World Council of Churches attacks Israel to no gain
The book is also pretty revealing. In her assessment of the WCC’s dialogue with Muslim leaders, Sperber gives the game away:The Al-Dura Affair and Its Implications for Morality and Ethics in France
“The solution of the Palestinian problem in the sense of the West’s abandoning its pro-Israeli attitude became the criterion to judge the credibility of the Christian/Muslim dialogue, and indeed, of inter-religious dialogue in general. This attitude was not only adopted by Muslims but also by Arab Christians.”
In other words, if the WCC was going to have good relations with Muslim leaders, it needed to attack Israel’s supporters in the West.
It is, of course, regrettable that the report only appeared thirteen years after the affair, which caused grave damage to Israel’s image, but there is no early or late when it comes to the truth. We owe profound gratitude and esteem to all those who tirelessly pursued justice in this affair, with the whole French establishment supporting the Palestinian version. These activists contributed time, energy, and professional experience to the struggle for the supreme value of bringing the truth to light.When your neighbor unfurls a Nazi flag
Memo to Middle East brokers – from the EU to Secretary of State Kerry: Diplomats may draft treaties but only people can make peace. Until Palestinians liberate themselves from their infatuation with the swastika and the dream of a Judenrein Palestine, there will be no hope for this generation of Palestinians and Israelis to live side-byside in peace and security.British Ambassador: Parliament becoming More Anti-Israel
British Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, said Sunday that Israel and Britain are engaged in “unprecedented” cooperation to make sure Iran does not acquire nuclear arms. He also warned, however, that Britain's parliament is becoming increasingly anti-Israel as time goes by.Tutu Constantly Tooting His Tuneless Flute
It occurs to me that Desmond Tutu’s obsession with and hate of Israel, always couched in politically correct human rights jargon and clichés, might have its roots, amongst other things, in an essential lack of intellectual and cogitative ability having absorbed Replacement Theology completely without a single enquiring or discerning thought, thus finding a self-justification for his anti-Semitism and then having it reinforced when his monstrous and equally fragile ego was severely dented in 2008, when he was appointed by that well-known Israel loving body, the United Nations, as head of a “fact-finding” mission to Gaza. Israel refused to grant him the necessary travel clearance. Israeli officials wisely and correctly expressed concern that the report would be biased against Israel.Expert: Jewish Students Are on the Anti-Semitic Battlefront
The mission, according to Dr. Small, “has to be two-fold.” The first one is to deal with what is happening within the corridors of the university.'Anti-Semitic NGOs are Funded by Official Authorities'
“I think it’s very important that leaders of the university and leaders of the Jewish community become aware of the issues and confront them. There should be no space for bigotry on campus,” he said.
Anti-Semitic NGOs, which receive funding from official authorities such as the United States and the European Union, use classic Christian blood libels in their claims against Israel, said Professor Gerald Steinberg, head of NGO Monitor.Irish Filmmaker: Jews are Own Worst Enemies
Steinberg spoke to Arutz Sheva at the 4th conference of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism which was held in Jerusalem.
A featured speaker at a pro-Israel event in Sweden Sunday was a young Irish filmmaker who offered some fascinating insights about Israel and the Jewish people, following his own experiences in creating a documentary titled “40 Shades of Gray.”May Sees Explosion in ‘Carmel Fire Inspired’ Arson Terror Attacks – Jerusalem Fire Dept
Nicky Larkin told the audience that in screening his film in different parts of the world, he was “completely devastated” when some of the most anti-Israeli reactions he received came from Jews.
Arson attacks have occurred with alarming frequency over the past month around Jerusalem, and police and fire department officials believe the acts are politically motivated.Police probing suspect for giving Toulouse killer guns
Two of the most popular flash points are Hashalom Forest in southeast Jerusalem and the Ofrit army base on the Mount of Olives, near the Arab village of Issawiya, Israel police spokesperson Mickey Rosenfeld told The Algemeiner.
French authorities put a man under formal investigation Saturday, saying they suspected the 31-year-old of supporting Mohammed Merah, who gunned down a rabbi and three children outside a Jewish school in Toulouse last year.Daniel Pipes: Islamism's Decade of Spreading Polio
The man is thought to have helped Merah plan the shooting spree, providing him with weapons and a bulletproof vest, a judicial source said, according to a Reuters.
The polio disease was on the verge of eradication when Ibrahim Datti Ahmed, president of the Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria and a physician, suggested at about this time in 2003 that the vaccination program in his country was part of a Western conspiracy to render Muslim children infertile. His call for an end to the polio immunization campaign touched a nerve and spread to other Muslim religious leaders in Nigeria, causing the vaccination process to slow down and incidences of the disease to pick up.Minimally Invasive Treatment May Soon Be Possible For People With Mitral Regurgitation Disorder
Israeli company MitrAssist is working on an implant which would be placed on top of the native valve and then anchored securely to work in unison with the body’s own valve. “Our ‘valve-in-valve’ approach is designed to prevent leakage and restore normal blood flow,” MitrAssist’s CEO, Gil Naor tells NoCamels. “Our valve works with the body rather than against it.”Richard Millett Extremists fail to disrupt Closer To Israel 65 in London’s Trafalgar Square.
A group of 30 extremists failed to dampen spirits as some 3,000 Jewish and non-Jewish pro-Israel supporters came out to show their support and appreciation for the Jewish state at the Closer to Israel 65 event in London’s Trafalgar Square today. Even the sun finally shone!In New York: Am Yisrael Chai
Video: thousands took part in the annual Israel Day Parade in the heart of New York.3-year-old Israeli’s kidney saves Palestinian boy
Health minister praises Noam Naor’s ‘noble, inspirational’ familyTransplant makes blood brothers of Arab and Jewish families
When three-year-old Noam Naor fell out the window and was pronounced clinically dead 10 days ago, his parents decided to donate his organs. One kidney was given to another Israeli child. The other saved the life of a 10-year-old Palestinian.
The operation, carried out Sunday at the Schneider children’s ward at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital, was deemed successful.
An extraordinary story that defies borders, religions and race recently unfolded at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa recently: Two patients who desperately needed kidney transplants, one Jewish and one Arab, received donations that saved their lives — with the Arab patient’s wife donating a kidney to the Jewish patient, and the Jewish patient’s son donating his kidney to the Arab patient.