Abbas spokesman says he’s ‘ready for historic compromise’Nabil Abu Rudeineh did not say that Abbas is ready for a historic compromise. He was responding that Netanyahu's statement that Israel is ready to accept a historic compromise, insisting that Israel must include certain conditions in any peace plan.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is ready for a historic compromise for peace, his spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said on Monday.
After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s fiery response to Abbas’s UN speech last week in which the Pa leader accused Israel of conducting a “war of genocide” in Gaza, Abu Rudeineh said that the solution must be based on UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, Israel Radio reported.
He also said the solution would have to include a Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem, an immediate end to settlement activity, and the lifting of the blockade in Gaza.
And the Western media missed one of his conditions: to make holy places like the Temple Mount, Rachel's Tomb and the Ma'arat HaMachpela (Tomb of the Patriarchs) Judenfrei.
As Arabic media widely reports, Rudeineh said that any agreement must also include "stopping the activities of extremists in holy places."
Anyone who follows Arab media knows that to them, any Jews who want to visit their own holy sites, no matter how peacefully, are called "extremists." Abbas is saying that Jews must be banned from their holy spots.
When Netanyahu said he was ready for a "historic compromise," the response of the PA leadership was to add a new obstacle to peace, one that must disgust any truly peace-seeking Westerner, to ban Jews from their most sacred sites.
The Abbas' spokesman's response to Netanyahu's speech proves yet again that Palestinian hate is the obstacle to peace. This is the basic fact about the conflict that the Western media and governments adamantly refuse to believe..