GENEVA (19 June 2015) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Makarim Wibisono, today expressed deep concern about the human rights situation of Palestinians living under the 48-year-long Israeli occupation.-
“Accounts show that occupation policies constrain Palestinian life and push Palestinians to leave their land and homes, especially in area C of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem,” said the expert after his second mission to the region.
Let's see how effective these supposed policies are.
Here is a graph of the population of Jerusalem, Arab and Jewish, over the past 90 years or so:
Not only has there never been as many Arabs living in Jerusalem as today, but the proportion of Arabs to Jews has been steadily increasing since 1967 from 26% to 36%.
How about Area C? Accurate figures are hard to come by, but let's see how Amira Hass reported it last year in Haaretz:
Some 300,000 Palestinians live in Area C, the part of the West Bank under full Israeli control, according to new data published Tuesday by a UN body. That figure is considerably higher than 150,000 to 180,000 Palestinians said to live in the area, according to a 2008 estimate by the Israeli NGO, Bimkom, Planners for Planning Rights.The UNHRC is, once again, lying.
Why no one cares that the UN effortlessly lies is an entirely different question.
(h/t Mitchell)