Another (secular) year is over and we have again done amazing things for what is essentially a single person operation.
We brought attention to the antisemitic TruNews network and prompted reassurances from the White House that they will not get getting press credentials as they sometimes had been. Other smaller victories came from our publicizing things we discovered - like having change its sources on defining Zionism, prompting the Israeli government to drop a recommended film for high schoolers after the director was discovered to have said he wanted Israel to drown, getting Haaretz to change a photo caption, and more.
EoZ has been quoted and/or cited about 90 times this year in news media. Some of our tweets have gone viral, being seen by literally millions of people.
The site continues to create videos, cartoons, posters and more besides our original analysis. EoZ is truly one of the most influential pro-Israel websites and Twitter accounts out there.
Plus,. EoZ hosts some amazing columnists - Divest This, Daled Amos, Judean Rose, PreOccupied Territory, Vic Rosenthal, and some others that have added their unique perspectives. And Ian has continued to put together the best linkdumps and synopses of articles, videos and tweets, twice a day during the week, an invaluable resource that is for some people their main source for all news about Israel, the Jewish world and the Muslim world.
All of this isn't free.
So please, donate to EoZ and help make this site even better in the future!
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Or you can ask for Elder to speak to your group.
You can also advertise on EoZ and then get a tax deduction. (For significant donations, there are ways of making it tax deductible as well. Email for details.)
Either way, I appreciate your friendship and support.
I wish all of my Jewish readers a very happy Chanukah, and for my many Christian readers may you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
IfNotNow "inspired" by call to bomb Tel AvivIfNotNow tweeted:Incredible, inspiring images of Palestinian resistance coming out of Jerusalem tonight. American Jews are with you ✊— IfNotNow🔥 (@IfNotNowOrg) May 8, 2021
The chants include "Bomb, B…Read More
Also, note my new Avatar! Just a suggestion, but being as we're the only two Authentic Black Men on this here Blog, I think the below should be YOUR new...
This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.
Avigdor Kahalani is a Mizrahi success story
A recent study by the Pew Research Center found that only 45% of Israeli
Jews are of Ashkenazi, or European, descent. Fully 55% are immigrants, or
This is what terrorist propaganda looks like
Just a few weeks after the BBC were forced to take down a documentary
because of Hamas family ties to the narrator – the BBC anti-Israel factory
has chur...
Who Owns the Media?
Who owns the media seems like a simple and straightforward question that
can be answered with a brief search, corporate registration papers and
This is Sali, the LSW posting for Yaakov. Yaakov is recovering from a stoke
that he had about a month ago. Thank you all so very much for your good
Peter Beinart’s anti-Jewish Purim Propaganda
Peter Beinart is not the first person to accuse Jews of genocide in the
Purim story. It is a staple of antisemites. Beinart’s perversion is to make
this ac...
Emigration to Mandate Palestine from the Hauran
A report on the present conditions in the Hauran was published in the
Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society in 1936.
One of the topics was the emigr...
One Choice: Fight to Win
Yesterday Israel preempted a potentially disastrous attack by Hezbollah on
the center of the country. Thirty minutes before launch time, our aircraft
Closing Jews Down Under Website
With a heavyish heart I am closing down the website after ten years.
It is and it isn’t an easy decision after 10 years of constant work. The
‘Test & Trace’ is a mirage
Lockdown II thoughts: Day 1 Opposition politicians have been banging on
about the need for a ‘working’ Test & Trace system even more loudly than
the govern...