LATMA: Bibi's coalition blues and Yair Lapid's hangover
Dutch MPs: Fire Richard Falk
MPs appalled by statements of UN Special Rapporteur comparing Hamas to WW2 Resistance.
"They reproached Falk for a “total lack of insight” and called his words “sickening."
Referring to American UN envoy Susan Rice’s earlier comment that other statements by Falk damaged the credibility of the UN, they asked their government to promote immediate dismissal of the Special Rapporteur and to break all contact with him."
Censored by Facebook, Arab-Israeli Journalist Continues to Expose PA Corruption
"One of the first Israeli papers Abu Toameh wrote for was a Hebrew publication called Yerushalayim (or Jerusalem). “At that time, I wrote articles criticizing Israel, and the IDF in particular, for various human rights violations, and I won several awards. Of course now that I am criticizing the Palestinian Authority, I am roundly condemned,” he said.
Abu Toameh is not only condemned but is often threatened. “Today, I am getting more threats from the US, Canada, Europe and the UK than I am from within the Palestinian Authority,” Abu Toameh said.
“But what is unique, is that those that threaten me roundly acknowledge that I am telling the truth,” he said. “They don’t question my reporting. They just want me to shut up. I’d be much more afraid of what could happen to me if I were lying,” Abu Toameh stated."
IDF Blog: IDF & ISA Uncover Hamas Terrorist Assets in Hebron
"The IDF and ISA have uncovered Hamas terror assets in Hebron. The joint activity, which took place in recent months, prevented attacks that the group had been planning.
The assets were part of a Hamas attempt to establish a local headquarters in Hebron and included approximately 20 terrorists affiliated with Hamas. The group was planning to kidnap an IDF soldier and use her or him as a bargaining chip for the release of Hamas prisoners. Most of the terrorists were already known to authorities."
Israelly Cool: Richard Silverstein Defends Blood Libel Cartoon
"Anti-Israel blogger Richard Silverstein continues to find new ways to demonstrate his utter contempt for Israel, as he now defends the horrendous “blood libel” cartoon of the Sunday Times’ Gerald Scarfe, for which even owner Rupert Murdoch apologized."
PMW: Fatah honors suicide bomber who killed 2 and injured hundreds on its official Facebook page
On the annual anniversary of the terror attack, the administrator of Fatah's Facebook page posted a picture of Idris and a long text describing her and her attack.
"The hero whose name the Zionists will remember well and so will Palestinians; the hero who sacrificed herself and her body for Palestine and became a symbol of the struggle and of Palestinian loyalty through one of the most honorable Martyrdom-seeking operations," the texts says about Wafa Idris.
Ma'an removes Antisemitic article following PMW's exposure
Daphne Anson: Anti-Israel Fanatics Badger The Bachelor Boy
"British pop icon and practising Christian Sir Cliff Richard (seen and heard in film footage below against the backdrop of Jerusalem) is scheduled to perform in Israel this summer.
And, predictably, the wretches of the BDS movement are bombarding him with demands that he cancel his plans."
White House Falters on Legitimacy of Iranian Government
Just hours after Hagel's testimony, White House press secretary Jay Carney faltered regarding legitimacy of Iranian government.
White House: Iran’s centrifuge upgrade represents ‘further escalation’
‘While the world is discussing where and when the next meeting with Iran will be, Iran is rapidly advancing toward a nuclear bomb,’ says Israeli official
GOP Senators Introduce Legislation Banning Arms Sales to Egypt
"Two United States Republican senators introduced legislation on Thursday to halt arms sales to Egypt.
Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, proposed a bill prohibiting the sale of F-16 aircraft, tanks and other advanced weapons to Egypt’s Muslim-Brotherhood, The Hill reported."
Venezuela spying on its Jews, documents reveal
Some in the community regarded as foreign agents with subversive socio-political influence, others as benefiting from US military interference
"Last week, Analisis24, a right-leaning Argentinean news website, released 50 documents attributed to the Venezuelan intelligence agency containing private information on prominent Venezuelan Jews, local Jewish organizations and Israeli diplomats in Latin America. The Anti-Defamation League, among others, believes the documents are authentic based on the wealth of detailed and private information included."
Toronto Yeshiva Defaced with Anti-Semitic Graffiti
"Students at the “Mishkan HaTorah” Yeshiva in Toronto, Canada, were shocked when they arrived in the early hours of the morning to find that the building was covered with anti-Semitic graffiti.
This is the second time in a short period of the time that the building has been defaced."
Yemenite Jew Badly Hurt in Anti-Semitic Attack
"Members of Yemen's small Jewish community said Wednesday that one of its member had been attacked and badly hurt in an anti-Semitic assault. The victim, Yosef Anati, was hospitalized in serious condition."
ADL Leader Joins Jewish Groups’ Call to Protect Mideast Christians
"We have not paid enough attention to the discrimination, persecution of Christians in the Middle East, especially by Islamic fundamentalists,” Foxman said in an interview with Newsmax TV."
Video: Armless IDF Captain Awards Combat Pins to Soldiers
Captain Ziv Shilon, badly injured in Gaza three months ago, was with his soldiers again Thursday.
"Captain Ziv Shilon, who was badly injured in Gaza three months ago, was back with his soldiers Thursday and awarded them combat pins.
The soldiers were supposed to receive the pins at an earlier date, but the ceremony was postponed in order to enable their heroic commander to take part in it."