We've previously reported on Palestinian protests in Lebanon against UNRWA for its new rule that says that Palestinians must pay 5 percent of their bill at hospitals run by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society and 15 percent at Lebanese government hospitals.
The protests have continued and escalated over the past month. Yesterday, protesters blocked the entrance to the Beirut UNRWA office so no one could get any UNRWA services.
An Arabic article about the protests yesterday says:
The battle with UNRWA and donor countries continue over the right of comprehensive hospitalization which is the natural right of the Palestinian refugees and it is forbidden to reduce it or barter it away.As the fake "refugee" population grows ever larger and international funding gets spread thinner, there will be more and more of these issues coming up. Palestinians don't think about how to become self sufficient, or how to demand their rights under an apartheid Lebanese regime that limits where they can live and what jobs they can have. Instead, they demand free healthcare as a "right" and they demand that the international community helps them by giving them welfare forever.
In response to the UNRWA decision Palestinians protested the lack of giving Palestinian refugees their right to full and comprehensive hospitalization. National and Islamic Palestinian factions and popular committees closed the main office of UNRWA in Beirut and the parking areas to prevent the entry of staff to the offices to work or the use of their cars except for doctors...
Everyone emphasized that the steps of escalation will grow against UNRWA for unfairness to the Palestinian refugees. Also Palestinian political forces denounced the silence of the international community towards this crisis.
By a strange twist of logic, the idea of being on charity forever is considered "honor." The reason, which we have mentioned before, is because Western payments to Palestinians isn't considered aid, but a jizya tax - something to which they are entitled.
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