There is no place the IDF can’t reach, says Netanyahu
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday reminded the world of the IDF’s capabilities, speaking during a Knesset ceremony marking the 37-year anniversary of Operation Yonatan, the raid on Uganda’s Entebbe airport to free over 100 passengers held hostage after a terrorist hijacking.With Eye on Iran, U.S. to Provide Israel with Special Forces-Friendly Tiltrotor Airplanes
“The threats upon us for the past 37 years continue,” said Netanyahu. “But the example of Entebbe shows we can overcome them, and today, too, I say that there is no place that the IDF’s long arm will not reach in order to defend the state of Israel.”
The Osprey “is the ideal platform for sending Israeli special forces into Iran,” says Kenneth Pollack, a former CIA analyst now at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy. The aircraft could help solve Israel’s inability to breach Iran’s uranium enrichment facility buried under a granite mountain at Fordow. It might be impregnable to even the heaviest conventional bunker-busting munitions in the U.S. arsenal, Pollack said. Israeli military planners have been brainstorming how to conduct an effective operation, Pollack said, citing conversations with senior Israeli military officers.Shoppers told to buy Israeli goods in new campaign
British shoppers will be encouraged to buy Israeli products next week as part of an initiative to counter boycott campaigns.
Dates, fruit, olives and wines are expected to be among the items that Israel supporters add to their shopping trolleys and baskets.
It is hoped that Buy Israeli Goods Week, starting on Monday, will nullify the efforts of anti-Israel activists who are expected to lobby Sainsbury’s next month in an attempt to see Israeli products removed from the chain’s stores.
The pro-Israel scheme — dubbed a “buycott” — has been co-ordinated by Stand With Us, the Zionist Federation, the Board of Deputies and the Fair Play Campaign Group.
Most Israelis, Palestinians support 2 states
The majority of Israelis and Palestinians support a two-state solution, a new survey released by the Hebrew University’s Truman Institute and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research has found. On both sides, however, respondents are pessimistic over the prospects of “an independent Palestine” being formed in the next five years.New Data Shows 99% Drop in Illegal Entry
Nearly two-thirds of Israelis — 62 percent — support a diplomatic solution based on two states, while only 33% oppose it, the survey said. In contrast, 46% of the Palestinians said they were against the idea, as opposed to 53% who replied that they were in favor of it.
Multiple developments have been credited for the dramatic change. One is the new security fence which covers the 230 kilometers (144 miles) of border between Israel and Egypt.Is Greece’s New Democracy party whitewashing neo-Nazis?
Another is a law which went into effect in June 2012 under which illegal entrants to Israel who do not have refugee status are arrested.
The IDF has also bolstered its presence on the southern border in response to political instability in Egypt and increasing terror in the Sinai Peninsula, providing another obstacle to would-be illegal entrants.
A longtime member of New Democracy, Greece’s ruling party, called for collaboration with neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn at a July 1 conference, sparking a debate whether his party has become, as critics suggest, a laundering facility for neo-Nazi politicians.German daily slammed for depicting Israel as Moloch
According to Athens-based daily Greek newspaper Kathimerini, former minister and parliamentary speaker Vyron Polydoras proposed new cooperation measures between New Democracy and Golden Dawn, “as part of a ‘broader consensus’ to defend the nation.”
The report continues with a response from the New Democracy spokesperson saying Polydoras’s suggestion was “strange.”
The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced a German newspaper on Tuesday for running a cartoon depicting Israel as a hungry monster lying in bed, fork and knife in hand, being waited on by a woman.U.S. Student Says He was Refused Entry Into U.K. Over Israeli Passport Stamps
The “Süddeutsche Zeitung,” Germany’s largest broadsheet daily, published the visual with the caption, “Germany is serving. For decades now, Israel has been given weapons, in parts for free. Israel’s enemies think it is a ravenous Moloch. Peter Beinart deplores this situation.”
Peter Beinart is a liberal American Jewish journalist who has become a vocal critic of Israel’s policies after writing favorably about the Jewish state for years.
A Kansas City student who was denied entry into the United Kingdom late last month and was detained for more than nine hours by U.K. customs officials, before being put on a plane back to the U.S., believes he was targeted because he is Jewish and had traveled to Israel.Italy Looks to Israel to Build ‘Start-Up Nation’
Louis Cantor, 23, arrived in the U.K. and waited in line to go through customs. He was detained after a customs agent saw two pages in his passport with Israeli stamps. Cantor says he was never told why he was being denied entry. He was told his photo and fingerprints have now been placed in a database that will make it difficult for him to obtain entry into the U.K. or any other European Union country.
Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, making his first trip outside Europe since taking office in April, expressed admiration for Israel’s culture of innovation by saying Monday in Jerusalem that he wanted to learn “how to build a start-up nation” from Israel.Israeli Terror Survivor Competes in European Wheelchair Basketball
It was a “very important signal” that Letta’s first trip as prime minister outside Europe was to Israel, he said, Israel Hayom reported.
“I waited a long time for this moment,” said Shabo in an exclusive interview with Tazpit News Agency. “It’s been a long emotional, physical, and mental journey for me to get to this point.”IMI unveils new long-range guided rocket
When Shabo was nine-years-old, a Palestinian terrorist broke into his family’s home in the Itamar community and murdered his mother and three brothers in a brutal gun attack on June 20, 2002. Asael, who was watching TV together with his five-year-old brother, Avishai, was badly injured while his younger brother was killed in the attack. A sister, Aviya, was also injured.
Israel Military Industries Ltd. (IMI) has completed development of its MARS long-range precision air-launched guided rocket. The multipurpose rocket weighs half a ton. IMI says that it has successfully undergone a series of tests at training grounds, with good hits on the targets predefined in the mission planning stage.Indian student to build innovative orphanage using Israeli permaculture techniques
IMI's Rocket Systems Division has been developing the MARS system for several years. It is based on analysis of future battlefield needs, and will soon be offered to the IDF and other armies, subject to obtaining export permits from the Ministry of Defense.
For 33-year-old Joshua Godfrey, studying the farming models of Israel’s kibbutzim firsthand has provided the framework he needs to open a permaculture orphanage back home – on the outskirts of Chennai, southeastern India.Israel Daily Picture: Celebrating July 4th in the Holy Land 100 Years Ago.
“I am developing a project where I could demonstrate that permanent agriculture could support orphan female children and elderly women,” Godfrey told The Jerusalem Post during a recent interview in Tel Aviv. “The concept is to bring the two communities together to tailor them as a single-parent family.”
Godfrey decided to focus on girls, rather than on boys or both genders, because girls still tend to face many more social problems in rural India compared to their male counterparts, he explained.
The founders of the American Colony in Jerusalem in 1881 were proud of their American roots. The group of utopian, millennialist Christians were later joined by Swedish-American and Swedish believers.
The American Colony set up clinics, orphanages, cottage industries and soup kitchens for the poor of Jerusalem, earning favor with the Turkish rulers of Palestine. Their concern for all citizens of Jerusalem was evident in the shelter and assistance they provided to destitute Yemenite Jews who arrived in Jerusalem in 1882.