Al Akhbar (Lebanon) reports on a European offer to help Gazans.
According to the report, the EU contacted Hamas through a third party to say that if PA president Mahmoud Abbas would impose further sanctions on Gaza, the EU would take over all humanitarian issues and salaries to Gaza civil employees. The EU would receive all the tax revenues that Israel collects for the PA (I assume the percentage that would go to Gaza, not all the revenues.)
To sweeten the deal for Israel to pay the EU directly and not Abbas, Hamas would pledge not to support any military operations for some unspecified number of years and to prevent any other terror groups from doing the same.
This sounds far fetched, and the PA would never agree to it. I can't tell from the article if this is an official EU proposal or just some NGO trying to throw stuff on the wall to see if anything sticks. Also, Al Akhbar is pro-Hezbollah and anti-PA.
According to the article, Hamas is studying the proposal.