Already the first episode is available in multiple sites, including YouTube. Apparently it was broadcast Wednesday night.
I found episode 2 here; no doubt in a few hours it will be on YouTube as well.
The synopsis of Episode 2 sounds nearly identical to recent Arabic articles about what is happening in Egypt. Jewish leaders of Khaybar ignite war between Arab tribes to weaken their strength, as they set fires to the houses of the Arabs to incite them to fight each other.
I don't understand the Arabic, but the obviously evil Jewish characters are ugly and overact, while the "good Jews" who are disgusted by how their leaders act and the Arabs are attractive.
The Internet ensures that the entire Arabic-speaking world, including in Europe, will see this incitement within hours of the original broadcasts.
There are many competing Ramadan programs, but Khaybar is the only historical drama being broadcast. The media has played it up as an must-see TV event.
And still, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty refuse to comment on this clear mass incitement against Jews.