forum of Bereaved Families and the Wounded IDF Veterans Forum. These two organizations begged Elhayani not participate in a conference sponsored by organizations that actively work to harm IDF soldiers. Elhayani did the smart thing for his political career and canceled his talk:

“I agreed to participate in the Haaretz conference in order to make the important voice of the communities [in Judea and Samaria] heard and to represent a sane voice on that day. At the same time, I can’t help recognizing the pain of bereaved families and terror victims that see these organizations as partners in activities against IDF soldiers, who suggest that my participation would add to their pain.”

Elhayani then tried to get Oded Revivi to back out along with him:

“Therefore, I announced that I am canceling my participation and ask that my friend Oded Revivi, head of the Efrat local council, who is also scheduled to participate in the conference, listen to the voices of these dear families and cancel his participation.”

Is it possible that Elhayani only grudgingly canceled his participation when pushed into a corner by bereaved families? Could the decision have been made in consultation with others? Elhayani has joined Gideon Saar’s New Hope Party, and Israel is in the midst of yet another election cycle. It sure wouldn’t look good for Elhayani to be seen hobnobbing with fifth column agents during an election cycle. Why, on the other hand, should it matter to Elhayani (or Gideon Saar) what Revivi, a free agent, does with his time?

My theory is that Elhayani withdrawing his participation from the conference meant that Revivi would become the conference’s main settler sell-out attraction, with all the attendant publicity. Revivi would have been smart enough to see this golden opportunity. That may be why Revivi then refused to withdraw from the conference. From the Jewish Press:

Revivi said he does not plan to cancel his participation in the forum. “I will go to every possible platform to give my opinion about our rights to the Land,” Revivi said in a statement.

Sure enough, Revivi went ahead and participated in filming for the conference. From Arutz 7:

Efrat Council head Oded Revivi today participated in filming for the Haaretz newspaper conference, despite many calls he received to boycott it, which was also attended by representatives of organizations that delegitimize the State of Israel and the IDF.

In his opening remarks, Revivi explained his participation, "I came despite the calls and requests for a boycott. I am unwilling to be boycotted and I am unwilling to boycott others. I came because the truth must be told."

Like Elhayani, Revivi appears to have his heart set on taking his political career in a national direction. He has managed to garner more attention than would seem proportional to his small town role as mayor of Efrat. Revivi has been cited by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Atlantic, and even wrote an op-ed for the LA Times. He has done so riding on the cachet of being a dependable settler “expert” to call on for quotable quotes.

It is worthy of note that most Efratians (as we call ourselves) would be appalled to know that Revivi took part in the Haaretz conference. Ahead of the conference, Efrat council member and Opposition head Avraham Ben-Tzvi, gave the following statement to the Jewish Press:

“Even if Mayor Revivi participates in this conference, he speaks in his name only, not in the name of Efrat residents. It’s embarrassing that the mayor chooses to not include Efrat’s name on pro-settlement petitions and statements supported by the majority of the residents of Efrat, Gush Etzion, Hebron, and other settlements, but has no problem sitting down with these anti-Zionist and anti-IDF organizations.”

How bad are these “anti-Zionist” and “anti-IDF” organizations? Bad enough that in January, Education Minister Yoav Gallant took the extraordinary measure of issuing an order banning groups that slander the IDF and call Israel an "apartheid state" from giving talks in Israeli schools. Only last month, Btselem did just that, agitating against Israel through the launching of an international campaign that libels Israel as an apartheid state. Breaking the Silence, on the other hand, is more focused on defaming the IDF, telling wild lies of cruelty by IDF soldiers to Arab civilians. Both organizations are heavily funded by private European individuals and European government sources. This too, is no surprise, Europe being the place where millions of Jews were forced into gas chambers.


Here is a small taste of a long bulleted list hosted on the NGO Monitor website under the heading of “political activity” on the egregious anti-Israel activities of Btselem:

·         Accuses  Israel of “apartheid,” perpetrating “war crimes,” “beating and abus[ing]” Palestinians, “demolition of [Palestinian] houses as punishment,” and forced “deportations.”

·         In January 2021, B’Tselem launched a discriminatory and hateful campaign, under the banner of “A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid.” As part of the campaign, B’Tselem attacked Israel’s role as a haven for the Jewish people (the Law of Return) and used the phrase “from the river to the sea” – echoing long-standing Palestinian terminology for the destruction of Israel. (Read NGO Monitor’s analysis: “From the “River to the Sea”: B’Tselem’s Demonization Crosses the Line.”)

·         In December 2020, B’Tselem, alongside a number of Israeli, Palestinian, and international organizations, issued a declaration headlined “Israel must provide necessary vaccines to Palestinian health care systems.” The NGOs falsely claim that Israel has “legal obligations” to “ensure that quality vaccines be provided to Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and control,” while altogether ignoring that Palestinians residing in Jerusalem are part of the Israeli health care system; that under the Oslo Accords the PA is responsible for health care of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza; and that the PA has adopted its own vaccine policy for its population.

·         In July 2020, in the context of the Black Lives Matter protests, Hagai Elad compared Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians to the death of George Floyd, stating that “I think about us and the Palestinians, and see the picture of George Floyd in my mind. We have our knee on their necks while holding an argument with ourselves on how we wish to continue doing so.”

·         In September 2019, B’Tselem published a report titled “Playing the Security Card: Israeli Policy in Hebron as a Means to Effect Forcible Transfer of Local Palestinian” stating that “For 25 years, Israel has been openly pursuing a policy of segregation in the center of Hebron…Some features of the regime employed in Hebron recall certain aspects of the apartheid regime in South Africa.” (The report was funded by the European Union.)


 Breaking the Silence

BtS Spokesman Dean Issacharoff's commander calls BS on Issacharoff's lies.

Breaking the Silence, like Btselem, has no compunction about lying to drive home its anti-Israel narrative. After Breaking the Silence Spokesman Dean Issacharoff trumpeted lies about his military service and that of others with whom he served, speaking of unspeakable (and imaginary) human rights violations against Arabs, his “brothers” in arms (including his commanders) refuted those disgusting lies with a video that really packed a wallop, if you’ll excuse the pun:

Having just celebrated Purim, it is unfathomable, not to mention reprehensible, that settler leaders would grace such a conference for any reason. The conference was not a platform for talking about Jewish land rights or spreading a different narrative and the truth. On the contrary, participating in such a conference is to pal around with Amalek, a latter day Haman, pretending that this will somehow benefit the Jewish people. And if we learn anything from Purim it is that you give such monsters no quarter because participating in their events turns you into just another pawn to be put into play by evil.

The participants and sponsors of today’s conference were not there to listen to dupes like Elhayani or Revivi. Nor were they there to learn because the truth has no meaning to them, liars to a man, every one. The purpose of the fifth column NGOs and the conference they sponsored on behalf of the most anti-Israel newspaper in Israel, was to lie and cheat and cause Jewish blood to be spilled and to steal Jewish land they openly promise to give to enemies of the Jewish people. By their actions, the evil ones name themselves among those enemies, proclaiming their hate for Israel loud and clear to the world at large. The righteous have no place among them.



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