We who were once slaves in Egypt see the oppression of people elsewhere.
We who were gassed are sickened by women and children being gassed today.
We who remember those that saw and remained silent refuse to do the same.

Buy EoZ's books!
Just remember, folks, NOBODY, not their own loved ones, their kids, or their not-yet-born babies, is safe around Democrats, who are genetically predisposed...
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: 03/24 Links Pt2: Hamas’s American Mouthpieces; The appeasement of Iran; Former hostage tells of being sexually assaulted in Gaza; Argentina to declassify Nazi-era docu... · 15 minutes ago
Prediction: In 5-10 years, the SEC/ACC will become the PREMIER College Football conferences in the US, because NOBODY worth a schitt is gonna want to go to...
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 20 minutes ago
this Arkansas Football cheer will Clear Muslims out of a room!
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 25 minutes ago
Famine? I see stocked Gaza stores and the people look like walking posters for Diabetes. Ozempic is what these Palestinians need.
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 29 minutes ago
Unsaved and Unsubmitted
Unified Field Theory of Antisemitism: Supersessionism in Islam and the Arab world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 54 minutes ago
One of this week's candidates for the DNC "Good Jew" Kapo of the Week! Jimmy Raskin steps forward with a 🐂🐂💩💩 Conspiracy Theory straight from...
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: 03/24 Links Pt2: Hamas’s American Mouthpieces; The appeasement of Iran; Former hostage tells of being sexually assaulted in Gaza; Argentina to declassify Nazi-era docu... · 1 hour ago
Just checking if you were paying attention.
I'm amazed the new PC Beasies let that one by
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 2 hours ago
"He Weidong"
Double checked he was real.
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: 03/24 Links Pt2: Hamas’s American Mouthpieces; The appeasement of Iran; Former hostage tells of being sexually assaulted in Gaza; Argentina to declassify Nazi-era docu... · 2 hours ago
DUDE....🤩 👀👀 at 1:01....
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 2 hours ago
I can recite it from memory if you want. Arthur: Give me a kiss and I’ll give you a penny. Edmund: (comes from round the corner) A penny?! Arthur: Well,...
03/24 Links Pt1: Northern Ireland Is Not Gaza; Hamas Terrorists releases footage of hostages Elkana Bohbot and Yosef-Haim Ohana ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 2 hours ago
If you want real peace, don't insist on a divided Jerusalem, @USAmbIsrael
The Apartheid charge, the Abraham Accords and the "right side of history"
With Palestinians, there is no need to exaggerate: they really support murdering random Jews
Great news for Yom HaShoah! There are no antisemites!