There are some legal proceedings this week in a continuing case against a dozen Egyptians and Germans (in abstentia) accused of illegally taking archaeological samples from the Great Pyramid in 2013.
The article says that the Minister of Antiquities in Egypt have charged the Germans of working for German Jews to find proof that the pyramid was built by Israelite slaves and not Egyptians.
This is of course ludicrous, as the Pyramids predate Jacob by centuries. No one seriously believes that the Israelites built them, although Menachem Begin did say that they did in a rhetorical flourish in 1977.
Every so often Egyptian newspapers publish articles saying, no, really, we built the Pyramids and not the Jews. There were at least two such articles in the past week alone.
It appears that this accusation about the Germans being paid by a Jew to find evidence of Israelites building the pyramids was originally made by the previous Minister of Antiquities in Egypt, Zahi Hawass. Al Masry al Youm reported in December 2013:
Dr Zahi Hawass, ex Minister of State for Antiquities, revealed that the robberies of King Khufu’s cartouche was done on behalf of, Robert Bauval, an Egyptian Jew working in Belgium, who has been trying by every means to prove that the pyramid is ‘a Jewish and not Egyptian product’. Hawass said in a special statements that Muhamed Ibrahim, the Minister of Antiquities has said in one of his media interviews that Khufu’s cartouche had was stolen in 2006, which is not true, as the inspecting agencies and the police have proved that the robbery took place in 2013, and the passports of the Germans showed that they entered Egypt last April. Hawass wondered ‘how the theft could have taken place in 2006 while the investigations were conducted with current officials and not those responsible for the pyramid area at the time? While the investigation result came to confirm my words, and all those responsible for the crime have been removed from the pyramid area after their involvement, one way or the other, has been proven’. He added: “I would like to make it clear that the foreign vandals are led by an Egyptian Jew living in Belgium, who had previously sent more than one person, who were all forbidden completely, and with whom I have had many battles, and he wrote a book before trying to prove that the pyramid was not Egyptian”.Bauval is a researcher on ancient Egypt. He is not Jewish. He never met the Germans before this incident. The entire accusation is a series of lies from the paranoid former Egyptian antiquities minister.
There is lots more at Bauval's site.
One would think that if there is any historical event that Egyptians could feel secure in, it would be the building of the Pyramids. Their frightened reactions to some Hollywood depictions of Jews building the Pyramids reveals a lot more about the Egyptian inferiority complex than about history.