A veteran Canadian author and editor says that Canada is home to one of the largest Israeli lobbies in the West, and there are numerous Jewish advocacy organizations that pursue the interests of the Israeli regime and have long launched a massive campaign against freedom of speech in the name of combating “anti-Semitism”.The poor guy is just being persecuted over his criticisms of Israel! Not an antisemitic bone in his body.
According to Arthur Topham, the major mission of these organizations is to advocate for any and all things Jewish and anything connected with Israel and with maintaining the status quo mindset which includes ongoing propaganda and advocacy related to the Holocaust Myth, pushing the whole “anti-Semitism” and “racism” issues in order to gain political points with whatever government is in power and also a strong focus on maintaining and strengthening Canada’s “hate crime” laws which act as a major defense against the Canadians who try to expose the crimes of Israel against the Palestinian people and who criticize the Zionist ideology and all the related issues connected with Jewish financial and media and corporate power around the world.”
Arthur Topham is a 67-year-old writer, gold miner and publisher of the Radical Press (www.radicalpress.com), an alternative internet news and opinion website which has been in continuous operation in British Columbia since June 1998.
Since 2007, Topham has been accused by the Canadian government of spreading anti-Semitic sentiments and promoting hatred against “people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group.” He has been arrested and jailed once for publishing materials which were critical of the Israeli regime’s treatment of the Palestinian people. He is currently being investigated in a court and if found guilty, he could receive a two-year jail sentence and be prohibited from publishing.
“It’s important for readers to understand that all the so-called “hate crimes” which we hear constantly being spoken and written about in the Jewish-controlled mainstream media are products of the efforts of the Zionist lobby groups here in Canada and elsewhere to manufacture legal mechanisms that could be used by either “human rights” commissions and tribunals or the criminal code of the Canadian judicial system to control and censor the fundamental right to free expression or “freedom of speech”, especially as it now is being applied to the internet here in Canada,” said Topham in an exclusive interview with Fars News Agency.
Except for this:
To answer your question about why the Israeli lobby is so powerful and dominant in Canada I suspect that the reasons are no different than what you would find were you to ask that same question of any western nation where the Jews have settled in numbers prior to and since the turn of the 20th century. One of the primary sources for the dispensing of their disproportional power and influence has been their secretive masonic organization known as B’nai Brith, a Rothschild-funded, occult hierarchical system founded in the USA in 1843 and now having thousands upon thousands of lodges and chapters around the world. The first Canadian B’nai Brith masonic lodge was established in Toronto back in 1875 and by the beginning of the 1900s the Jews were already well established in Eastern Canada with sizeable communities in Montreal and Toronto.
Just in case you aren't convinced, here is an amusing anecdote from when he was arrested for hate crimes in 2012:
Police arrested Mr. Topham and questioned him on May 16. According to a transcript of his police interview that was posted online, he asked the investigating officer, Det. Const. Terry Wilson of the B.C. Hate Crime Team, whether he had been trained in Tel Aviv or whether Mossad had come to Canada to train him.
He lectured the officer about how Jews “control what you’re doing” and said they had “created the unit you’re working for.” He asked the officer if he was a Christian and scolded him for what he was doing.
“These guys have spent the last 2,000 years trying to destroy our religion, and you like a Judas are out here like a, like one of their dogs chasing down people who are trying to defend the Christian religion,” he said. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself.”