Safadi is a "professor of hadith" at Islamic University of Gaza.
His article, entitled "Jews only understand the language of force," uses Koranic "proofs" for how Jews think.
After the usual praises for Allah and confirming the supposed Hamas "victory" he says "The Muslim religion and the methods of the beloved Muhammad peace be upon him teaches the mechanism to deal with the Jews so we can achieve victory after victory."
As he narrates, the Jews of Medina spurned the generous offer of Mohammed to have them convert to Islam, or else they would be killed. The obstinate Jews declined this generous offer and they instead chose to resist, proving their hatred. (Those Jews who didn't convert were eventually beheaded, in Allah's mercy.)
After giving another example of similar Jewish recalcitrance to do the reasonable thing, Safadi says that clearly negotiating with Jews today will not result in the desired end result that he describes in the beginning: "the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine."
Can you imagine the nerve of those Jews for not surrendering meekly to crazed Islamists?
He's not being antisemitic - he's just describing the character of the Jews as seen in the Koran. It is very scientific!