Friday, June 12, 2015

  • Friday, June 12, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
I recently saw a video, produced for a synagogue dinner, asking Holocaust survivors what their message was to future generations.

It is an open ended question. Some spoke about the importance of maintaining Jewish culture and faith, others about being happy with what you have and to be kind to others.

A surprising number, unprompted, spoke about the importance of Israel.

One said that Israel must be strong to ensure that there would never be another Holocaust. He mused what would have happened if an Israeli air force existed during the Holocaust.

Another said for Jews to go to Israel and volunteer to help because Israel is there to help all Jews, wherever they are.

One women survivor said "The Jewish people should have a Jewish state and we should be proud of it."

The people who saw the face of absolute evil viscerally understand how important it is to have a Jewish state. To them, Israel is not only a refuge but also an actor that would go anywhere in the world to help Jews. This idea is very powerful for those who lost so much..

It is a moral argument in a world that has forgotten what morality is.


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