Daniel Pipes: Happy Israel
Listen up, anti-Zionists and anti-Semites, Palestinians and Islamists, extreme right- and left-wingers: You are fighting a losing battle; the Jewish state is prevailing. As Inbar rightly concludes, "Time seems to be on Israel's side." Give up and find some other country to torment.France's 1st gay married couple to attend TA Pride
The first gay couple to be legally wed in France will spend the upcoming weekend in Tel Aviv and will attend the city's Gay Pride Parade as part of their Honeymoon celebrations, a Tel Aviv Municipality spokesperson announced Thursday.CAMERA: Where's the Coverage? Gaza Youth Flee TO Israel
Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau were invited by Tel Aviv's Global & Tourism Company. Tel Aviv promotes gay rights as a pluralistic city and is happy to host the newly-wed couple, wishing them a big "mazal tov," the statement read.
Surprising, then, that Al Monitor reports young men from Gaza are fleeing TO Israel, seeking the opportunities available in the Jewish state. Yes, fleeing to Israel, even knowing that they might be apprehended and detained.The Secret Military Unit Behind Israel’s Stunning Six Day War Victory
One of the key factors which led to the success of the military operation in general, and the air strikes in particular, was the collection of data and information by Israel’s intelligence units in the years which preceded the war. One of the most intriguing episodes revealed here for the first time is related to unit 504 (then 154) of the Military Intelligence. The unit was and still is responsible for detecting, recruiting, and running agents – a tradecraft known as “humint”.IDF Blog: 6 Photos From the 6-Day War You’ve Never Seen Before
In the Six-Day War (June 5-10, 1967), the IDF fought some of the defining battles of Israeli history and of the 20th Century. But what happened during preparation beforehand, and during those six days in between the battles? These are the people who fought for Israel’s freedom – some famous, some not – and six very heartfelt moments that happened behind the headlines.Terror victim's father demands Norway take action against PA salaries to terrorists
Israeli Arnold Roth is on his way to Parliament to tell a story of terror. His daughter Malki never made it past her 15th year because a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up in this pizza restaurant in Jerusalem in 2001. The person responsible for making the bomb - Abdullah Barghouti - is now in Israeli prison. Palestine honors hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, including many terrorists, with a monthly salary. Abdullah Barghouti receives every month 10,000 [Norwegian] kroners from Palestine.CAMERA: What the Media Won't Tell You About Palestinian Prisoners
All too often, mainstream media outlets have whitewashed the terrorist acts and violent crimes of Palestinian prisoners by failing to mention the crimes at all or by falsely minimizing the degree of violence. In some cases, media outlets euphemistically refer to prisoners incarcerated since before 1994 as "political prisoners," covering up the atrocities they carried out. CAMERA is the first to publish a detailed list (below), obtained from Israel's Ministry of Justice, of 118 pre-Oslo Palestinian prisoners, including their names and violent crimes.IDF Blog: 8 weapon seizures you didn’t hear about from May 2013
Every day of the year, the IDF works towards preventing terror and keeping the citizens of Israel safe. In May, IDF forces seized a large number of illegal weapons and apprehended the would-be terrorists in possession of them. Thanks to the work of the IDF, here are 8 weapon seizures you didn’t hear about from the month of May.Arab Stone-Throwing Attacks on Jews are Daily Occurrence in East Jerusalem
Israel Defense Forces Maj. Gen. Kobi Dudian of the Jerusalem District Police told the Knesset’s Internal Affairs and Environment Committee on Wednesday that 207 stone-throwing perpetrators have been arrested in eastern Jerusalem in 2013, the majority of whom were minors, and that only 47 of them were detained, pending the conclusion of the legal proceedings against them.Group of teens attacks rabbi in Germany
A group of youths attacked a rabbi on Sunday evening in Offenbach, a city near Franfurt.ZOA Opposes Samantha Power's Nomination as UN Ambassador
Six to eight “Mediterranean looking“ youths attacked the 39-year-old Rabbi Mendel Gurewitz. The youths pushed the rabbi and called him a “shitty Jew.
“As her own words show, Ms. Power indulges in astonishing false equivalence between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). She clearly has difficulty in appreciating the distinction between a law-based, free society and democracy like Israel that is defending itself from those who seek its elimination, and a terror-sponsoring, terrorist-glorifying, violence-inculcating PA that has neither signed peace with Israel nor recognized Israel as a Jewish state,” he said.Melanie Phillips: A perfect match
And despite her advocacy of attack or invasion to prevent threatened genocides, she has sneered at concerns about the race to build a nuclear bomb by Iran, which has repeatedly threatened genocide against the Jews of Israel, as a figment of the war-mongering Republican imagination.SodaStream Continues Uptick,Take That! BDSM Advocates
Samantha Power and the UN are thus a perfect match.
SodaStream is an Israeli company which has shaken up the soft drink business. Because its competitors are Coke and Pepsi, it has to take its business seriously. But because it is made in Israel, of course the organized world of Israel haters and those who support them have targeted SodaStream for boycotts and other economic mayhem.Divestment from Israel Resolution Defeated at UC Santa Cruz
But that is okay, because despite the efforts of the BDSM – anti-Israel economic and political warfare movement of Boycotts of, Divestment from and Sanctions Against Israel – to strangle SodaStream, the company’s profits just keep on growing.
“We are pleased that a divestment resolution was once again defeated, this time at UC Santa Cruz. We applaud UCSC’s student senate for recognizing the complexity of the conflict and the bigotry in this resolution… Hopefully, next year, students who are obsessed with condemning Israel while they cover up the terrorism of Palestinian groups like Hamas, will consider more constructive actions and resolutions,” said Roz Rothstein, CEO of the pro-Israel education group StandWithUs.Keshet, Northern Pictures launch Australian joint venture
Israeli producer-distributor Keshet International is teaming up former Fox Networks Group president David Haslingden to launch a local production outfit, Keshet Australia.Grow cooperation with us, says Indian pol during Israel visit
The company will be jointly owned by Keshet International and Haslingden’s indie Northern Pictures, and will bring the Israeli producer’s slate of 50 scripted and unscripted TV properties to the Australian and New Zealand markets.
Add India to that list, too, says Dr. Arvind Gupta, the head of technology affairs in India’s BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), the largest opposition party in the country. Although Israeli tech and business deals with other Asian countries — especially China — seem to grab most of the headlines, there is considerable trade between Israel and India. India is the largest purchaser of Israeli military equipment, and Israel is the second-largest military partner of India after Russia. In 2009, that business was was worth about $9 billion.Israeli ‘bubble tech’ to help keep UK’s water clean
Mapal systems have been installed in Israel, as well as in Brazil, South Africa and India for a total of 30 locations worldwide. Now, the company has its first European contract, closing a deal with the UK’s Anglian Water to deploy its solution for a water company serving 4 million customers. Mapal’s bubble-spreaders will be installed in as many as 400 of Anglian’s 1,100 wastewater treatment facilities, the company said, adding that it is in “advanced talks” with other UK water treatment companies.Israel Daily Picture: In Memory of Robert F. Kennedy on the 45th Anniversary of his Assassination
We leave our regular historical features to pay tribute to Robert Kennedy who was murdered on this day in 1968.
Several special features about Kennedy make this posting very appropriate for this site today: