Sunday, August 26, 2012

  • Sunday, August 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Lieberman was right: With Abbas in charge there will be no peace
"With either Fatah or Hamas at the helm of the Palestinian people there is absolutely no possibility for long term peace in the region
"Where Lieberman was wrong in his characterization of Abbas is when he stated: “In recent years, we have seen that Mr. Abbas speaks with a moderate and pleasant voice to the international community, but in fact, has been personally acting to undermine attempts to renew the peace process.”
He is wrong because Abbas and Fatah have not been trying to “undermine” the peace process "in recent years,” they have never actually engaged in a serious discussion about peace. Since Oslo, the Palestinian Authority has been offered and declined final status agreements no less than three times, each with a portion of Jerusalem as its capital.
Fatah and Abbas are not a “roadblock” to peace, because a roadblock implies something temporary. With either Fatah or Hamas at the helm of the Palestinian people there is absolutely no possibility for long term peace in the region."

Caroline Glick Israel faces the cynical world

The UN’s appeasement of Iran is a symbol of its decline and decay
"It is time for the United States to hold the UN to account by significantly reducing funding for the organisation, and increasing the level of Congressional oversight. American taxpayers deserve value for money from the UN, and an expectation that their contributions will be used to advance the cause of freedom rather than undermine it."

NYT: Signs Suggest Iran Is Speeding Up Work on Nuclear Program
"International nuclear inspectors will soon report that Iran has installed hundreds of new centrifuges in recent months and may also be speeding up production of nuclear fuel while negotiations with the United States and its allies have ground to a near halt, according to diplomats and experts briefed on the findings."

‘No circumstance whatsoever’ in which Israel can tolerate a nuclear Iran, says foreign minister
We should have attacked in 2001, says Avigdor Liberman, and all the talk and inaction today are weakening Israel’s deterrent capability

Obama’s Warning to Syria Comes Amid Iranian Directives to Transfer Chemical Weapons to Hezbollah
"Information gathered by U.S. intelligence officials that Iran’s leadership has pressed Bashar al-Assad in Syria to move stockpiles of his chemical weaponry to Hezbollah led to President Obama’s remarks earlier this week that any deployment of Syrian chemical weapons would be a “red line” for the U.S., according to the Maariv Newspaper in Israel."

Guardian caves in to bullying on Josh Trevino
"One doubts very much that the majority of the Guardian’s already drastically dwindling print readership will be content with the knowledge that freedom of speech in their newspaper of choice is dictated by a tiny cult of extremist cranks. Not only has Ali Abunimah succeeded in exposing the sad truth that comment is anything but free, he has in addition proved that facts are far from sacred.
He has also exposed himself and his fellow travellers for the crude bullies that they are. Had Josh Trevino tweeted anti-Semitic comparisons between Israel and the Nazi regime, support for a proscribed terror organisation or the annihilation of a certain sovereign state, he would have kept his job and inevitably become a darling of the anti-Israel crowd."

Member Of Leading Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Online Forum Posts Photo Of Navy SEAL
Who Participated In Bin Laden Raid And Calls For 'Allah To Kill' Him

Al-Quds Day Toronto 2012: Gay Israel Supporter Told "You Shall Be Stoned To Death"

Turkey: Minister halts military band to allow Islamic chant
We now have the chance to turn all schools into religious schools, says AKP deputy

Analysis: Brotherhood taking total control of Egypt
With rise of Morsy, a new dictatorship may be replacing the old while world persists in looking for signs of pragmatism.

Saved in Shanghai — a young girl’s story highlights a rare WWII place of refuge
20,000 Jews were protected from the Holocaust in the Japanese-occupied city. Nina Admoni, whose husband would later head the Mossad, was one of them

Israeli Women Ahead in Science Poised to Lead in Biotech
"Metallo-Therapy Ltd., which is developing a new method for cancer diagnosis by delivering nano-liposomes to tumor cells, recently received a $4 million investment from Moshe Arkin, former CEO of Agis Industries Ltd. and Perrigo Co. (PRGO)’s vice chairman. Amal Ayoub, Metallo-Therapy’s founder and CEO, says she thinks one reason is that she’s female -- and Arab.
‘‘Being an Arab woman was actually an advantage,” says Ayoub, who has a doctorate in biomedical engineering form Ben Gurion University. “It got Arkin’s attention.”

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