Monday, March 03, 2014
Monday, March 03, 2014
Elder of Ziyon
Here is a flyer from Students for Justice in Palestine about an "Israel Apartheid Week" event this Thursday at Brooklyn College:
According to this flyer, the Sociology Department and Political Science Department are co-sponsoring an event meant to destroy Israel.
And the Political Science Department Facebook page confirms it.
But if you look at the small print - not even readable in the image on the SJP page - the PoliSci Department tries to have its cake and eat it too:
"'Co-sponsor' does not imply endorsement of any viewpoints expressed at the event."
So what exactly does it mean? Usually it entails giving money towards the event's expenses, so it means that Brooklyn College department budgets are going to pay Ali Abuminah to push his vision of a world without Israel.
This tiny, almost unreadable disclaimer is meaningless. Sponsoring means that these departments believe that the message being offered deserves to be listened to, under their aegis. I somehow doubt that these same departments would offer a platform to David Duke with a similar disclaimer.
And they are even less likely to sponsor Moshe Feiglin.
Last November, when the same departments "supported" Ben White, the college also said that it does not necessarily endorse the viewpoints of those it sponsors. As absurd as that explanation was, this case is even worse, because these departments are associating themselves not only with specific anti-Israel speakers but with a specifically anti-Israel event whose very name is meant to be libelous. These departments are not just sponsoring a hater - they are supporting the entire concept of "Israel Apartheid Week."
Sorry, Brooklyn College. You are clearly showing your support for the unconscionable, notwithstanding pathetic attempts to pretend otherwise.
(h/t David L)