@Robbythecoolcat We protect all people even Jews. We do not discriminate, there're are Jews among us and enjoy all freedom #AskHamas
— Huda Naim (@HudanaimMP) March 13, 2015
. @irish4israel To Hamas, a free Palestinian state will be open to and welcome & give equal rights to all regardless of religion #AskHamas
— Huda Naim (@HudanaimMP) March 13, 2015
.@ZoroastrianFunk Respect for all religions is our strong belief and life long policy.
— Rawhi Mushtaha (@RawhiMushtaha) March 14, 2015
. @AnarchoZionist 1) Hamas and Palestinians have no problem with Jews. We are occupied by zionists. #AskHamas
— Rawhi Mushtaha (@RawhiMushtaha) March 14, 2015
. @AnarchoZionist 2) When Palestinians speak about 'Jews', the context is ALWAYS about those who occupy us and kill us. #AskHamas
— Rawhi Mushtaha (@RawhiMushtaha) March 14, 2015
So let's take a trip down MEMRI (and PMW) lane:
Kids rapping at a Hamas rally:
Hamas TV kiddie show:
Hamas MP al-Astal, referring to Jews:
It is also interesting to see Hamas' Western groupies happily retweeting the lies as if Hamas' word is gospel.