10. Hamas accuses Israel of being behind Paris attacks, threatens to kill all French immigrants to Israel
Par for the course.
8. Introducing the First International Ayatollah Khamenei Cartoon and Poster Contest
7. Gaza's Shujaiyeh will not be rebuilt anytime soon - because of its propaganda value
And it is still in ruins.
6. How to manipulate photos to tell an anti-Israel story
Making it look like IDF is attacking a little kid. Video shows how photos lie.
5. Some Charlie Hebdo cartoons that are offensive to Jews
4. Hebrew language charter school in Washington DC serves diverse student body
A feel-good story and video.
3. Outstanding speech by Matti Friedman (UPDATE: Video)
2. Reporters in Malmo, Sweden put on a kipah, Stars of David and get threatened by residents
1. The collection of Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons
What the media didn't want you to see.
These may be the most popular, but they are not the best. That list is coming up, based on comments. (Hint - they are on the sidebar.)