Caroline Glick: Israel rises in the East
Unlike Britain, which was seamlessly replaced by the US as the leader of the free world in the aftermath of World War II, the US has no clear successor. Moreover, despite its self-destructive tendencies, the US remains the world’s biggest economy and most powerful nation. The significance of America’s loss of the will to lead the world is not that the US will disappear. Rather, it will share the stage with other, rising, powers.Khaled Abu Toameh: Who Is Threatening Israeli Journalists and Why?
For Israel, this means that while maintaining the US as its primary strategic partner, Israel cannot continue to place all of its eggs in America’s basket. As Netanyahu is doing with Putin as well as with China and India, recognizing America’s new limitations, Israel must diminish its dependence on Washington, while developing noncompeting alliances with other powers, based on shared interests.
What Israel’s attractiveness to other world powers makes clear is that as America’s power wanes, Israel needn’t and oughtn’t seek to replace it with another superpower patron. Israel today is fully capable of fending for itself.
Putin courts Netanyahu because Israel is strong. And the stronger it is, the more leaders will beat a path to our door.
The failure of France’s “peace” conference, on the one hand, and the success of Netanyahu’s fourth visit to Moscow on the other hand, were poetic bookends of the week because they were a vivid exposition of Israel’s true diplomatic and strategic position today. Israel is neither weak nor isolated.
It is embraced by the rising powers. And the waning ones that scapegoat the Jewish state are leading their countries into economic and cultural decline and security chaos.
Palestinian journalists are spearheading a campaign against Israeli reporters. They have been taught that any journalist daring to criticize the Palestinian Authority (PA) or Hamas is a "traitor." They expect Israeli and Western journalists to report bad things only about Israel.VIDEO: The Death of Free Speech in Europe
"It is very sad when you see that your colleagues on the other side are inciting against you and doing their best to prevent you from carrying out your work. This is harmful to the Palestinians themselves because they will no longer be able to relay their opinions to the Israeli public." — Israeli reporter who has been covering Palestinian affairs for nearly a decade.
For Palestinian journalists, to be seen in public with an Israeli colleague is treasonous.
Many Western journalists turn a blind eye to assaults on freedom of the media under the PA and Hamas. They know they will be unwelcome in these places if they write any story that reflects negatively on Palestinians. Besides, the campaign against Israeli journalists is being waged by Palestinians, and not Israelis. To them, this fact alone makes it a story not worth reporting.
Across Europe, cartoonists, artists and writers are forced to live under police protection, and also often face criminal prosecution -- all for the "crime" of offending Islam. "'Respect' means, for them, submission." It starts with censoring cartoons... Here is Gatestone Institute's Giulio Meotti in our latest video:
Melanie Phillips: When a truth-teller confronts Diaspora Jews
Tuvia Tenenbom has a problem. His books sell so well he can’t find a publisher in the English-speaking world.Imam Leading Ali Funeral Has Record Of Anti-Americanism And Anti-Semitism
His last book, Catch the Jew!, was a spectacular international success. Published in Germany and, in English, in Israel, it shot to the top of numerous best-seller lists. His previous book, I Sleep in Hitler’s Room, was also a German best-seller.
Tenenbom writes for Die Zeit. Although he was born in Bnei Brak, his fair hair nevertheless leads people to assume he is a German gentile and as such, that he harbors anti-Jewish views. Declining to disabuse people of this mistake, he goes round asking pointed questions on issues people try to avoid. The result is as devastating as it is funny.
In I Sleep in Hitler’s Room, he revealed persistent German Jew-hatred. In Catch the Jew!, he discovered that the German and other European governments were outsourcing the incitement of Jew-hatred to NGOs, many of which were run by Jews.
He has attracted rave reviews and an international fan base. He’s been called “Michael Moore and Borat in one” (Die Welt), “A force of nature” (La Repubblica) and “a free artist who fights for truth and tolerance” (Le Vif/L’Express).
His new book, Don’t Quote Me, is to be published in Germany at the beginning of September. It is about America. He has repeated there his tactic of traveling around and writing down what people say to him.
He asks people what they think of Obama and they talk about their support for the Palestinians.
The imam leading the two-day funeral service for famed boxer Muhammad Ali, Imam Zaid Shakir, said that Ali wanted his funeral to be used as a “teaching moment.” Dawud Walid from the Council on American-Islamic Relations echoed, "In a political climate in which Islamophobia is front and center, his funeral will counterpunch the ridiculous notion that being a good Muslim and a good American are at odds."Anti-Israel Michael Lerner Chosen to ‘Represent the Jewish People’ at Muhammad Ali Funeral
But if Shakir were to be consistent with what he’s been preaching for the two decades or so, viewers would get a dose of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism that has nothing to do with coexistence and everything to do with reasons for Islamophobia.
Referring to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, in which six people were murdered by Muslims, Shakir said:
Considering the available information, it is the view of some observers, that the WTC bombing was undertaken by Zionist forces to give proof to their allegations concerning the magnitude of 'Islamic fundamentalist' terrorism, and as a pretext to intensify their anti-Islamic propaganda campaign in the US media … The recent bombing of the World Trade Center (WTC), has produced anti-Islamic elements in this country and an opportunity to launch a vicious propaganda campaign against Islam and Muslims. This campaign has been so calculating that one immediately suspects it could not have arisen accidentally.
On Tuesday, the family of Muhammad Ali invited leftist Michael Lerner to speak at the funeral/memorial service for Ali, supposedly — as Lerner writes — “to represent the Jewish people.”Julia Mearsheimer, Daughter of John, Leads BDS Group at U. of Chicago
Nothing could be a greater travesty. In an old column, I wrote that Lerner is a man who “lives in his own starry-eyed radical world.” If you think this is not true, simply go to the many links Lerner provides and read what he has written over the years.
In my 2002 column, I called out Lerner for his views on how American Jews should relate to Israel. The column is still relevant because, if anything, Lerner’s views have gotten much worse. In discussing how Israel should respond to terrorist attacks against it by Palestinians, he falsely presents himself as a moderate — not as part of the emerging pro-Palestinian, left-wing protest movement. He is, he assures us, “outraged” by the “immoral acts of Palestinian terrorists.”
What does he suggest Israel do about it? Should they fight back? Lerner just gives a new dose of moral equivalence by using the same language he has scolded the Palestinian terrorists with and applying it to Israel.
The daughter of John Mearsheimer, a University of Chicago professor and coauthor of The Israel Lobby, has become an activist in the BDS movement and the Hamas-linked group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).Rising Anti-Semitism, Rising Waters; God’s Going Old School on Europe (satire)
Julia Mearsheimer, an undergraduate at the University of Chicago, is a leader of her campus’ SJP chapter and interns at the American Friends Service Committee, a far-left activist group.
As disclosed by Canary Mission, a human rights watchdog that tracks anti-Israel activists, Mearsheimer has become a regular at campus and local Chicago anti-Israel events and regularly expresses admiration for terrorists.
She posted a picture of herself in April 2015 with her arm around Rasmea Odeh and wrote in the caption, “No words can describe the honor of meeting Rasmea Odeh. … She was love and light and wonder and everything amazing. Ahhh!!”
Odeh is a notorious Palestinian terrorist who was convicted of the 1969 bombing of a Jerusalem supermarket that killed two Israelis. She was also convicted of attempting to bomb the British consulate. Years after being freed from jail in a 1979 prisoner swap, Odeh came to the United States and lied on both her visa and citizenship applications, claiming she had never violated any laws. Last year, she was convicted in federal court of lying to obtain citizenship and was sentenced to 18 months in prison followed by deportation. Since then, she has since become a hero of the BDS movement.
Mearsheimer ended her Facebook post about the unrepentant murderer: “Thank you, Rasmea.”
It’s no secret that anti-Semitism has risen to an all time high over the past few years in Europe with France, Britain, and Germany again becoming the least liveable countries for the visibly or openly Jewish population – and God has had enough.UN chief faced 'blackmail' after blacklisting Saudi-led coalition for killing children in Yemen
“Can anyone say, ‘deluge’?”
Once targeted with “Go Back to Palestine” graffiti in the 1930’s, the same narrative applies today, yet in reverse. “Leave Palestine” is the new trend, as a number of Europeans continue in their quest to wipe Jews off the world map as they disguise their new Nazism as anti-Zionist sentiment.
“What are they threatened by? My chosen people – albeit against their will – make up less than 0.2% of the world’s population, or for the mathematically challenged, that’s around 14 million out of 7.4 billion of my anxiety-laden, inherently complaining children who can’t digest lactose. And you still think there’s some kind of conspiracy? That’s it – time for hipster ‘Noa’ to build that sustainable eco-friendly 100% compostable made from recycled materials bamboo ark.”
With severe flooding, and flash floods now plaguing Paris, London, and Dresden, priceless pieces of artwork, radical Islamists, regressive liberals, and right-wing extremists were the first to be evacuated.
Saudi Arabia reportedly threatened to cut aid to Palestinian refugees and to issue a fatwa against the United Nations if it was not removed from a UN blacklist of groups that kill children.UN Child Sex Abuse Whistleblower Resigns
A campaign of threats and protests by the Saudis and a host of Muslim nations succeeded in pressuring Ban ki-Moon, the UN secretary general, to give into their demands.
A UN report released last week found that the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen was responsible for killing more than 500 children in its year-long campaign of airstrikes.
But within four days of the report’s release, Mr Ban had backtracked and agreed to remove the Saudi-led coalition from the list while a review was carried out.
Details of the Saudi lobbying campaign were revealed by Reuters and diplomats said the UN chief was subjected to "bullying, threats, and pressure” and “real blackmail”.
Saudi Arabia threatened to cut its funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which supports around 5 million Palestinian refugees in the occupied West Bank and neighbouring countries.
Saudi Arabia is the fourth largest donor to UNRWA and provided around $100 million (£69 million) towards education, healthcare and other services for refugees.
Other members of the Saudi-led coalition, such as Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, are also major UNRWA donors.
Anders Kompass, who worked as director of field operations at the UN human rights office, has resigned after the organization did not hold senior officials accountable for human rights abuses.An Antisemitic Hoax: Lenni Brenner on Zionist ‘Collaboration’ With the Nazis
The UN suspended Kompass after he leaked a report that said French troops sexually abused children in the Central African Republic.
However, the UN never took action and Kompass decided “he could no longer work for an organisation with no accountability.” From The Guardian:
“The complete impunity for those who have been found to have, in various degrees, abused their authority, together with the unwillingness of the hierarchy to express any regrets for the way they acted towards me sadly confirms that lack of accountability is entrenched in the United Nations. This makes it impossible for me to continue working there.”
Last year, Kompass gave the French government the confidential UN report after officials did nothing to punish those involved, which took place in 2014.
In April 2016, Britain was rocked by scandals involving antisemitism in the opposition Labour Party. There were complaints that student members had been dismissing Jewish colleagues as ‘Zios’. Numerous party activists were suspended or expelled for offences such as stating that Jews had ‘big noses’, that Hitler was the ‘Zionist god’, that socialists had to address ‘the Jewish Question’, or that Jews were behind the slave trade and ISIS. A Member of Parliament was obliged to issue an apology after proposing the ‘transportation’ of millions of Israeli Jews to America.Momentum activist suspended by Labour over 'Zionist criminals' blog supporting Ken Livingstone
Into this maelstrom stepped former London Mayor Ken Livingstone, who denied the existence of any antisemitism in the party, and volunteered that Hitler ‘was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.’ For this, and for related comments, he too was suspended from the Labour Party.
To justify his claims, Livingstone invoked Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, a book published by Lenni Brenner in 1983. Livingstone had written in his memoirs that Brenner’s work ‘helped form my view of Zionism and its history’ (Livingstone 2011: 223). The book is a fixture of antizionist and antisemitic propaganda about the Holocaust on both the far left and on the far right, and Brenner has a cult following among those convinced that ‘Zionists’ are to blame for all evil in the world.
Momentum activist Marlene Ellis has been suspended from the Labour Party over a blog which accused Jeremy Corbyn of playing “right into the hands of Zionist criminals” by suspending Ken Livingstone.Momentum Row Over Hitler Placard Promoting Anti-Zionism Event
The blog, which described Mr Livingstone’s suspension as “unjustifiable” and called on Mr Corbyn to reverse it, was posted by Ms Ellison on the Momentum Black ConneXions group (MBC) website.
The piece described the action taken against the former mayor of London as a “ knee-jerk reaction to pro-Zionist and other right-wing pressures from within and outside the current Labour Party leadership”.
It added: “We of Momentum Black ConneXions (MBC) never imagined a Labour Party led by you, Jeremy Corbyn, would ever immediately react in such frightful haste by clamping down on the freedom of critical radical expression.”
Mr Livingstone was suspended after he claimed that Hitler had supported Zionism. The blog described his remarks on antisemitism and anti-racism as “quite interesting”, and claimed that Zionism had been disorted by racism.
It also called for the suspension of Labour MP John Mann who confronted Mr Livingstone over his comments.
MBC claimed that Mr Mann, the chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism, had “brought the party into disrepute”.
Momentum members are arguing about an event on “anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism” which is being promoted with a photo comparing Israel to Hitler. Good to see them handling the issue with their textbook sensitivity…Greens support "Palestinian" advocacy but boycott Zionism
The event’s cover photo is a placard with the words “Well done Israel – Hitler would be proud”. It has an Israeli flag with a with a Swastika instead of the Star of David. Speakers include Momentum chief Jon Lansman and Marlene Ellis, a activist suspended over allegations of anti-Semitism. The picture choice is being criticised by Momentum supporters, one asks: “Can someone change the cover photo…. it’s not very edifying to have a picture on it that compares Israel to Hitler”. A second says: “I am a bit worried that the cover photo is setting a certain tone for the meeting”. Race row Labour member Jackie Walker warns it is “objectionable, provocative and distasteful”.
GREENS candidates will attend an election forum hosted by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN), but not Zionism Victoria.Michael Danby MP calls for bigotted Greens candidate Stephanie Hodgins-May to be sacked
Stephanie Hodgins-May has pulled out of The AJN’s election forum for Melbourne Ports because ... Zionism Victoria is co-hosting the event.
“I don’t believe it is appropriate and right to speak at an event co-organised by a politically active organisation,” she said referring to Zionism Victoria.
Hodgins-May agreed to attend the debate in mid-May.
On May 30 AJN editor Zeddy Lawrence told Hodgins-May during an email exchange that it would be co-hosted by Zionism Victoria... That prompted her withdrawal from the debate.
...Hodgins-May’s comments and withdrawal came as a shock to The AJN and the community because Greens MP Adam Bandt is attending a forum hosted by APAN next week titled, Melbourne candidate forum: Palestine and Israel: adopting a just position.
Local Greens candidate Stephanie Hodgins-May has announced she will pull out of the only Melbourne Ports candidates’ debate, after having agreed to participate “because one of the co-hosts” was the Jewish community roof body, Zionism Victoria.Alan Dershowitz: Advice to Clinton: Don’t try to placate Sanders’s hard-left voters
Michael Danby, Member for Melbourne Ports, said:
“This is shameful. The Greens Party mask is finally off. The Greens boycott of the Jewish community shows their deep and intractable antagonism towards the Australian Jewish community.
Zionism Victoria is a roof body organisation of cross-spectrum groups which support Israel, including pluralistic Australian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS), which operates across Australian universities, the international affiliate of the Israeli Labour Party, Ameinu Australia, and includes socialist Zionist youth movements like Hashomer Hatzair and Habonim Dror.
“The Greens Party candidate from Daylesford, an advisor to Greens Leader Di Natale, is unfit to represent Melbourne Ports. Nearly a third of the electorate is of Jewish heritage. Refusing to address this public forum on the bigoted grounds that she has is an insult to the local community.”
“Approximately 71% of Australian Jewish residents of Melbourne Ports have family in Israel”, Danby recounted. “If she doesn't want to represent our local Jewish community, or even speak to them, she cannot be their local Member. Greens leader Richard Di Natale must sack her.”
The second gift to Trump would be in the area of foreign policy, particularly with regard to the Middle East. Were Clinton to move away from support for Israel, it could hurt her electoral chances in several swing states.How did SNL star become a staunch Israel supporter?
Americans in general admire and support Israel.
They don’t want a president who would parrot the views of radical Israel-haters such as Cornel West and James Zogby who falsely accuse Israel of being an apartheid state that sets up concentration camps and aims to annihilate Palestinians. Even many of Sanders’s young supporters, some of whom are critical of certain Israeli policies, especially with regard to the settlements, do not want the US to adopt the West-Zogby anti-Israel approach.
Sanders received his support from young people for his domestic policy, not his foreign policy (about which he knows little). He wandered into the morass of Mideast politics only to satisfy his hard-left supporters who think in absurd packages: If you support the environment and higher minimum wages, then you must oppose Israel. That’s not the way centrist and independent voters think, and Clinton must reject that kind of radical “intersectional” thinking if she is to beat Trump in the fall.
So let Hillary be Hillary and not become Bernie.
Let her look for guidance to the successful centrist politics of Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, rather than the failed revolutionary screeds of Bernie Sanders, Cornel West and Susan Sarandon. We are a centrist nation that has thrived without the turmoil that extremes – both left and right – bring to politics and governance. We don’t want to emulate Europe and South America, which often alternate between socialist and nationalist regimes – between the Red and the Brown. If she gets too close to the hard-left politics of Sanders’s most extreme “Bernie or bust” zealots, she may get burned in the general election – and so will our nation.
Actor and comedian Joe Piscopo earned nationwide fame with his celebrity impersonations, Saturday Night Live skits, and roles in Hollywood films like the remake of King Kong and Wise Guys.No Matter Who Wins in November, the Jews Have Already Lost
Less well-known, however, is Piscopo’s ardent support for the State of Israel.
Now hosting his own daily radio show, Piscopo airs his views on a social and political issues – including what he sees as the trend within the Democratic Party towards abandoning Israel.
Earlier this week, Piscopo sat down with Arutz Sheva to discuss the roots of his own pro-Israel views, his frustrations with the Democratic Party, and who he supports in the upcoming presidential election.
“I’m a lifelong Democrat,” says Piscopo, “[but] I left the Democratic Party because I’m a little disillusioned politically with what’s happening, including the lack of support for Israel.”
“I’m not feeling the support from Washington [for Israel],” Piscopo later added. “Am I missing something here?”
Despite his ties with the Democratic Party, Piscopo says he plans to register as a Republican for the first time ever.
You can see this ideological scuffle, strangely, in the brewing fight over Israel in the upcoming Democratic National Convention. By appointing pollster James Zogby and Professor Cornel West to the party’s platform-drafting committee, Sanders—who earlier this week said he saw no real difference between Clinton’s foreign policy and Trump’s—is not signaling a commitment to a concrete agenda but an allegiance to a political mood, one that singles Israel out for calumny because of how maddeningly ill-suited it is to the progressive gospel. Consider, for example, West’s 2014 Facebook rant, in which he called Israeli strikes on Gaza a “massacre of innocent Palestinians” and “a crime against humanity” while condemning Hamas’ rocket attacks as merely “politically ineffective.” You could, of course, chalk the professor’s comments up to anti-Semitism, but progressivism offers a more compelling explanation: Follow contemporary progressivism to its rational conclusion, as West often does in his writing, and there’s no reason why you wouldn’t come to see the cohesive nation-state exercising its right for self-defense as inherently evil and the terrorist group as a band of righteous if misinformed disenfranchised brothers. Even if Clinton is triumphant, Jews should expect this convoluted and toxic logic to grow ever more prominent among Democrats, as it has among the Labourites in Britain. The Democratic Party, too, can no longer be our home.George Galloway favors Trump over Clinton
Which, really, is good news.
Clowns to the left of us, and racists to the right, we American Jews may finally awaken from our 30-year nap and learn again how to be a community that grapples fiercely with big ideas. We can build new institutions that do more than fret about continuity without questioning what, exactly, it is that we should wish to continue. We can set aside the increasingly inane quibbling over minor differences and instead focus on imagining a shared future animated by more audacious common goals. We can, in short, regain the spirit that has propelled us through history—and then grew dormant as we became comfortable in the American mainstream. Let’s face it: We Jews are outsiders. Herein our sorrow, herein our greatness. Imagine what we can do if moved not by the soft tremors of party politics but by the big jolt of feeling, after all these years, politically homeless.
There’s no point in waiting until November. No matter who wins, the Jews have already lost. It’s time now to do what we do best: Shake off the ashes, say a prayer, and rebuild.
Controversial anti-Israel British politician George Galloway, who in the past declared his hometown an “Israeli-free zone”, bashed likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, saying that presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump was the lesser of two evils.Jimmy Carter Accuses Trump and GOP of Racism, Ignores His Own Bigotry
Galloway, who in the past has praised the Hamas terror group and accused Israel of arming Al Qaeda, called former Secretary of State Clinton a “monster”, saying he favored Republican candidate. Galloway’s comments came in the wake of similar statements by actress Susan Sarandon denouncing Clinton as an “interventionist”.
“I believe in a way she’s more dangerous,” Sarandon told The Young Turks. “Her record – I mean she did not learn a thing from Iraq. She is an interventionist. She’s done horrible things, horrible things, and very callously.”
Galloway concurred with Sarandon’s comments, writing on Twitter that “@SusanSarandon is right. Hillary Clinton is even more dangerous for America and the world than is Donald Trump.”
Later Galloway added that while “Trump is a monster”, “Clinton [is] a bigger monster.”
According to many observers Carters anti-Jewish bigotry stems from his feeling that he lost reelection campaign because he became the first Democrat since 1920 not to receive a majority of the Jewish vote. Carter got 45%, Reagan received 39%, and 3rd party candidate John Anderson got 14%. It is also that perceived abandonment behind Carter’s disdain of Israel.
Ambassador Marc Ginsburg was Jimmy Carter’s deputy senior adviser on the Middle East, and from 1977 through 1980 was White House liaison to the State Department. He has a unique perspective of Jimmy Carter’s Middle East dealings. According to the Ambassador, the reason Carter goes out of his way to bash Israel is that he feels American Jews did not fawn over him enough for all that he did for Israel.
…When former President Jimmy Carter revealed that Israel has more than 150 nuclear weapons, he clearly had a motive, according to his administration’s deputy senior adviser, Marc Ginsberg: “I think there’s no doubt — particularly given the vantage point I had in the White House at the end of his administration — that he resents the way in which Israel and the American-Jewish community have failed to express sufficient gratitude for his efforts on behalf of peace in the Middle East.
“In my judgment, there’s no other explanation,” Ginsberg says.
(…) “There’s no doubt he knows exactly what he is doing when he’s making these statements, or making misrepresentations that Hamas has agreed to recognize Israel if certain conditions occur, or to the book he wrote [‘Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid’] referring to Israel.”
Believe it or not, when he was in the Oval Office, President Carter rejected someone for a position on the board of the Holocaust Memorial Council because the guy’s name was too Jewish. That’s right the Holocaust Memorial Council. Monroe Freedman, who was executive director of the council during Carter’s presidency, told a reporter that Aaron Klein, that a noted Holocaust scholar who was a Presbyterian Christian, was rejected from the council’s board by Carter’s office because the scholar’s name “sounded too Jewish.”
MEMRI: Germany-Based ISIS Supporter And Academic Malik Fndy, Arrested Following Release Of MEMRI TV Clip, Resumes Pro-ISIS Facebook Activity
In February 2016, German police arrested Malik Fndy, a Syrian-born Ph.D. student at the Technical University of Darmstadt, who had posted several videos on his private YouTube account proclaiming his support of ISIS. Fndy had also made numerous pro-ISIS posts on his Facebook account. The arrest followed a MEMRI TV clip in which Fndy explained why he supported ISIS and justified the terrorist organization's burning of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh, as well as its practice of stoning women accused of adultery.NETHERLANDS: Islamic Sharia Police patrol stores looking for Israeli products and demanding their removal
Following the initial investigation, Fndy posted another YouTube video in which he complained about "a distortion campaign by some German and American journalists" and thanked the German police for its "just treatment" of him. At that point, Fndy halted his Facebook activity.
On May 19, Fndy resumed his activity on Facebook. "This is my new account," he wrote, "after my old account was disabled by Facebook… The Islamic Caliphate State is here to stay and to expand, whether the infidels, the [Shi'ite] Rafidites, the apostates, the hypocrites, and the traitors like it or not. I hope that this account will be a platform for stating Truth and vanquishing Falsehood… Your brother, Malik Fndy." Since then, he has made numerous posts praising ISIS and attacking its enemies. He also posted a description of an exchange he had with one of his German interrogators.
Their stated purpose was to track down Israeli products or products promoting Israeli interests in stores, and to demand their removal from the shelves. This operation was conducted jointly with the Nida , a Muslim communalist party founded in late 2013, and supported by the SP, the Socialist Party of the Netherlands.Israel’s embassy in Berlin slams visit by hate preacher who called for death to all Jews
Only Geert Wilders and some journalists like Cornelis IJzerdraat to Nieuwspraak , were moved to condemn this Islamic police operation, the latter drawing a parallel … with Kristallnacht (the destruction of Jewish shops, homes, synagogues by the Nazis in Germany):
“At the end of the thirties of last century, our eastern neighbors also had patrols to label products” non-compliant “and Jewish people” as degenerate.” They also wore uniforms and were to mark everything “Jewish”. And now, in 2016, others want to exterminate all Jewish-produced products … A Kristallnacht 2.0
Israel’s deputy chief envoy to Germany condemned on Monday the appearance of a Pakistani religious leader who has called for the elimination of all Jews.IsraellyCool: South African Rap-Rave Group Die Antwoord To BDS-Holes: “F*** You!”
The Stuttgarter Nachrichten newspaper published an article Monday about Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai’s European tour.
On Friday, the Islamic hate preacher addressed some 300 men and teenage boys Friday at Al-Madina mosque in Bad Cannstatt, a historic district in Stuttgart, the state capital of Baden-Württemberg.
Mustafai has said in a video posted on YouTube: “When the Jews are annihilated, the world will be cleansed.”
Mustafai has previously said: “When the Jews are wiped out… the sun of peace [will] begin to rise on the entire world.”
South African rap-rave group Die Antwoord played in Rishon Le Zion, Israel Wednesday night, around the same time palestinian terrorists were shooting up civilians in Tel Aviv. And they made sure to address the BDS-holes who were trying to pressure them to boycott Israel.Israel-Obsessed Salon's Boring Refrains and Inevitable Hypocrisy
I’m from a little asshole at the bottom of the world called South Africa. I failed at school, I’m not that clever but I like rap music. I don’t watch the news, I don’t know what the f##k’s going on with a lot of shit except this shit right f##king here. So they told us “Are you playing in Israel?” Dope, Israel! I know a lot of mother f##kers on Instagram from Israel, they’re like “Yo Ninja, come to Israel!” I’m cool, I’m coming… then everyone be getting their f##king panties in a knot, because like “Why you going to Israel? Don’t go to Israel! We like… F##k you! We make music for you mother f##kers, I don’t give a f##k about anything else outside this whole shit, this is us and you, f##k the world, f##k everything, there’s just this shit. So thank you very much for having us!
In their song "Heaven," the Talking Heads sardonically describe a tedious heaven in which a band "plays my favorite song; they play it once again; they play it all night long."VICE News Parrots BDS Talking Points
If that’s the case, must be heaven for anti-Israel activists. Type "Israel" into the site’s search bar, and the monochrome results are enough to bore even the most excitable of Israel’s opponents and defenders. The abridged headlines include:
• NY Gov. Cuomo signs ‘unconstitutional, McCarthyite’ pro-Israel ...
• ‘Israel is occupation-addicted’: Israeli journalist Gideon Levy blasts ...
• The new McCarthyism is pro-Israel: Legal groups slam NY Gov ...
•‘We must counter Israel's McCarthyism’: Meet the Palestinian ...
• Israel is ‘infected by the seeds of fascism’ and has been taken over ...
• IDF general compares Israel to Nazi Germany, then walks back ...
• ‘Ethnic cleansing’ is shockingly popular in Israel: Almost half of ...
• Why Rolling Stones shouldn't play in Israel
• Free speech for all on campus! Unless you're criticizing Israel, that is ...
• I won't vote for Bernie Sanders: His feeble position on Israel is a ...
• Hillary leads to more war: Her latest speech on Israel is just the ...
And so on. And so on. And so on. And so on.
VICE News has earned itself a reputation for leaving out important context in reporting on diverse issues. The issue of Israel is no exception. Recently, CAMERA researchers analyzed two VICE articles about Israel that were found to be riddled with distortions and omissions of critical facts.New anti-Semitism definition replaces abandoned EU version
On June 2nd, VICE News again failed to provide substantive information, this time on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. VICE reporter Justin Ling published a piece investigating recent cyber-attacks on websites that support BDS. In the article, Ling describes BDS as a movement that:
…seeks to encourage individuals and businesses to end their financial relationship with Israel and any organizations based there, in order to apply pressure on the government to end the occupation of Palestine and improve human rights conditions for those living in the occupied territories.
That is a wholesale distortion of what the movement actually believes and what actions they take to achieve their goals. Reading Ling's description would cause one to regard BDS as nothing more than a group of peace-loving world citizens who display benign signs at protests and congregate at community centers to brainstorm non-violent ideas on how to make the world a better place.
The new international definition of anti-Semitism that mentions Israel hatred was adopted in part to replace a similar one scrapped by the European Union, an initiator of the new text said.Synagogue, rabbi's home vandalized in France
Robert Williams, a delegate of the United States at the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, or IHRA, told JTA on Tuesday that his intergovernmental agency of 31 Western nations adopted its new definition of anti-Semitism last month partly as a response to the 2013 removal from the website of the EU’s anti-racism agency of a definition that also mentioned demonizing Israel as an example of anti-Semitism.
“After that happened, we decided at IHRA to have discussions about adopting a definition, and the result was the adoption of a text very similar to the definition abandoned by the European Union,” Williams said.
Manifestations of anti-Semitism, the new definition reads, “might include the targeting of the State of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collective,” though “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic.”
Like the abandoned EU definition, the IHRA text also lists comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany as anti-Semitic.
A synagogue in the town of Verdun near France’s eastern border was vandalized over the weekend, the European Jewish Press reports.Canada’s post office halts delivery of anti-Semitic Toronto paper
Worshippers discovered swastikas and white supremacist slogans scrawled on the house of prayer, including the phrase “white power”. Similar graffiti was also found on the house of a local rabbi.
This is the second such incident in as many months.
Francis Kalifat, the President of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (Crif), condemned the vandalism on Twitter.
“The vandalism of a place of worship is unacceptable. I strongly condemn the anti-Semitic tags on the Verdun synagogue.”
Unlike much of the anti-Semitism plaguing Parisian Jews, this incident appears to be the work of the far-right, rather than Islamic radicals.
Canada’s post office says it will no longer deliver a Toronto-area newspaper described as openly anti-Semitic.Italy’s parliament approves bill criminalizing Holocaust denial
Judy Foote, the federal minister responsible for Canada Post, issued an order on June 6 against the future delivery of Your Ward News, a free, low-budget newspaper sent to homes in the east end of Toronto.
The publication has been the subject of complaints for years, the Canadian Jewish News reported. It has railed against “cultural Marxism” and lashed out at Zionists, Jewish communal leaders, feminism and welfare recipients, and has mocked the Holocaust. The newspaper has defended itself as satire protected by free speech.
B’nai Brith Canada said it has received “literally hundreds of phone calls and emails from people who have felt victimized by the content in this publication.”
Italy’s Parliament approved a bill making spreading Holocaust denial illegal.Pope Francis to visit Auschwitz in July
The bill, which adds to an existing anti-racism bill, was approved Wednesday evening by the lower assembly of the Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, by a vote of 237-5, with 102 abstentions.
The new law would go after those who deny genocide or crimes against humanity, using the definition by the International Court of Justice, the German news agency DPA reported. Those convicted could face prison terms of two to six years.
Pope Francis will visit Auschwitz during a trip to Poland, the Vatican announced.New dental implant tech speeds and improves bone growth
The pope is scheduled to visit the Nazi death camp on July 29 as part of a five-day trip. He will deliver an address at the site.
His immediate two predecessors — Benedict and John Paul II — also visited Auschwitz during their tenures.
On July 31, the last day of his visit to Poland, the pope will celebrate the closing Mass of World Youth Day at the Campus Misericordiae. Later that afternoon he will deliver an address to World Youth Day volunteers.
One million European Jews and more than 100,000 others died at Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945.
In ancient Egypt, missing teeth were sometimes replaced with carved seashells or pebbles anchored in the jawbone. Modern implant dentistry is a lot more sophisticated, but the basic idea is the same: placing an artificial root into the jawbone to hold a replacement tooth (crown).Australia’s richest man funds educational projects for Negev Beduin
The two-part procedure begins with screwing a titanium “root” into the jawbone and waiting three to six months until the bone grows firmly around it – called “osseointegration.” A healing abutment, or cap, is placed on top of the implant to help the gum heal, and then it’s replaced with a regular cap in which the crown is connected to the implant.
The Israeli company Magdent says its revolutionary MED (miniaturized electronic device) built into the healing abutment makes the bone grow three times faster by transmitting an electromagnetic field into the implant and the surrounding bone graft.
Electromagnetic fields have long been used by orthopedists to heal complicated bone fractures because they encourage the creation of bone-building cells.
Jewish billionaire businessman Harry Oscar Triguboff, the richest person in Australia, established an institute in Israel in 2011. It is now investing in projects to improve the quality of life of the Negev’s Beduin.IsraellyCool: Brian Wilson: “I’ve Always Wanted To Go (To Israel)”
The Jerusalem-based Triguboff Institute is partnering in various projects, including the establishment of an elite Negev Beduin co-ed high school that is set to open in September.
“The aim is to help integrate the Beduin into mainstream Israeli society,” Shalom Norman, CEO of the Triguboff Institute, told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.
The organization is also looking into other initiatives to raise the living standards of Beduin in the South.
He said that the fact that the school principal is a woman means that parents of girls may be more comfortable sending their daughters. Also, it will include youth from different tribes and families, a new concept in the Arab sector.
And come here he did, performing the very same night of the Tel Aviv terror attacks (and Die Antwoord show) – bringing some joy to fans.Brian Wilson June 8, 2016 live in Israel - God Only Knows
Something he knew from reading a report of it – and which he proudly posted on his Facebook page.
He also proudly posted a photo of receiving the keys to Tel Aviv.
Meanwhile, here is some footage from his Israeli concert playing some of his classics.

