Since 1897, [the Zionists] have been planning to build a global Kingdom of Zion. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion [spell out] a very evil conspiracy against humanity. [It was concocted] in response to the oppression suffered by the Jews in 19th century Europe, which motivated them to find ways to avenge themselves upon all of mankind, for they believed that everyone had some part in their humiliation. Protocol 24 [describes how] they decided to use dirty and furtive means to occupy not only the land of Palestine, but the entire world. The world knew, and did nothing.Then, after saying how hugely powerful the Jews are, we learn:
[The Protocols of the Elders of Zion] are the modern source that the Zionists use today, and from which they derive their ideology and their satanic plans. The worst of these devils met, in singles and in groups, in order to collaborate and compete with one another in concocting the most criminal plan to invade the world and destroy it. In Protocol [24], they boast that the best results in taking over the world are achieved by means of terrorism and violence – not by means of academic [discussions] – and that political freedom is not a truth but [only] an idea that [they] must know how to exploit when necessary, in order to entice the masses.
This is a criminal plan to overturn the global order and threaten its very existence by spreading anarchy and conflict and by undermining every foundation of religion and nationality and of [the entire] creation. This, in addition to sparking crises and global wars – not only the ones taking place today but [also those that have taken place] over the generations, [while] the world stood by. After securing their control on the ground, the sons of Zion implemented their satanic plan for world domination by taking an iron grip on global banking and media, and admitting: 'We Jews are the rulers, corruptors and hangmen of the world'...
[They believe that] they alone are God's chosen, while all others are inanimate objects they own and may use as they please. When the Jews win a battle, they are obligated to destroy their enemies to the very last one – as we saw today in Gaza [during Operation Pillar of Defense] – a war of extermination that the world witnessed with indifference. Any kind act that a Jew does for a non-Jew is [considered] a great mistake, while any evil act that a Jew does to a non-Jew is [considered] a sacrifice to God...
They are cowards, afraid of a stone in the hand of a child, though they themselves have destructive weapons. They fight the helpless and shake with fear in the face of Hamas's missiles, [which set off] panicked sirens in Tel Aviv. What would have happened had Hamas possessed [even] a tenth of the arsenal they possess?The Jews have taken over the world, caused every war, control the media and the money, brainwash billions of people - but they are nothing compared to Hamas!
The jihad in Palestinian is ongoing, and the resistance will continue until [the land] is liberated... [Whatever happens,] victory is near...
There is only one explanation for this contradiction. The author is actually a Zionist operative who is trying to lure the Arabs into fighting the Jews so they can be destroyed once and for all. Since Jews own the media, no one will say a word against us.
And Saudi newspapers are part of the media!