Wednesday, July 23, 2014

  • Wednesday, July 23, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday was another day of insane, hate filled, anti-Israel vitriol at the UN Human Right Council, in a special meeting convened purely for the purpose of slandering Israel. 

Forgetting the one-sided, slanderous accusations of many of the members of the UNHRC, let's look at what Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - someone who has an obligation to be fair - had to say.

While she gave lip service to being against Hamas rockets towards Israeli civilians, it is clear who she wanted to attack.

She "expressed concern about a significant rise in incitement to violence against Palestinians, including through social media."

Yes, really. Even though the Arabs openly celebrate every Israeli death, hand out candies for apparent kidnappings, are fed a steady diet of antisemitism in their mainstream media, are taught that Jews must be destroyed under Muslim beliefs, shout "Death to the Jews" and similar invective in every demonstration, and whose favorite hashtag along with their supporters over the past couple of weeks has been "#HitlerWasRight" - she is concerned about Israeli incitement of a few Israeli idiots on Facebook?

Israelis as a whole were disgusted by the brutal murder of a single Arab last month by one of their own. That was abundantly clear from their actions and from the Israeli media across the board. There has never, in history, been a comparable revulsion by a significant group of Arabs - let alone an entire nation - about the deaths of any Israeli or Jew.

For Pillay to single out Israeli incitement is perverse.

"Israel held obligations as an Occupying Power, and both Palestinians and Israelis deserved better than a life of chronic insecurity and recurring escalation in hostilities."

Is there any better proof that Israel doesn't legally occupy Gaza than this inane statement? She is saying that Israel has obligations as an occupier to help stop hostilities, seemingly on both sides.

But Israel couldn't stop Hamas from building tunnels and rockets and importing anti-tank rockets unless they really were occupying Gaza.

Yes, if Israel controlled Gaza, this bloodshed would not have occurred, and the fact that Hamas has built such an extensive terror tunnel network is because Israel isn't occupying Gaza! Even the UN, when pressed, cannot find a coherent reason to consider Gaza "occupied" - yet they maintain that fiction.

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