Friday, June 14, 2013

  • Friday, June 14, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Back in the early 1970s, there was a popular US TV variety show called The Flip Wilson Show.

One of Wilson's characters was Geraldine, a sassy woman who spawned catchphrases like "The devil made me do it!" and "What you see is what you get."

The Geraldine character had a never-seen, boyfriend, often in prison, named Killer (referred to in the sketch above.)

Now read this from a biography of Wilson:

I cannot find that episode online, but the idea that Killer is OJ was just too good not to post.

(For those wondering how I came across that, I was considering using Geraldine's "The devil made me do it" as the hook in this post, substituting IDF for the devil, but I didn't think enough people would have gotten the reference.)

(As far as off-topic topics go, I used to ask occasional trivia questions and have other posts that were quite off-topic as well. Back in the days when this was more of a blog.)

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