Monday, December 09, 2013

The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees,which has 340,000 members, recently sent a group of delegates to the West Bank. The resulting article in their monthly magazine is filled with anti-Israel (and antisemitic) propaganda., a pro-Israel Norwegian website, reports that the article accuses Israel of "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing"  against Palestinian Arabs, It notes that the Arab population in the area has increased by a factor of ten in the past 100 years, and compares that to Norway's population which has only doubled in the same time period. If the Palestinian Arabs have suffered "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing," as the union claims, then what do you call what happened to Norwegians?

The article shows this photo and caption:

"At the very holy Ibrahim Mosque in the town of Hebron in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers restrict access for Palestinians."

Nothing about how this was a holy Jewish site before Islam existed. Nothing about the Jewish forefathers and mothers buried there. It is a very holy mosque, and Jews are restricting access (I suppose keeping out people with guns is "restricting access.")

The article also says, as fact, "Israeli settlers are known to poison wells." Thus we see the medieval blood libel of Jews poisoning wells has become accepted as truth in the 21st century.

(h/t Antisemitism-Europe blog)

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