This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.
Former MB leader: "We are able to face the Jews in any war"
Mohammed Mahdi Akef, former head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, said in a TV interview that the group has the ability to prepare fighters "to confront the Jews in any war."
He cited a couple of incidents in 1948 where…Read More
Sacramento City Council unanimously names Ashkelon as sister cityFrom the Sacramento Bee:
The Sacramento City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to name Ashkelon, Israel, as a sister city.
Most of those in a packed City Council Chambers stood and applauded following the vote. The co…Read More
Islamic solidarity summit underwayThis is very interesting, and severely under-reported in Western media:
Almost all the heads of state of Muslim states from across the globe gathered for a summit called by the Islamic world’s respected leader, Custodian of …Read More
Egyptian media: "127 North Koreans to join IDF" From Al Masry Al Youm, Shorouk News and others:
"The Jerusalem Post" reports that an Israeli plane carrying about 350 migrants from North Korea, including 127 young men and women scheduled to join the Israeli army, arrived i…Read More
Lebanese cleric warns of a Jewish fifth column in Islamic worldHere's today's Arab anti-semitism, from the Mufti of Mount Lebanon:
In El Nashra, Sheikh Mohammed Ali Jawzo warns that "there is a major plot revolving around us, ...there are Jews in the heart of the Islamic nation, unfortu…Read More
This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.
King David’s Hostage Negotiations
At the end of this week, Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday
of Purim. The annual commemoration of the divine salvation from
extermination ...
Weekend long read
1) At the INSS, Kobi Michael and Yoel Guzansky analyse ‘The Language of the
Arab Initiative for Gaza’s Reconstruction’. “An analysis of the official...
Weekend long read
1) At the INSS, Kobi Michael and Yoel Guzansky analyse ‘The Language of the
Arab Initiative for Gaza’s Reconstruction’. “An analysis of the official...
How the Jews were saved in 16th century Cairo
According to Jewish tradition, Purim celebrates the day on which the Jews
of Cairo were spared from the slaughter planned for them by the city’s
This is Sali, the LSW posting for Yaakov. Yaakov is recovering from a stoke
that he had about a month ago. Thank you all so very much for your good
Peter Beinart’s anti-Jewish Purim Propaganda
Peter Beinart is not the first person to accuse Jews of genocide in the
Purim story. It is a staple of antisemites. Beinart’s perversion is to make
this ac...
Hamas/Gaza War Musings #43: VICTORY Not Oratory
Day after day, lives lost to terror-- this war doesn't seem even close to
the end. For me the end of the war must be our victory. If Bibi serves us
Emigration to Mandate Palestine from the Hauran
A report on the present conditions in the Hauran was published in the
Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society in 1936.
One of the topics was the emigr...
BBC put on a Hamas Propaganda Pantomime
The BBC just aired a new documentary on Gaza. It was titled ‘How to Survive
a Warzone’ and this is one of the worst Palestinian propaganda pantomimes
One Choice: Fight to Win
Yesterday Israel preempted a potentially disastrous attack by Hezbollah on
the center of the country. Thirty minutes before launch time, our aircraft
Closing Jews Down Under Website
With a heavyish heart I am closing down the website after ten years.
It is and it isn’t an easy decision after 10 years of constant work. The
‘Test & Trace’ is a mirage
Lockdown II thoughts: Day 1 Opposition politicians have been banging on
about the need for a ‘working’ Test & Trace system even more loudly than
the govern...