Here's an example of what Abbas is praising.
This photo, of Arab youths throwing rocks at a Jerusalem light rail train, was taken this weekend:
As the lighted sign on the train indicates, this rail line serves Arab sections of Jerusalem as well as Jewish areas.
Look at the size of the brick in the hand of the right-most terrorist:
That could easily kill someone if thrown hard enough at a moving vehicle.
Now imagine how police in Chicago or London or Oslo would react to direct assaults on their mass transit lines.
And ask yourself why this story did not even make the Israeli newspapers.
The answer is because this stone throwing happens every single day.
Now imagine a society where young men who throw bricks at innocent civilians are lauded as heroes by their leaders. Where they are encouraged to act this way, and indoctrinated since they are very young to throw stones at Jews.
You don't have to imagine it. Mahmoud Abbas just praised them.
And the UN dedicated a year to that exact society.