The reconciliation agreement between the two major Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, which was signed in Gaza on Wednesday, is based on a two-state solution and recognizes the State of Israel, senior Fatah official Jibril Rajoub said on Thursday.So why isn't Haniyeh saying this?
"The reconciliation that we achieved will be implemented according to the program of Abu Mazen [Palestinian President Mahmuod Abbas] which recognizes the state of Israel," Rajoub said, in an interview with Army Radio's Good Morning Israel program.
He added that the two-state solution envisages "a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders and the state of Israel with its capital in West Jerusalem." Hamas leader Ismail Haniya "is obliged to uphold Abu Mazen's policy," Rajoub stressed.
He stressed that "when the government is established with Abu Mazen at its head, he will express clearly and unequivocally that he accepts the terms of the Quartet and that his government accepts the two-state solution."
Not one Hamas media outlet says that it accepts Israel's existence.
When a Hamas official steps forward and says that, sure, Hamas accepts the terms given by the Quartet, and lives past that evening, then maybe there is something to talk about.
Until then, why is a Fatah official telling the world Hamas' supposed position?
We know Fatah is playing games. Fatah knows it is playing games.
Haaretz is a bit too dim to realize it.
Only two months ago this same Jibril Rajoub was in Iran saying that Fatah never abandoned terror. Too bad Haaretz (and Army Radio) didn't think of mentioning that when relaying his wonderful, optimistic words.