The cures are virtually total and there are no side effects, according to the spokesmen.
The cure seems to be a combination of pills and some sort of medical device. It was found ten years after the army came up with a simple device to detect the viruses.
After animal testing, clinical trials showed a near-100% cure rate.
According to documents shown in this stirring video announcement, the devices use "innovative electro-magnetic signals" to eliminate the diseases.
Here is a picture of the device that either detects or cures the disease. It does not touch the patient at all!
The President of Egypt as well as General Sisi and other officials praised the announcement.
Unfortunately, a leading Egyptian scientist is raining on this parade.
Dr. Essam Heggy, Science Advisor to the President of the Republic, launched a sharp attack on the invention, describing the innovation as a "scientific scandal." In remarks to Al-Watan newspaper, he said that the invention is not convincing and has no scientific basis and this is clear from the demonstration of the device which was broadcast on TV. In addition nothing about this "cure" has been published in any prestigious scientific journals.
"In my personal opinion this hurts the image of the state, and would be counterproductive in scientific research, and I had hoped that there will be greater advanced warning about what was said in the dissemination of such information," Heggy said.
"I want to be clear and explicit, what has been said and published about the invention of the armed forces hurts the image of scientists and science in Egypt; the foreign press will translate the press conference announcing the invention and it will be used negatively in abusing the image Egypt internationally."
UPDATE: MEMRI has video, and it is hilarious: