Rachid Hassan writes in Ad Dustour:
He is saying that it is an Islamic obligation to kill all Israeli Jews as symbolized by the Hajj ceremony to stone the devil.One of the greatest rituals of Hajj - and all of them are great blessed rituals - are the sacrificial rituals and throwing stones.
The rite of stoning the devil is a call to Muslims at all times and places and even this hour....The devil is today the Zionist enemy who occupies the land and desecrates holy sites, and appropriates Al Aqsa, and practices the dirtiest kinds of debauchery and immorality in the areas of the first Qiblah, the second of the two mosques and the third holiest shrine...
The stoning of Satan is an invitation to Muslims, wherever they may be, to support Jerusalem, to crawl to Al Aqsa, to cleanse it of the abomination of the enemy, and to purify all Palestine from the barbarity of the Jews who filled the land with injustice, and to cleanse this land.
The stoning of Satan must be translated into daily action, practiced by Arabs and Muslims, especially the Palestinian people, in confronting the Zionist enemy. The Great Satan, and its ally Washington, which supports this devil, and unleashes its madness to destroy the sanctities and the disenfranchised, and shed blood ..
As usual, there is no negative reaction in Arab media on blatant antisemitism and calls to ethnically cleanse Jews from the Middle East.This is the sort of Jew-hatred that Arabs are taught from childhood.
And it is not only tolerated but supported by Western leftists.