They have an article today about Israeli moves to stop illegal immigration:
Just a few months ago, Israel was in the midst of a nationwide uproar over the tens of thousands of African migrants who have poured into the Jewish state. Today, that influx has slowed dramatically, following a series of measures meant to halt the new arrivals.This slanted coverage - taking charges of anti-Israel "advocacy groups" as gospel - is par for the course and would barely be worth mentioning.
The quick results are testament to a get-tough approach that has included the rapid construction of a soon-to-be-completed fence along the border with Egypt's Sinai peninsula, and a new policy of detaining Africans upon arrival.
But the strategy has come with a price: Advocacy groups accuse Israel of violating international refugee law by cooperating with Egyptian security personnel to round up migrants on the border. They also say more than a thousand Africans are now languishing in mass detention centers set up to hold them.
Israeli military spokesperson Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich said she had no immediate information on whether Israeli and Egyptian forces were cooperating in rounding up migrants. Government spokesman Mark Regev had no comment when asked if Israel was carrying out this practice.
But how did SABC choose to illustrate an article about Israeli moves to protect her borders?
With this:
The poster has nothing at all to do with the story. It was taken during an anti-Israel demonstration in Malaysia in 2010. And if you look a little closer, you can see that this sign - which was carried by hundreds - has a caricature of a religious Jew transformed into a monkey: