Mustafa Elfenn says that the only time that the Moroccan Jews publicly protested anything was in 2003, when they held a rally against terrorist bombings carried out by Muslim extremists in Casablanca.
Elfenn asserts that all Moroccans across the spectrum, with the exception of the Jews, "condemned and denounced the aggression that targeted unarmed Palestinian civilians."
"The silence of the Jewish community of Morocco about developments taking place in Gaza raises the question about the ambiguous relationship between some of this community with the Jewish state," he says. He quickly adds "We do not question the loyalty of any one of our citizens" but he is troubled by this silence.
Not that he is calling for Moroccan Muslims to attack Jews. Of course not:
We are against any violence targeting any Moroccan citizen... but the silence of the Moroccan Jewish community to condemn the massacres of the Israeli aggression against Gaza is abuse to the Jewish religion itself. Rather, this silence gives justification for some to ask questions about the limits of the similarity of some Moroccan Jews with the positions of the state and society for crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip against international law.How comfortable Moroccan Jews must feel knowing that their media is telling them that if they don't publicly side with anti-Israel fanatics, their status as citizens are suspect.
Nothing justifies the attack on the Moroccan Jews, justice will reach all who dared to touch the security of any Moroccan whatever faith, but on the other hand Moroccan Jews should not have their silence allow people to doubt them. In other words, silence is not worthy of you, because Israel is not a threat to the Arabs or Muslims only, but is a danger to Jews and Judaism as well.