C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 GENEVA 000043
E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/02/16
TAGS: PHUM [Human Rights], PREL [External Political Relations], UNHRC-1 [UN Human Rights Commission]
SUBJECT: Palestinian Ambassador on Goldstone, 4GC, HRC
CLASSIFIED BY: Douglas Griffiths, Charge d'Affaires, a.i., State;
REASON: 1.4(B), (D)
PA May Call for Special Rapporteur Falk's Dismissal
¶8. (C) Also on February 16, in a separate conversation with Charge
and PolCouns, PA DPR Zuhairi was visibly upset by Special
Rapporteur for Human Rights in the OPT Richard Falk's reference to
Hamas in his draft report. In para 8, Falk states that UNGA
resolution 64/10 calls on Hamas - vice the PA - to undertake
investigations. Zuhairi argued that he had too often corrected
Falk's many errors and that this latest misguided effort by Falk
had gone too far. Zuhairi said he might use the February 18 HRC
organizational meeting to seek to block Falk's report from being
presented to the HRC on the grounds that Falk overstepped his
mandate, had addressed issues outside his brief, and had failed to
appropriately recognize a UNGA resolution (not to mention the
legitimate authority of the Pa). Zuhairi also said he wished Falk
would drop his repeated suggestions that Israel's actions in the
OPT be equated with the Holocaust. Such language has allowed
Israel to justify its refusal to allow Falk to visit, and has
limited his usefulness as a rapporteur.
¶9. (C) In light of the reference to Hamas, Zuhairi said he had
called Falk personally and asked him to step down, something Falk
angrily rejected. Zuhairi sought our advice on how best to
approach the issue, particularly in light of currently OIC and
African Group attempts to censure the secret detention study.
Charge and PolCouns, while acknowledging the problem of recognizing
Hamas, told Zuhairi that the U.S. defended the independence of the
special procedures mandate holders and that we objected to state's
use of the code of conduct as a means to muzzle rapporteurs.
There ya go - Falk is too extreme even for the Palestinian Arabs!
(h/t Hillel Neuer)