Monday, July 20, 2020

From Ian:

Alan Baker and Michel Calvo: The Indigenous Rights of the Jewish People and the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
From time immemorial, up to the present day, there has been continuous Jewish presence in this area, with elements residing today within the Jewish people's own sovereign national State of Israel, and others residing in the areas of the Holy Land in Judea and Samaria that are subject to an ongoing negotiation within the Middle East peace process as to their final political status.

Palestinian claims that they are the indigenous descendants of the Canaanites is a canard that has no basis in fact or history, especially in light of the fact that the entry of Islam into the area of the Holy Land occurred only in the seventh century of the common era.

The premise of the peace negotiation process is the mutual acknowledgment of each party's basic rights. Thus, the peace negotiation process cannot avoid taking into account the indigenous character and rights of the Jewish People as set out in the 2007 UN Declaration. This premise must serve as the basis for any agreement covering the issues of permanent status, including borders, settlements, Jerusalem and other issues.

It is to be hoped and expected that the Government of Israel will come around to acknowledging the importance and centrality of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and will finally, and without any further delay or excuse, announce its endorsement of this important and central international document.
David Singer: Trump’s Vision of a Democratic “State of Palestine” is Doomed
Even the “Palestinians” remain undefined in the Trump Plan.

These fictitious flights into semantic fantasyland will require the United States and Israel to consult with ghosts.

The criteria for recognizing the State of Palestine include “the Palestinians” having:
- Implemented a governing system that provides for freedom of the press, free and fair elections, respect for human rights for its citizens, protections for religious freedom and for religious minorities to observe their faith
- Appropriate governance in place to prevent corruption
- Ended all programs, including school curricula and textbooks, that serve to incite or promote hatred or antagonism towards its neighbours, or which compensate or incentivize criminal or violent activity.
- Achieved civilian and law enforcement control over all of its territory and demilitarized its population.

The omens aren’t good according to the Human Rights Watch 2020 Report:
- Palestinian armed groups in Gaza fired 1,378 rockets towards Israel 1 January 2019 – 19 November 2019
- Between January 2018 and March 2019, Hamas detained 66 people for social media posts or for allegedly violating broadly worded offences such as “harming revolutionary unity” and “misuse of technology” used to punish peaceful dissent or opposition.
- Hamas authorities detained more than 1,000 Palestinians during March 2019 demonstrations against the high cost of living.
- Laws in Gaza punish “unnatural intercourse” of a sexual nature, understood to include same-sex relationships, with up to 10 years in prison.
- Between January 2018 and March 2019, 1,609 persons were detained in the West Bank for insulting “higher authorities” and creating “sectarian strife,” and 752 for social media posts.
- There is no comprehensive domestic violence law preventing abuse and protecting survivors.

Free and fair elections in the West Bank and Gaza have not been held since 2006.
Trump has given the “Palestinians” four years to replace the current two autocratic Jew-hating regimes with a democratic Palestinian State. Trump’s vision seems destined to end up in the garbage bin of history.

What did you learn in school today, little UNRWA child of Gaza?
"Demystifying the UNRWA approach to curriculum" is the title given by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) created for the "refugees" of the 1948 war in the Middle East (or, to be exact, their third and fourth-generation descendants), to a two-page statement on its educational system issued in January 2020. The title creates the impression among those who are unfamiliar with this UN agency that there are individuals, or organizations, trying to mystify UNRWA's educational endeavor and present it not in its true colors.

This UNRWA policy statement delares that UNRWA provides educational services to over 530,000 Palestinian children and youngsters in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the 'West Bank' (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza, and that these students do much better than their peers in regular public schools.

The centerpiece of this quality education is, if you read the report:

"The commitment of UNRWA to the delivery of an education in its schools that is consistent with the values and principles of the United Nations (UN) and promotes human rights, tolerance, equality and nondiscrimination of race, gender, language and religion".

The statement further says that "UNRWA uses the curriculum of the “host country”. This ensures Palestine refugees can integrate into host secondary and tertiary educational systems and more broadly participate in the social and economic life of the host country. As an independent UN Agency providing humanitarian and development assistance, UNRWA has no mandate to alter any host government curriculum or textbooks which are a matter of national sovereignty".

Concerning the situation in the 'West Bank' and Gaza: "While UNRWA uses the Palestinian curriculum, it reiterates that it has a robust system in place to ensure that the education it delivers in its classroom, including through the use of textbooks, is in line with UN values and principles and addresses any bias".

UNRWA's statement describes in detail the agency's various supervision methods ensuring that the Palestinian Authority's schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools indeed meet UN standards. It also mentions a report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) that "affirms the unwavering UNRWA commitment to UN values".

BESA: The Trump Peace Plan – Aiming Not to Make a Deal, but to Make a Deal Possible
The Trump peace plan tells the Palestinians that the sensible question is not whether a deal provides everything you think you are entitled to, but whether it is the best deal available. If their demands for “justice” include Israel’s destruction, it says, the United States will not support them and will not fight to preserve the status quo for their benefit. A notable feature of the plan is the warning that, if the Palestinians continue to reject peace unreasonably, the US will not block Israel from advancing its own claims to areas that, in the administration’s view, realistic peace talks would leave to Israel.

The plan’s strong language reflects acquaintance with the long, exasperating history of US diplomacy undone by Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism. Knowledge of that history is crucial for assessing the plan.

In the past, US diplomacy aimed directly at a Palestinian-Israeli deal and repeatedly failed. This plan stresses that fundamental Palestinian reforms are required first. It assumes that current Palestinian leaders won’t reform, so it appeals over their heads to the public they are misgoverning and around them to the Arab states.

The plan has some creative elements and some that may not prove realistic, but critics who say that Trump’s plan won’t win acceptance by Mahmoud Abbas are missing its main point, which is that the Palestinians need new leaders. The plan does not hold out the promise of a quick deal. Rather, it has a more limited aim: to improve chances that peace will one day be possible. Meanwhile, it takes the current and future security concerns of Israel seriously and bolsters US support.
Nikki Haley: 'If Biden comes in, all of the progress we made goes away'
Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said on Sunday night that if Joe Biden gets elected president in November, he will rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement.

Speaking at a virtual panel discussion hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), she mentioned President Donald Trump's actions, such as moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and withdrawing from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal.

"For all the progress that we made in terms of Israel – in terms of the Middle East, in terms of really having a voice for America and Israel – I hate the thought that if Biden comes in, all of that goes away, because they're going to go back and try and get back into the Iran deal," Haley said.

"Look at the difference between Joe Biden and President Trump," she continued. "Who is the person that moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Who is the person that pulled out of the Iran deal? Who's the person that allowed me to call out Hamas for the first time in the UN?" she asked rhetorically, in reference to a US-led effort to condemn the terrorist organization at the General Assembly in December 2018.

“Are you willing to give up to Biden, who's moving closer and closer to [Democrats Rep. Ilhan] Omar and to Bernie [Sanders], to make his foreign policy and domestic policy decisions?” the former ambassador and governor of South Carolina added. “Where was Biden when Resolution 2334 [in 2016 against Israeli settlements] passed? Where was Biden when Hamas was attacking Israel, and no one was doing anything? Where was Biden when we were asked to have the embassy move, and he wouldn't do it?

“Don't listen to what he's saying now,” Haley said. “Actions are louder than words. We have actions of two different people who have held office. We have seen the results of two different people.”

Hungary FM, one of Israel’s staunchest allies in Europe, due in Jerusalem Monday
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, one of Israel’s staunchest allies in Europe, is set to arrive in Jerusalem on Monday for a half-day visit to Israel to discuss joint efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic and discuss other issues on the international agenda.

Szijjártó is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, and Science and Technology Minister Izhar Shay, with whom he will sign a bilateral agreement on cooperation in the fields of space research.

“We have very good relations with Hungary. And we appreciate not only their support for Israel in international forums but we’re also closely cooperating on fighting the coronavirus,” Avi Nir-Feldklein, who heads the Foreign Ministry’s Europe bureau, said Sunday.

“For instance, we’re working together on producing respirators at an [Israeli-owned] factory in Hungary, which of course takes on additional meaning during the second wave we’re currently experiencing. Foreign Minister Szijjártó actually visited the factory recently.”

Nir-Feldklein was referring to Celitron Medical Technologies, located in Vác, which was founded by an Israeli, Itzik Carmel. Celitron usually focuses on medical waste management, but currently produces the Panther 5 ventilator, which is said to be an important tool in the fight against COVID-19.

Budapest has in recent years been Jerusalem’s staunchest supporter in the European Union, blocking several efforts to issue statements critical of Israeli policies.
Israel asks IAEA member Hungary to act on Iran nuclear violations
The International community should hold Iran to count for its violations of its nuclear deal with world powers, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said during a visit to Jerusalem by his Hungarian counterpart Péter Szijjártó on Monday.

Hungary is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board, and as such as received its recent reports of Iranian breaches of the 2015 agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

In a statement following their meeting, Ashkenazi said they “spoke about regional security.

“We believe that the greatest threat to regional stability and peace is Iran,” he said. “Israel will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons and we will not allow Iranian entrenchment on our borders.”

The world “must hold Iran accountable and act strongly against Iran’s malign activities,” Ashkenazi added.

The foreign minister also spoke out against Iranian support for Hezbollah precision missiles that would give the Lebanese terrorist group greater strategic offensive capabilities to threaten Israel.

Szijjártó reiterated Hungary’s commitment to defending Israel in on the world stage, saying his country will “stand for Israel, for a fair and balanced approach towards Israel in international organizations, regardless of all kind of pressures we do have to face.”
Preempting ICC's decision to invent 'Palestine'
First among these are the plethora of UN organizations that operate in Judea and Samaria, the area they define as the "occupied Palestinian territories." These organizations do not care that this land was designated to be part of the Jewish state by the international decisions that have never been revoked, or that the lands were never governed by the Arab "Palestinians," or that Israel liberated these areas from illegal Jordanian occupation.

Thus, as the ICC ponders whether to invent a Palestinian state in the "occupied Palestinian territories," the court is merely adopting the politically biased stance of the hostile UN organizations.

To combat and balance this bias, Israel should carry out a political preemptive strike by informing the United Nations that should the ICC decide to invent "Palestine," all UN staff in Israel will be declared personae non gratae.

First on that list would be the UN Secretary-General's Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nickolay Mladenov, who recently called for "Palestinian unity" against Israel. While this call may seem innocuous to some, in practice Mladenov called for PA leader Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party to join hands with the internationally recognized homicidal terror organization Hamas to fight Israel. When Mladenov sided with Hamas, he proved himself unworthy to hold any UN position related to Israel.

Next, Israel should demand that the United Nations immediately vacate the Governor's Palace compound in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood. The compound is home to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, the UN force created to monitor the 1949 armistice lines. If the ICC invents "Palestine" and sets its borders, thereby nullifying the armistice agreements, there is no need whatsoever for this UN force to remain in Israel.

Accusing Israel of committing "crimes against humanity" is simply ludicrous. A political decision of this nature should be met with a harsh political response. Removing from Israel the hostile UN agencies responsible for creating the fiction of "Palestine" would be a good start.
Israeli Water Infrastructure Hit with Another Cyberattack
A cyberattack targeted two Israeli water infrastructure facilities, Ynet reported Thursday and the Israel Water Authority confirmed.

Israeli officials said the attacks were aimed at agricultural water pumps in the Upper Galilee and infrastructure in the center of the country.

"These were small, specific drainage facilities in the agricultural sector that were immediately and independently repaired by the local authorities. It did not cause any damage to service, and had no real effect," the Water Authority said.
4 arrested in clashes with police in Jaffa over construction on Muslim cemetery
Four protesters were arrested during clashes with police in Jaffa Sunday night during renewed demonstrations against the municipality’s plan to build a homeless shelter over an old Muslim cemetery.

Some 200 locals participated in the protested, with some of them lighting dumpsters ablaze and hurling stones and shooting fireworks at officers, police said, while demonstrators accused cops of employing excessive force.

Police, some of them on horseback, chased protesters through the streets and also used water-cannons and stun grenades to disperse the crowds.

The Haaretz daily quoted Jaffa Islamic Council head Tareq Ashkar scolding police, claiming officers used “kid gloves” in containing protesters in Tel Aviv at an anti-government protest over the weekend, while Arab protesters in Jaffa were being bombarded by stun grenades.

The protests took place less than a week after work on the homeless shelter re-started, after a Tel Aviv District Court decision earlier this month to reject a petition by the Jaffa Islamic Council against the construction of the shelter.

The construction atop the cemetery sparked days of demonstrations over the past two month in Jaffa, a predominantly Arab city that is part of the Tel Aviv municipality.
Gantz further delays sanctions on West Bank banks for PA terror stipends
Defense Minister Benny Gantz has further delayed implementation of a military decree that would sanction banks in the West Bank for dispensing stipends from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to convicted terrorists and families of terrorists.

Gantz signed off on freezing implementation of the edict over the weekend for an additional 45 days.

“It’s illogical and immoral that Israel is helping the Palestinian Authority pay blood money as salaries to terrorists,” Bohrim B’Haim, an organization of families who lost relatives in terror attacks, told the Ynet news site.

The father of Shir Hajaj, an IDF soldier killed in a January 2017 car-ramming attack in Jerusalem, slammed Gantz over the decision.

“The money is the main factor that motivates terror and it’s clear to everyone that if [you] stop the money you prevent terror,” Herzl Hajaj said. “Unfortunately, Benny Gantz has again decided to freeze the decree against the banks, so terrorists and their families will continue to receive salaries for the murder of our children with the approval of the defense minister of the State of Israel.”

Gantz’s office pushed back on the criticism, saying the decision was made in accordance with the recommendations of security officials.
East J’lem resident indicted for transferring funds for Hamas in Israel
A resident of east Jerusalem was indicted on Monday for contacting a member of Hamas in the Gaza Strip and transferring funds for the terrorist organization.

Ayman A’awar, the main suspect in the case, collected donations from a number of women and distributed them to Hamas prisoners or their families and to the families of Hamas terrorists who died. Those who received money included the wife of a Hamas terrorist who carried out a shooting attack in 2010 and the father of a man suspected of attempting to assassinate former MK Yehuda Glick.

The distributions were made by direction of Mohammed Muammar or “Abu Tzuhaib,” the Hamas member in Gaza who kept contact with A’awar. Some of the funds were also transferred to and from Abu Tzuhaib.

The two knew each other from a WhatsApp group for charity that they were both part of for a number of years. For years, A’awar transferred
money to families in need in the Gaza Strip and helped Gaza residents who were being treated in hospitals in east Jerusalem in order to transfer money through them to Gaza.

After transferring money through patients became difficult, Abu Tzuhaib contacted A’awar and asked her to collect money within Israel and distribute it to people by his direction, while he would distribute money to families in need in the Gaza Strip according to her direction.

PMW: “Brutal” murderers of Jews in 1929 massacre glorified as PA heroes
Following the 1929 Arab Riots in which 65 Jews were massacred on one day in Hebron and dozens more in Safed, the British Mandate sentenced numerous Arabs to death. However, it “decided, in exercise of mercy… to commute the sentences in all but three cases, to penal servitude for life... The three Arabs whose sentences of death were carried out had committed particularly brutal murders [of Jews] at Safed and Hebron.” [British Gov. to League of Nations, Dec. 31, 1930]

Those three, Muhammad Jamjoum, Fuad Hijazi, and Ataa Al-Zir, were executed by hanging by the British in 1930.

This year marks the 90th anniversary of their execution and official Palestinian Authority TV, the PA news agency WAFA, the former PA Minister of Education, and Fatah all celebrated and glorified the three murderers of Jewish civilians as “heroes” and “role models.” For years, the three have been repeatedly portrayed as eager to sacrifice themselves for “Palestine” – even “competing” over who would be hanged first. The PA reiterated this legend this year:
Official PA TV reporter: “The heroes of Red Tuesday wrote an eternal epic of heroism. They shaped the love of the homeland with [their] bodies, blood, and soul. They defied the prison guards and competed among themselves over the noose, rejoicing over Martyrdom-death. The heroes competed which of them would be executed first, and they were a symbol and example of defiance and self-sacrifice, of heroism and daring.”
[Official PA TV News, June 17, 2020]

The official PA news agency Wafa also honored the three murderers as ”fighters” and “heroes” in a long article, which did not even attempt to hide their gruesome deeds. It stated that “Arabs in Hebron killed 67 Jewish residents,” (exact number varies depending on sources –Ed.) and that 133 Jews were killed in total. It also noted the death toll of “116 Palestinian Martyrs.”

Wanting to concretize their “Martyrdom,” WAFA took a photo of three Syrian independence leaders being hung by Turkish Ottoman forces in 1916, and falsely presented it as the three “martyred” murderers being hanged by the British in 1930:

The PA further portrayed the three murderers as heroes by quoting letters they supposedly wrote before their execution. In the letters, the three express happiness over “giving their souls for the homeland.” This serves the PA in underscoring its message that death as a Martyr for “Palestine” is an ideal to strive for. Moreover, the three murderers stressed that people should rejoice over their execution and “persevere in Jihad for the redemption of Palestine from the enemies”:
PA about Arabs who murdered Jews in 1929: An example of defiance, self-sacrifice, heroism and daring

Palestinian singer: Arabs who murdered Jews in the 1929 Hebron massacre are “heroes”

Khaled Abu Toameh: The Hamas-Houthi Plan to Attack Arabs as Well as Israel
These Arabs and Muslims are worried, however, that the Hamas-Houthi alliance would not stop [with eliminating Israel] but also strengthen an Iran-led axis to threaten the stability of Arab countries.

For first time, the Houthi movement spoke of possessing information about "vital targets." The announcement is a clear indication that the two Iranian-backed groups, Hamas and the Houthi movement, are planning to launch terrorist attacks not only against Israel, but also against Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

"For the Muslim Brotherhood traitors [Hamas], supporting Palestine means firing missiles at Saudi Arabia." — Yaqoub al-Rayssi, a United Arab Emirates political activist, Twitter, July 11, 2020.

Hamas, by seeking to enlist the Houthi movement for its jihad against Israel, is sending a message that it is prepared to cooperate with any group in order to achieve its goal of destroying Israel and replacing it with an Islamic state.

The Hamas-Houthi alliance also shows that Iran is seeking to expand the terrorist activities of its agents in the Gaza Strip, Yemen and Lebanon not only against Israel and the US, but against Arab and Islamic states as well.
Joe Truzman: Hamas acknowledges a ‘collaborator’ fled to Israel
Against the backdrop of two al Qassam Brigades’ commanders killed during the 2014 Gaza war, Hamas’ senior political member, Mousa Abu Marzouk, admitted in an interview with al Mayadeen that a Palestinian ‘collaborator’ had recently fled to Israel.

On July 11, Israeli and Arab media reported that “a senior commander of Hamas’ military wing” fled to Israel after spying on the militant group for one of Israel’s intelligence agencies. The reports stated the militant who fled to Israel was a commander in al Qassam Brigades’ secretive frogman unit.

The frogman unit is best known for its raid at Zikim Beach in 2014. Five commandos from the unit infiltrated the beach from the Mediterranean Sea and clashed with IDF soldiers and a Merkava IV tank. The Merkava narrowly avoided serious damage when the fighters attempted to destroy it with an IED. The Palestinian fighters were eventually killed by a combination of IDF airstrikes and naval gunboats.

Initially, it would have been easy to dismiss the report about an al Qassam Brigades’ commander fleeing to Israel due to the information being sensitive and unlikely to leak from Gaza. However, the story gained traction when a Saudi news network, al Arabiya, confirmed the story and included additional details about the event.

“The fugitive leaked detailed information about the movements of Hamas leaders, the movement’s [Al Qassam Brigades] storage sites for its weapons, training sites for its cadres, and the location of political and military leaderships,” the al Arabiya report stated.

Egypt seeks PA, Jordan backing in conflict with Turkey
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met in Ramallah on Monday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, to discuss the latest developments in the region, including Israel’s intention to apply its sovereignty to parts of the West Bank, Palestinian officials said.

Shoukry’s visit to Ramallah was also related to growing tensions between Egypt and Turkey over the civil war in Libya, the officials said.

Egypt was seeking the backing of the Palestinians and other Arab countries in its conflict with Turkey, they added.

Some PA officials had expressed concern over Egypt’s purported failure to fully support the Palestinians in their standoff with Israel and the US administration.

Turkey has been providing military aid to the United Nations-recognized Libyan Government of National Accord, while Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Russia have backed the government’s rivals in eastern Libya led by General Khalifa Haftar.

The Egyptians have expressed deep concern over Turkey’s military intervention in Libya, saying Ankara’s actions pose an imminent threat to Egypt’s national security.

Syrian Writer Nidhal Naisa: Colonialism Came to Cure Backwardness of Arab Countries

IDF shoots down a drone near the Israel-Lebanon border
An unusual incident occurred on the Israel-Lebanon border on Sunday evening, as the IDF shot down a Lebanese drone that entered Israel's airspace, according to the IDF Spokesperson Unit.

According to the IDF Spokesperson Unit, IDF forces recognized a drone that was most likely operated from Lebanon and entered Israeli airspace. The drone was allegedly tracking IDF forces.

According to reports in Lebanon, the drone was used for filming a video commemorating the end of the Second Lebanon War.

IDF forces took control of the drone remotely before shooting it down. IDF forces scanned the area in order to verify that the drone fell inside Israel's territory.

"The IDF will continue to operate to stop any attempt to violate Israeli sovereignty," the IDF Spokesperson Unit said in a statement following the incident.
Hezbollah: IDF Stole Our Drone – We Were Shooting a Music Video
A Hezbollah spokesman on Sunday claimed the IDF had taken control of a drone that was part of a music video of a Lebanese orchestra that was recorded near the border with Israel.

The IDF reported on Sunday that one of its units identified and downed a drone that had apparently penetrated from Lebanese territory into Israeli airspace, which apparently happens up north every few months (IDF Downs Lebanese Drone).

So this is what Hezbollah had to say about the same event (courtesy of Google Translate):

“The enemy’s army hijacked a photo drone belonging to a singing squad that was carrying out a hymn for Nasrallah near the borders with occupied Palestine, before it controlled it electronically and withdrew it 3 kilometers inside the occupied territories. One of the photos taken by the drone while it was being towed showed it flying inside the occupied territories.”
Report: Qatari businessmen funneled millions to Hezbollah
A German security contractor who worked with the Qatari government has accused factions and individuals within the Gulf kingdom of channeling funds to the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, German news outlet Die Zeit reported over the weekend.

The contractor, identified in the report as "Jason G," said that during his time in Doha "ugly comments about Israel had also been made at one of the meetings by a Qatari diplomat who said that they viewed the Jews as their enemies."

While working in Doha, the whistleblower compiled a dossier on Qatari businessmen's multi-million donations to the Iran-backed Shiite terror group, according to Die Zeit.

"There were money flows from several rich Qataris and exiled Lebanese people from Doha to Hezbollah. The donations are said to have been processed with the knowledge of influential government officials through a charity organization in Doha," the whistleblower told the German outlet.

The revelations are poised to increase international pressure on Qatar and lead to sanctions, the report added.

According to the report, a "senior Qatari diplomat" offered the whistleblower substantial sums of money to keep the report under wraps.
Iran executes man convicted of spying for CIA, Mossad
Iran on Monday executed a former translator convicted of spying on its forces for the US and Israel, including helping to locate a top Iranian general, who was killed later in a US drone strike.

“Mahmoud Mousavi Majd’s sentence was carried out on Monday morning over the charge of espionage so that the case of his betrayal to his country will be closed forever,” the judiciary’s Mizan Online website reported.

Majd had spied “on various security fields, especially the armed forces and the Quds Force and the whereabouts and movements of martyr General Qasem Soleimani,” judiciary spokeswoman Gholamhossein Esmaili told a news conference earlier this month.

The judiciary has said Majd was arrested prior to Soleimani’s assassination and was not tied to his killing.

Majd had been found guilty of receiving large sums of money from both the US Central Intelligence Agency and Israel’s Mossad, Esmaili said.
Will Iran Provide Syria with Advanced Air Defenses?
Iran and Syria recently signed an agreement to expand military and technological collaboration. A central component of the agreement is to strengthen Syria's air defense with advanced Iranian air defense systems to reduce Israeli, Turkish, and American freedom of action in Syrian airspace.

If Tehran deploys batteries of advanced surface-to-air missiles operated by Iranian crews in Syrian territory, Israeli planes will be threatened from the moment they take off from airports deep within Israel. In such a scenario, it is likely that Israel will destroy the batteries during their operational deployment.
PreOccupiedTerritory: Iran News Now Reporting When Facilities DON’T Explode (satire)
The Islamic Republic’s official media agency changed tacks today as a result of the string of mishaps, suspected sabotage, and other disasters befalling the country in recent weeks, opting to save time, energy, and journalistic resources by noting in each story which strategic installations have NOT suffered irreversible damage.

Iran’s FARS news agency issued a new directive to its regional offices Monday, to the effect that they must find at least one facility per day – a power plant, military base, natural gas facility, oil refinery, port, or other strategic locale – that has yet to incur destruction, and to focus attention on that achievement. The morale-boosting shift in approach comes after numerous accidents, failures, or outright sabotage have damaged or rendered unusable a port serving a nuclear facility that Iran has closed to international inspectors; a missile assembly depot; a nuclear centrifuge center; and other important installations such as power plants and infrastructure.

“Editors and the journalists serving under them will strive to identify and highlight one (1) strategic facility per province per day that remains standing and operational,” the directive stated. “This new requirement will serve the dual purposes of reinforcing civic confidence in the government in the face of Zionist-led aggression, and conserve resources that otherwise will be spent on discussing the more numerous, and demoralizing, incidents involving our country’s strategic installations.”
UK Muslim activist praises Jewish community for speaking out for Uighurs
A British Muslim activist praised the Jewish community on Saturday for their activism in raising awareness of the persecution of Uighur Muslims by China, the Algemeiner reported.

“My Jewish brethren are the only ones I ain’t gonna call out,” Maajid Nawaz, who is on a hunger strike to draw attention to the plight of the Uighurs, said over Twitter. “They’ve stepped up already and are here with me right now.”

Nawaz has been long been known for his outspoken opposition to radical Islam and antisemitism, the Algemeiner reported. Last December, he campaigned against Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the UK Labour Party who has faced several accusations of antisemitism, as well as helping maintain a culture of antisemitism in the party.

The activist is now seeking to force the British government to discuss the Uighurs in Parliament, and is calling on supporters to sign a petition to this effect.

In recent months, the Chinese government has cracked down on the Uighurs, a Muslim minority in the Xinjiang region. This persecution has included being deported into camps, torture and "reeducation."

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