Richard Landes of The Augean Stables uncovers a fascinating 2001 article about Osama Bin Laden's recruitment video and how effective it was in manipulating emotions.
Fatah managed to agree with Hamas on a venue for its celebrations in Gaza, to be held January 4th. This is the 48th anniversary of Fatah's first terror attack, although Ma'an keeps pretending it is the anniversary of Fatah's founding, which was actually in the 1950s.
A Palestinian man who was killed in Syria on Friday was a senior figure in Hamas' armed wing, rebels and Hamas officials said Saturday.
TOI has "My mom and dad, the would-be Zionist plane hijackers."
Anat Kutznetzov-Zalmanson’s parents hijacked a plane, and she wants the world to know about it.Thieves stole computers in Gaza - from UNRWA.
Sylva Zalmanson and Eduard Kuznetzov’s only real crime was that they wanted to leave the USSR and live freely as Jews in Israel.
To their daughter, a filmmaker, they are heroes who jumpstarted the movement to free Soviet Jewry, not the criminals the Soviet government made them out to be, sentencing one to death and the other to years of hard labor.
Here is an English translation of a video by Naftali Bennett, whose party, Jewish Home, in latest polls is closing in on Labor to be the second-largest party in Israel: (h/t Ian)