And the posters are clearly making the haters nervous.
Ben White, whom I have already exposed as a hypocrite who doesn't give a damn about the Palestinians he pretends to be defending, publishes a spoof of my posters on his Facebook page, using the identical style and font, substituting the word "Democracy?" for "Apartheid?":
Let's forget the fact that every democracy in the world has laws limiting who can become citizens of their countries. Lets' forget the fact that there is no Palestinian Arab "right of return" under international law (despite the sputterings of the haters.) Let's forget the fact that the definition of "refugee" for Palestinians is not the same as the definition of refugee for anyone else in the world.
Let's look instead at where White got this photo from.
It comes from an article in the Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists written by Maha Al-Kahef, Marina Ferhatovic and Haneen Aweis.
The article is about how Jordan discriminates against its Palestinian citizens!
A quote from this article:
In total there are between 2 and 3 million Palestinian refugees in Jordan. Matar Saqar, press officer at UNRWA, believes that many of them don’t have equal rights as other citizens: “There is discrimination within certain areas of work. Palestinians don’t always have the same possibility to work within the government, police, security or social services. Our loyalty to the state is always under doubt”.In other words, the photo that White uses to somehow cast doubt on Israel's democracy was meant to show how Jordanians discriminate against their own citizens who happen to identify as Palestinian!
White proves once again that White is not pro-Palestinian in any sense of the word. He takes a picture meant to expose Jordan's own apartheid and ignore the context to try (poorly) to demonize Israel.
So I decided to correct White's failed attempt at turning the tables on what can only be described as a very successful campaign against Israel haters like him.
White does deserve a hat tip for finding a really great photo to illustrate Jordanian apartheid.
(h/t Daphne Anson)